Forum Replies Created
Ok – that htaccess was removed by moderators – uploaded it to my OneDrive (for 14 days) as a “txt” file – can get to it here.
No, it’s not a windows server – it’s Cloudways (LAMP) – I just access it through a mapped Windows drive, and so did a directory listing saved to a text file to fulfil your request.
The main .htaccess file (from public_html) is below… (I wasn’t sure that’s what you were after, sorry)
It is the same problem as @nnikolov – sucuri times out when looking for that missing scriptaculous.js file. It’s definitely not there, yet something somewhere is informing sucuri it’s there and for sucuri to try and scan it. I can see it’s not sucuri’s fault, but where does sucuri get the list of what to scan?
[Moderated: Large code excerpt removed]
Ok – below is the list requested.
Note 1: no .htaccess in the js folder.
Note 2: the list below itself is in there (mylist.txt) and can be ignored (it was only there to produce this list and is now gone).
=========================================Volume in drive V is SFTP
Volume Serial Number is 937F-911BDirectory of V:\applications\prototypes\public_html\wp-includes\js
13/03/2019 15:52 <DIR> .
13/03/2019 15:52 <DIR> ..
28/02/2019 07:54 15,589 admin-bar.js
28/02/2019 07:54 7,232 admin-bar.min.js
28/02/2019 07:54 2,659 api-request.js
28/02/2019 07:54 771 api-request.min.js
28/02/2019 07:54 21,338 autosave.js
28/02/2019 07:54 5,646 autosave.min.js
28/02/2019 07:54 72,236 backbone.js
28/02/2019 07:54 22,466 backbone.min.js
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> codemirror
28/02/2019 07:54 29,083 colorpicker.js
28/02/2019 07:54 16,675 colorpicker.min.js
13/03/2019 03:23 10,076 comment-reply.js
13/03/2019 03:23 2,234 comment-reply.min.js
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> crop
28/02/2019 07:54 25,686 customize-base.js
28/02/2019 07:54 7,959 customize-base.min.js
28/02/2019 07:54 7,900 customize-loader.js
28/02/2019 07:54 3,522 customize-loader.min.js
28/02/2019 07:54 6,816 customize-models.js
28/02/2019 07:54 3,682 customize-models.min.js
28/02/2019 07:54 27,969 customize-preview.js
28/02/2019 07:54 10,903 customize-preview.min.js
28/02/2019 07:54 15,026 customize-preview-nav-menus.js
28/02/2019 07:54 5,050 customize-preview-nav-menus.min.js
28/02/2019 07:54 23,149 customize-preview-widgets.js
28/02/2019 07:54 7,899 customize-preview-widgets.min.js
28/02/2019 07:54 33,326 customize-selective-refresh.js
28/02/2019 07:54 10,812 customize-selective-refresh.min.js
28/02/2019 07:54 5,065 customize-views.js
28/02/2019 07:54 2,422 customize-views.min.js
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> dist
28/02/2019 07:54 23,163 heartbeat.js
28/02/2019 07:54 6,017 heartbeat.min.js
28/02/2019 07:54 4,950 hoverIntent.js
28/02/2019 07:54 1,115 hoverIntent.min.js
28/02/2019 07:54 8,113 imagesloaded.min.js
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> imgareaselect
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> jcrop
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> jquery
28/02/2019 07:54 18,422 json2.js
28/02/2019 07:54 3,133 json2.min.js
28/02/2019 07:54 28,953 masonry.min.js
28/02/2019 07:54 25,768 mce-view.js
28/02/2019 07:54 9,744 mce-view.min.js
28/02/2019 07:54 27,477 media-audiovideo.js
28/02/2019 07:54 12,857 media-audiovideo.min.js
28/02/2019 07:54 28,933 media-editor.js
28/02/2019 07:54 10,905 media-editor.min.js
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> mediaelement
28/02/2019 07:54 29,084 media-grid.js
28/02/2019 07:54 14,149 media-grid.min.js
28/02/2019 07:54 45,427 media-models.js
28/02/2019 07:54 14,045 media-models.min.js
28/02/2019 07:54 248,121 media-views.js
28/02/2019 07:54 101,269 media-views.min.js
18/03/2019 15:59 64 mylist.txt //IGNORE – it’s this file listing…
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> plupload
28/02/2019 07:54 22,582 quicktags.js
28/02/2019 07:54 11,284 quicktags.min.js
28/02/2019 07:54 10,569 shortcode.js
28/02/2019 07:54 2,613 shortcode.min.js
28/02/2019 07:54 10,231 swfobject.js
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> swfupload
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> thickbox
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> tinymce
28/02/2019 07:54 25,817 twemoji.js
28/02/2019 07:54 9,126 twemoji.min.js
28/02/2019 07:54 4,969 tw-sack.js
28/02/2019 07:54 3,283 tw-sack.min.js
28/02/2019 07:54 52,919 underscore.js
28/02/2019 07:54 16,184 underscore.min.js
28/02/2019 07:54 4,657 utils.js
28/02/2019 07:54 1,860 utils.min.js
28/02/2019 07:54 2,620 wp-a11y.js
28/02/2019 07:54 653 wp-a11y.min.js
28/02/2019 07:54 3,201 wp-ajax-response.js
28/02/2019 07:54 2,070 wp-ajax-response.min.js
28/02/2019 07:54 46,749 wp-api.js
28/02/2019 07:54 14,690 wp-api.min.js
28/02/2019 07:54 4,373 wp-auth-check.js
28/02/2019 07:54 1,783 wp-auth-check.min.js
28/02/2019 07:54 15,242 wp-backbone.js
28/02/2019 07:54 3,020 wp-backbone.min.js
28/02/2019 07:54 10,447 wp-custom-header.js
28/02/2019 07:54 4,462 wp-custom-header.min.js
28/02/2019 07:54 560 wpdialog.js
28/02/2019 07:54 237 wpdialog.min.js
28/02/2019 07:54 3,214 wp-embed.js
28/02/2019 07:54 1,403 wp-embed.min.js
28/02/2019 07:54 6,245 wp-embed-template.js
28/02/2019 07:54 3,117 wp-embed-template.min.js
28/02/2019 07:54 8,914 wp-emoji.js
28/02/2019 07:54 2,824 wp-emoji.min.js
28/02/2019 07:54 5,891 wp-emoji-loader.js
28/02/2019 07:54 1,779 wp-emoji-loader.min.js
28/02/2019 07:54 12,034 wp-emoji-release.min.js
28/02/2019 07:54 20,960 wplink.js
28/02/2019 07:54 11,262 wplink.min.js
28/02/2019 07:54 970 wp-list-revisions.js
28/02/2019 07:54 569 wp-list-revisions.min.js
28/02/2019 07:54 25,282 wp-lists.js
28/02/2019 07:54 7,413 wp-lists.min.js
28/02/2019 07:54 10,309 wp-pointer.js
28/02/2019 07:54 3,639 wp-pointer.min.js
28/02/2019 07:54 1,043 wp-sanitize.js
28/02/2019 07:54 397 wp-sanitize.min.js
28/02/2019 07:54 3,968 wp-util.js
28/02/2019 07:54 1,046 wp-util.min.js
28/02/2019 07:54 822,202 zxcvbn.min.js
28/02/2019 07:54 821 zxcvbn-async.js
28/02/2019 07:54 324 zxcvbn-async.min.js
100 File(s) 2,306,727 bytesDirectory of V:\applications\prototypes\public_html\wp-includes\js\codemirror
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> .
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> ..
28/02/2019 07:54 15,899 codemirror.min.css
28/02/2019 07:54 585,414 codemirror.min.js
28/02/2019 07:54 377,627 csslint.js
28/02/2019 07:54 283,149 esprima.js
28/02/2019 07:54 1,002 fakejshint.js
28/02/2019 07:54 17,735 htmlhint.js
28/02/2019 07:54 984 htmlhint-kses.js
28/02/2019 07:54 16,189 jsonlint.js
8 File(s) 1,297,999 bytesDirectory of V:\applications\prototypes\public_html\wp-includes\js\tinymce
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> .
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> ..
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> langs
28/02/2019 07:54 26,441 license.txt
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> plugins
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> skins
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> themes
28/02/2019 07:54 15,988 tiny_mce_popup.js
28/02/2019 07:54 353,198 tinymce.min.js
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> utils
28/02/2019 07:54 650,892 wp-tinymce.js
28/02/2019 07:54 1,049 wp-tinymce.php
5 File(s) 1,047,568 bytesDirectory of V:\applications\prototypes\public_html\wp-includes\js\tinymce\themes
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> .
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> ..
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> inlite
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> modern
0 File(s) 0 bytesDirectory of V:\applications\prototypes\public_html\wp-includes\js\tinymce\themes\modern
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> .
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> ..
28/02/2019 07:54 317,794 theme.js
28/02/2019 07:54 130,775 theme.min.js
2 File(s) 448,569 bytesDirectory of V:\applications\prototypes\public_html\wp-includes\js\tinymce\themes\inlite
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> .
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> ..
28/02/2019 07:54 323,247 theme.js
28/02/2019 07:54 131,994 theme.min.js
2 File(s) 455,241 bytesDirectory of V:\applications\prototypes\public_html\wp-includes\js\tinymce\skins
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> .
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> ..
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> lightgray
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> wordpress
0 File(s) 0 bytesDirectory of V:\applications\prototypes\public_html\wp-includes\js\tinymce\skins\wordpress
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> .
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> ..
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> images
28/02/2019 07:54 8,787 wp-content.css
1 File(s) 8,787 bytesDirectory of V:\applications\prototypes\public_html\wp-includes\js\tinymce\skins\wordpress\images
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> .
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> ..
28/02/2019 07:54 412 audio.png
28/02/2019 07:54 368 dashicon-edit.png
28/02/2019 07:54 339 dashicon-no.png
28/02/2019 07:54 8,177 embedded.png
28/02/2019 07:54 379 gallery.png
28/02/2019 07:54 447 gallery-2x.png
28/02/2019 07:54 414 more.png
28/02/2019 07:54 603 more-2x.png
28/02/2019 07:54 1,140 pagebreak.png
28/02/2019 07:54 835 pagebreak-2x.png
28/02/2019 07:54 440 playlist-audio.png
28/02/2019 07:54 290 playlist-video.png
28/02/2019 07:54 363 video.png
13 File(s) 14,207 bytesDirectory of V:\applications\prototypes\public_html\wp-includes\js\tinymce\skins\lightgray
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> .
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> ..
28/02/2019 07:54 3,526 content.inline.min.css
28/02/2019 07:54 3,932 content.min.css
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> fonts
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> img
28/02/2019 07:54 44,049 skin.min.css
3 File(s) 51,507 bytesDirectory of V:\applications\prototypes\public_html\wp-includes\js\tinymce\skins\lightgray\fonts
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> .
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> ..
28/02/2019 07:54 18,912 tinymce.eot
28/02/2019 07:54 46,373 tinymce.svg
28/02/2019 07:54 18,748 tinymce.ttf
28/02/2019 07:54 18,824 tinymce.woff
28/02/2019 07:54 9,492 tinymce-small.eot
28/02/2019 07:54 24,727 tinymce-small.svg
28/02/2019 07:54 9,304 tinymce-small.ttf
28/02/2019 07:54 9,380 tinymce-small.woff
8 File(s) 155,760 bytesDirectory of V:\applications\prototypes\public_html\wp-includes\js\tinymce\skins\lightgray\img
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> .
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> ..
28/02/2019 07:54 53 anchor.gif
28/02/2019 07:54 2,608 loader.gif
28/02/2019 07:54 152 object.gif
28/02/2019 07:54 43 trans.gif
4 File(s) 2,856 bytesDirectory of V:\applications\prototypes\public_html\wp-includes\js\tinymce\utils
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> .
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> ..
28/02/2019 07:54 2,125 editable_selects.js
28/02/2019 07:54 6,071 form_utils.js
28/02/2019 07:54 4,160 mctabs.js
28/02/2019 07:54 6,466 validate.js
4 File(s) 18,822 bytesDirectory of V:\applications\prototypes\public_html\wp-includes\js\tinymce\langs
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> .
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> ..
28/02/2019 07:54 15,599 wp-langs-en.js
1 File(s) 15,599 bytesDirectory of V:\applications\prototypes\public_html\wp-includes\js\tinymce\plugins
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> .
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> ..
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> charmap
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> colorpicker
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> compat3x
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> directionality
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> fullscreen
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> hr
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> image
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> link
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> lists
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> media
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> paste
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> tabfocus
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> textcolor
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> wordpress
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> wpautoresize
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> wpdialogs
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> wpeditimage
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> wpemoji
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> wpgallery
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> wplink
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> wptextpattern
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> wpview
0 File(s) 0 bytesDirectory of V:\applications\prototypes\public_html\wp-includes\js\tinymce\plugins\charmap
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> .
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> ..
28/02/2019 07:54 23,210 plugin.js
28/02/2019 07:54 8,601 plugin.min.js
2 File(s) 31,811 bytesDirectory of V:\applications\prototypes\public_html\wp-includes\js\tinymce\plugins\wpeditimage
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> .
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> ..
28/02/2019 07:54 25,581 plugin.js
28/02/2019 07:54 12,305 plugin.min.js
2 File(s) 37,886 bytesDirectory of V:\applications\prototypes\public_html\wp-includes\js\tinymce\plugins\tabfocus
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> .
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> ..
28/02/2019 07:54 3,695 plugin.js
28/02/2019 07:54 1,605 plugin.min.js
2 File(s) 5,300 bytesDirectory of V:\applications\prototypes\public_html\wp-includes\js\tinymce\plugins\media
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> .
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> ..
28/02/2019 07:54 37,881 plugin.js
28/02/2019 07:54 15,064 plugin.min.js
2 File(s) 52,945 bytesDirectory of V:\applications\prototypes\public_html\wp-includes\js\tinymce\plugins\wpautoresize
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> .
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> ..
28/02/2019 07:54 5,966 plugin.js
28/02/2019 07:54 2,399 plugin.min.js
2 File(s) 8,365 bytesDirectory of V:\applications\prototypes\public_html\wp-includes\js\tinymce\plugins\fullscreen
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> .
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> ..
28/02/2019 07:54 5,491 plugin.js
28/02/2019 07:54 2,161 plugin.min.js
2 File(s) 7,652 bytesDirectory of V:\applications\prototypes\public_html\wp-includes\js\tinymce\plugins\colorpicker
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> .
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> ..
28/02/2019 07:54 3,561 plugin.js
28/02/2019 07:54 1,349 plugin.min.js
2 File(s) 4,910 bytesDirectory of V:\applications\prototypes\public_html\wp-includes\js\tinymce\plugins\lists
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> .
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> ..
28/02/2019 07:54 71,447 plugin.js
28/02/2019 07:54 27,056 plugin.min.js
2 File(s) 98,503 bytesDirectory of V:\applications\prototypes\public_html\wp-includes\js\tinymce\plugins\textcolor
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> .
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> ..
28/02/2019 07:54 11,310 plugin.js
28/02/2019 07:54 4,927 plugin.min.js
2 File(s) 16,237 bytesDirectory of V:\applications\prototypes\public_html\wp-includes\js\tinymce\plugins\wpemoji
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> .
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> ..
28/02/2019 07:54 3,554 plugin.js
28/02/2019 07:54 1,564 plugin.min.js
2 File(s) 5,118 bytesDirectory of V:\applications\prototypes\public_html\wp-includes\js\tinymce\plugins\link
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> .
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> ..
28/02/2019 07:54 23,933 plugin.js
28/02/2019 07:54 8,919 plugin.min.js
2 File(s) 32,852 bytesDirectory of V:\applications\prototypes\public_html\wp-includes\js\tinymce\plugins\directionality
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> .
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> ..
28/02/2019 07:54 1,892 plugin.js
28/02/2019 07:54 857 plugin.min.js
2 File(s) 2,749 bytesDirectory of V:\applications\prototypes\public_html\wp-includes\js\tinymce\plugins\wpdialogs
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> .
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> ..
28/02/2019 07:54 2,436 plugin.js
28/02/2019 07:54 1,345 plugin.min.js
2 File(s) 3,781 bytesDirectory of V:\applications\prototypes\public_html\wp-includes\js\tinymce\plugins\wordpress
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> .
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> ..
28/02/2019 07:54 31,526 plugin.js
28/02/2019 07:54 16,094 plugin.min.js
2 File(s) 47,620 bytesDirectory of V:\applications\prototypes\public_html\wp-includes\js\tinymce\plugins\wplink
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> .
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> ..
28/02/2019 07:54 17,598 plugin.js
28/02/2019 07:54 9,094 plugin.min.js
2 File(s) 26,692 bytesDirectory of V:\applications\prototypes\public_html\wp-includes\js\tinymce\plugins\wpview
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> .
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> ..
28/02/2019 07:54 5,503 plugin.js
28/02/2019 07:54 2,639 plugin.min.js
2 File(s) 8,142 bytesDirectory of V:\applications\prototypes\public_html\wp-includes\js\tinymce\plugins\wpgallery
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> .
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> ..
28/02/2019 07:54 3,180 plugin.js
28/02/2019 07:54 1,661 plugin.min.js
2 File(s) 4,841 bytesDirectory of V:\applications\prototypes\public_html\wp-includes\js\tinymce\plugins\paste
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> .
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> ..
28/02/2019 07:54 61,958 plugin.js
28/02/2019 07:54 24,191 plugin.min.js
2 File(s) 86,149 bytesDirectory of V:\applications\prototypes\public_html\wp-includes\js\tinymce\plugins\hr
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> .
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> ..
28/02/2019 07:54 919 plugin.js
28/02/2019 07:54 428 plugin.min.js
2 File(s) 1,347 bytesDirectory of V:\applications\prototypes\public_html\wp-includes\js\tinymce\plugins\image
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> .
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> ..
28/02/2019 07:54 39,929 plugin.js
28/02/2019 07:54 15,807 plugin.min.js
2 File(s) 55,736 bytesDirectory of V:\applications\prototypes\public_html\wp-includes\js\tinymce\plugins\compat3x
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> .
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> ..
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> css
28/02/2019 07:54 9,450 plugin.js
28/02/2019 07:54 4,129 plugin.min.js
2 File(s) 13,579 bytesDirectory of V:\applications\prototypes\public_html\wp-includes\js\tinymce\plugins\compat3x\css
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> .
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> ..
28/02/2019 07:54 8,030 dialog.css
1 File(s) 8,030 bytesDirectory of V:\applications\prototypes\public_html\wp-includes\js\tinymce\plugins\wptextpattern
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> .
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> ..
28/02/2019 07:54 8,806 plugin.js
28/02/2019 07:54 3,162 plugin.min.js
2 File(s) 11,968 bytesDirectory of V:\applications\prototypes\public_html\wp-includes\js\jquery
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> .
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> ..
28/02/2019 07:54 9,295 jquery.color.min.js
28/02/2019 07:54 41,023 jquery.form.js
28/02/2019 07:54 16,424 jquery.form.min.js
28/02/2019 07:54 5,612 jquery.hotkeys.js
28/02/2019 07:54 1,793 jquery.hotkeys.min.js
28/02/2019 07:54 97,183 jquery.js
28/02/2019 07:54 1,819 jquery.masonry.min.js
28/02/2019 07:54 3,785 jquery.query.js
28/02/2019 07:54 3,457 jquery.schedule.js
28/02/2019 07:54 783 jquery.serialize-object.js
28/02/2019 07:54 3,730 jquery.table-hotkeys.js
28/02/2019 07:54 2,295 jquery.table-hotkeys.min.js
28/02/2019 07:54 1,179 jquery.ui.touch-punch.js
28/02/2019 07:54 23,515 jquery-migrate.js
28/02/2019 07:54 10,056 jquery-migrate.min.js
28/02/2019 07:54 6,991 suggest.js
28/02/2019 07:54 2,993 suggest.min.js
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> ui
17 File(s) 231,933 bytesDirectory of V:\applications\prototypes\public_html\wp-includes\js\jquery\ui
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> .
28/02/2019 07:54 <DIR> ..
28/02/2019 07:54 8,584 accordion.min.js
28/02/2019 07:54 8,283 autocomplete.min.js
28/02/2019 07:54 7,236 button.min.js
28/02/2019 07:54 4,000 core.min.js
28/02/2019 07:54 36,508 datepicker.min.js
28/02/2019 07:54 12,139 dialog.min.js
28/02/2019 07:54 18,905 draggable.min.js
28/02/2019 07:54 6,267 droppable.min.js
28/02/2019 07:54 13,420 effect.min.js
28/02/2019 07:54 1,139 effect-blind.min.js
28/02/2019 07:54 1,247 effect-bounce.min.js
28/02/2019 07:54 918 effect-clip.min.js
28/02/2019 07:54 997 effect-drop.min.js
28/02/2019 07:54 1,176 effect-explode.min.js
28/02/2019 07:54 515 effect-fade.min.js
28/02/2019 07:54 1,030 effect-fold.min.js
28/02/2019 07:54 789 effect-highlight.min.js
28/02/2019 07:54 783 effect-puff.min.js
28/02/2019 07:54 798 effect-pulsate.min.js
28/02/2019 07:54 1,122 effect-scale.min.js
28/02/2019 07:54 1,101 effect-shake.min.js
28/02/2019 07:54 3,351 effect-size.min.js
28/02/2019 07:54 962 effect-slide.min.js
28/02/2019 07:54 857 effect-transfer.min.js
28/02/2019 07:54 9,600 menu.min.js
28/02/2019 07:54 3,148 mouse.min.js
28/02/2019 07:54 6,527 position.min.js
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4 File(s) 20,004 bytesTotal Files Listed:
391 File(s) 18,309,678 bytes
149 Dir(s) 9,223,372,036,854,775,296 bytes freeSure thing – will do over the weekend ??
Thanks yorman
That all makes total sense – however, long before checking this forum, I and my host (Cloudways) had searched all the site’s folders and files for anything referencing or containing “scriptaculous”, and nothing at all could be found.
Had we found something I would have deleted it as I am fully aware that scriptaculous should not be there.
But something is clearly referencing that file but we are stumped as to what or how. My only other thought is that maybe it is being referenced in an executable of some sort (i.e. not plain text) which is perhaps why we cannot find it?
Interesting – but, what are the steps to confirm if it’s an infection or not?
If the file being scanned doesn’t exist then the scanner somehow thinks it does exist if it’s trying to scan it, so what / where should we be looking to confirm if we really have a problem or not?
What I have ended up doing was creating an empty wp-scriptaculous.js file in that path, and now it scans fine because there is no longer a 500 error for that URL.
Interestingly, if you actually go to that URL (before doing the above) you too will get the 500 error the scanner gets. So the scanner’s report is actually correct. The question is why does that URL give a 500, rather than an expected 404. No idea as yet.
The other thing I wanted to do (rather than the file hack above) was to do a redirect for that url to a 404, but when I tried using a redirection plugin, the redirect is ignored – again I’m assuming being multisite has something to do with that. So, for now, I’ve left my “hack” in place, hoping it’s not a “bad” thing to do.
Not sure why this is marked as resolved, given OP’s other comments. I too have exactly the same issue and it is also a multisite set up – so I suspect that may be relevant – all my other sites scan fine – but this one gives a 500 error for the same file (which does not exist)?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [EU Cookie Law for GDPR/CCPA] new cookie law requirement YES/NO selectionTo further add to this and clarify – explicit consent is are required for GDPR / ePR (or soon will be) – so the following need to be in place to be compliant.
1) Visitor should be able to say “no” and the banner goes away with cookies left disabled (can “agree/accept” later on via [cookie-control] shortcode so that is fine).
2) If cookies are accepted that consent needs to be recorded somewhere – things like -> username if a logged in user, IP address, date / time etc. Internally in the WP DB is fine.
3) Whilst consent is not required for “essential” cookies, other types should be selectable- that is, Preferences, Marketing and Statistics cookies. So the banner should allow for those to be selected (and an option to be able to change those selections at any time). The backend would then need to allow for any cookie scripts to be tagged by in some way so the plugin will be able to enable / disable as dictated by the visitor. This will be required at some point in GDPR.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [EU Cookie Law for GDPR/CCPA] GDPR readyTo further add to that and clarify – these things are required for GDPR / ePR (or soon will be) – so if these can be done you’ll be miles ahead of any other similar plugins!
1) Visitor should be able to say “no” and the banner goes away (can agree later on via [cookie-control] shortcode is fine).
2) If cookies are accepted that consent needs to be recorded -> username if a logged in user, IP address, date / time etc. Internally in the WP DB is fine.
3) Whilst consent is not required for essential cookies, other types should be selectable- that is, Preferences, Marketing and Statistics cookies. So the banner should allow for those to be selected (and an option to be able to change those selections at any time). The backend would then need to allow for scripts to be tagged
by a dev in some way so the plugin will be able to enable / disable as dictated by the visitor. This will be required at some point in GDPR.Just my 2p’s worth… ??
- This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by adz1111.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Keyy Two Factor Authentication (like Clef)] iThemes Security (reCaptcha v2)Sure, no problem – done to the link you provided – had to provide a bogus order number as I’m not a premium member (yet)
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Keyy Two Factor Authentication (like Clef)] Resource Limit Is ReachedHi
Yeah all the sites are on 1 VPS server, i.e. I’m effectively the host and I have no limits except any I impose.
I did 2 installs yesterday and 1 today – and the issue happened just afterwards in each case, which is why I mentioned it. All is fine now which is why I thought the install / set-up was just perhaps triggering something that then causes that issue. When I researched it wp-cron is often stated, so again, I’m just mentioning it.
I’ll keep adding Keyy, and if I notice anything else I’ll let you know. Otherwise, looking forward to further updates.
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Keyy Two Factor Authentication (like Clef)] It’s GreatMy two-penneth worth…
Overall so far so good with Keyy – a little dismayed by the pricing given Clef was totally free – however, if it’s lack of funding which is why they Clef is going then maybe fair enough. Was gutted when I heard, but then was pleased to hear you guys were doing it. You will have a ready market, but people will be sensitive to the price. I was using since Clef’s announcement. Not quite Clef, but close, but it is entirely free too. So just making that observation.
Re Point 1 – I know the “wave” is coming soon – to me that’s really just cosmetic – definitely looks cooler, but the functionality is the same. So no biggie for me
Point 2 – Agreed – the functionality to login via a mobile app on the mobile device’s browser is there and works fine.
Point 3 – the override URL was the only thing I too wanted to ask about too. Keyy “locks” out the registered user (whether you want that or not) so that they can ONLY login via Keyy once reg’d. Now, Clef had a few check box options around that on the settings page on the dashboard – here’s a couple of them…
– Show ONLY “wave” so all users must be reg’d with clef (and use it) to login. I.E. It was optional. Yes, I would usually have it enabled, but you could flip-flop if needed. I tended to disable all these option elements before creating a staging copy of the site – otherwise I was always locked out on that site due URL differences etc.
– You could chose to show both login options (trad. login and clef), but you could still in this case choose OPTIONALLY to force clef users to only be able to login via clef or not.
So if you had the first one set (disallowing any traditional login), or you allowed both types of login, but disabled traditional login for a clef user – and you messed up clef somehow and were locked out, that’s where the override URL came in. The generated URL took you to a login page on the site (with a “key” in the URL) that would allow anyone with that URL to login traditionally – whether a clef user or not (so you needed to keep the URL safe).
It was a nice saftey net.
Hope that helps clarify.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [PDF Invoices & Packing Slips for WooCommerce] PHP 7 Compatability?Ok great – thanks!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Erident Custom Login and Dashboard] FEATURE REQUEST: PreviewAh – see, I told you it was probably there, but couldn’t see the woods for the trees.
Thanks for the quick response – great plugin!