I apologize for the delay in answering your question. I did not receive an email notification and just happened to be checking the forum today.
WP-BxSlider uses the shortcode [wpbxslider] with options typed into the shortcode. You need to have a master html element that is a container for the rest of the elements that will be tickered. This can be an unordered list ul tag with list items. or a div tag with child div tags, or a div tag with child p tags.
You can place anything you want as child elements including text, images, or a combination of both. I explicitly set the width of the container and of every item I want to ticker or slide – just to be sure.
This link is for a page that contains two tickers which I generated for another interested party: https://www.andrewfriedl.com/wp-bxslider/wp-bxslider-example-2/
The short codes that invoke the plugin to create the individual tickers are below.
[wpbxslider id=”ticker1″ ticker=”true” tickerspeed=”9000″ tickerhover=”true” /]
[wpbxslider id=”ticker2″ ticker=”true” tickerspeed=”18000″ tickerhover=”true” /]
I hope this help