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  • Hey again, sorry for the delayed response. It seems like all the dropdown menus are functioning correctly now! Were you able to find a resolution, or do you know what may have fixed the underlying issue?

    Hi @cookingkatielady! I took a look at your site and also experienced the issue with “By Course” not expanding properly. After poking around for a bit, I noticed that the sections (Breakfast, Main Course, etc) are all being loaded into the page, they just aren’t being shown when you hover over that menu item. That’s an important distinction because if the elements didn’t exist on the page at all that might mean it’s a different issue.

    I took a look at the styling for the theme you’re using, and I noticed it has the following lines:

    #nav-wrapper .vtmenu .menu-item-has-children:hover > .sub-menu {
        visibility: visible;
        opacity: 1;
        transform: translateY(0);

    That is styling which effectively says “if this menu item has children (subpages), make it visible when the user hovers over it”. When I load your webpage, I see the following (some links removed to save space):

    <ul role="menu" class="sub-menu">
    	<li id="menu-item-6554" class="menu-item menu-item-type-custom menu-item-object-custom menu-item-6554 dropdown"><a href="#">By Course <span class="caret"></span></a>
    	<ul role="menu" class="sub-menu">
    		<li id="menu-item-6558" ><a href="">Breakfast</a></li>
    		<li id="menu-item-6571" ><a href="">Snacks & Appetizers</a></li>
    	<li id="menu-item-6555" class="menu-item menu-item-type-custom menu-item-object-custom menu-item-has-children menu-item-6555 dropdown"><a href="#">By Method <span class="caret"></span></a>
    	<ul role="menu" class="sub-menu">
    		<li id="menu-item-6557" ><a href="">Air Fryer</a></li>
    		<li id="menu-item-6559" ><a href="">Crock Pot</a></li>
    	<li id="menu-item-6556" class="menu-item menu-item-type-custom menu-item-object-custom menu-item-has-children menu-item-6556 dropdown"><a href="#">By Diet <span class="caret"></span></a>
    	<ul role="menu" class="sub-menu">
    		<li id="menu-item-6563" ><a href="">High Protein</a></li>
    		<li id="menu-item-6566" ><a href="">Low Carb</a></li>

    Note that both the “By Method” and “By Diet” sections have the menu-item-has-children class, but “By Course” does not! I actually tried adding that class to the “By Course” section on the page for myself locally and it worked exactly as expected.

    All that to say, I think it might be because there is something misconfigured with the “By Course” menu item. Do you mind checking in the nav menu settings to ensure it looks exactly like the other two (currently working) sections? This can be found under Appearance > Menus > (your navbar menu name).

    Hope this helps!

    Hi @digitalrenewal! If you’re hoping to change this setting in general, it looks like there are a few plugins you can use to accomplish that: How to Disable Image Attachment Pages in WordPress. Alternatively, it sounds like you’re just trying to change the text within every post which follows a particular pattern (e.g. from /attachments/image1.png to /media/image1.png). You can accomplish this by performing a find-and-replace on your posts, see this guide for some ideas: How to Search and Replace Text in WordPress.

    Hope this helps!

    Hi @hafizfarhan! I’m not quite sure why the /= might be showing up at the end of those URLs, I haven’t ever seen that before myself. Here’s a note from Google’s Search Console Help on 404 errors:

    This page returned a 404 error when requested. Google discovered this URL without any explicit request or sitemap. Google might have discovered the URL as a link from another page, or possibly the page existed before and was deleted. Googlebot will probably continue to try this URL for some period of time; there is no way to tell Googlebot to permanently forget a URL, although it will crawl it less and less often. 404 responses are not necessarily a problem, if the page has been removed without any replacement. If your page has moved, use a 301 redirect to the new location.

    It’s possible that these links appeared incorrectly on your site somewhere but are no longer present, so Google attempted to crawl them previously but will begin checking them less and less often. The = character is typically used in URL parameters, but typically only alongside the ? and & characters (e.g. It’s odd to see just the = sign at the end. If you’re not able to find where on your site these links might be coming from, it’s likely safe to ignore unless there’s a considerably large number of them that are appearing consistently in the Search Console.

    Hi @thilipdonmax29! According to the WP_Query documentation around taxonomy queries, it looks like the relation field says the following:

    The logical relationship between each inner taxonomy array when there is more than one. Possible values are ‘AND’, ‘OR’. Do not use with a single inner taxonomy array.

    In the query you supplied, your value for relation is IN (which does not appear to be one of the allowed values) and additionally you are using it with a single inner taxonomy array. I would recommend removing the relation mapping altogether for this search.

    Additionally, in the inner taxonomy array you’re also using 'operator' => 'OR'. The documentation for operator states:

    Operator to test. Possible values are ‘IN’, ‘NOT IN’, ‘AND’, ‘EXISTS’ and ‘NOT EXISTS’. Default value is ‘IN’.

    It does not appear that OR is an allowed option there either, so I’d recommend removing that parameter as well. Hope that helps!

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Video auto play

    It looks like you’re using the WP Bakery Page Builder. I recommend asking at the WP Bakery support center so the plugin’s developers and support community can help you with this.

    Commercial products are not supported in these forums.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Video auto play

    I see, what do you mean by “video reproducer”?

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Video auto play

    Hi @avantiprodu! You should be able to enable autoplay on the video by adding ?autoplay=1 to the end of the URL you’re using. I believe you can also prevent sound from playing by adding &mute=1 to the end (for instance, the URL would go from to Here are some guides that might help:

    Unfortunately it may be the case that YouTube videos won’t autoplay on mobile. You may need to upload a video directly into WordPress in order to get it to autoplay on mobile. Hope this helps!

    I’m sorry to hear that! Just to be clear, are you still seeing 404 errors with the Instagram link you’re trying to use, or a different error? Would you be able to share a screenshot of the behavior you’re seeing?

    Hi @kzeni! I’m currently one of the maintainers on the Openverse project ?? We’ve actually had some movement and interest in adding Openverse as an option when inserting media via a Gutenberg block in the core editor, you can check out the issue here!

    On the API front, yes we do allow anonymous usage but encourage folks to register an Oauth application for more extended use. Registered applications have higher limits as you’ve noted, and we do have the option to alter those limits depending on the application (please do reach out to us at [email protected] if you’d like to discuss your application and its use!). We’ve had to scale back the request rate for anonymous usage in the last few months due to some out of terms usage that was impacting service performance for all users. Additionally, results are currently limited to 20 pages for both anonymous and authorized users in order to reduce impact on the stability of our search services.

    You also mentioned that you were able to get more than 5 requests within an hour; this may be due to page caching we perform at the CDN layer. Since “grass” is a fairly common search term, those pages might have been recently rendered and served from the cache, thus preventing them from being subjected to the anonymous rate limit.

    Thanks for your continued interest in the Openverse project, we hope that we can continue to provide the community with useful, impactful, and easily searchable openly-licensed media!

    Hi @stephenetta! Taking a look at the source code, it appears that this error is thrown when a user does not have edit_posts permissions: Can you confirm that you have that permission for the post you’re trying to add an embed to?

    It seems that this may also be a misleading error, since that response is always shown when you try to visit the proxied URL in the browser (see the “Side Note” section on this issue). You also mention that you are getting a 404 on an IG embed – url= link doesn’t appear to exist for me, which may be the underlying issue (especially since we see the same 401 error for an address like Can you double check the Instagram URL you’re trying to embed?

    Lastly, I notice this note on the WordPress embeds documentation:

    Facebook and Instagram: Due to Facebook’s decision to close the oEmbed end point for embedding Facebook and Instagram links, the block will not work anymore after October 24, 2020. To embed Facebook and Instagram links into your site, you need a developer account and an appid, and provide an authentication token with their call to the endpoint. Refer to the Facebook Documentation.

    You may also be running into that as the issue. Let us know if any of this helps!

    Ah! I think they might be required on the initial setup, but I had seen in guides that you could go back afterwards and change it to an entirely different domain. Glad you were able to find the fix!

    Hi @gillespieza! It seems like there are a number of places that this could go awry unfortunately. One appears to be a possible discrepancy between DOMAIN_CURRENT_SITE and the record in the wp_blogs table. Do you mind checking to confirm that these values are the same? Here’s a quick description on how to do that, and a more thorough guide for checking all locations to ensure the URLs are correct. Hopefully this helps, but let us know if these values are all ready consistent and have the protocol where necessary!

    Hi @godlich! While researching your question I came across this article: Running WordPress Behind SSL and NGINX Reverse Proxy. In it they share a similar setup to yours. There are a few things they have defined in their nginx config that I notice are different from yours:

    1. ssl on – it appears that this was made obselete with the ssl parameter of the “listen” directive. You have that parameter defined already so that should be good!
    2. proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme; – I noticed that this is missing from the location declaration within the first nginx config in your post (although it does appear to be present in your example later in the post). Do you mind trying to add that to the configuration and see if that resolves your issue? According to the post, that appears to be what wp-config.php is looking for when setting HTTPS link referencing:

    if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO']) && $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO'] === 'https') {
      $_SERVER['HTTPS'] = 'on';

    Hopefully that second point addresses your issue, but if not please let us know!

    Fantastic! If your question has been answered, we would love if you would mark this topic as resolved in the sidebar. This helps our volunteers find the topics that still need attention and more people will get helped, possibly like you did.

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