Alexandre Gaeta
Forum Replies Created
desative todos os plugins e veja se vai (vai ficar visualmente ruim, mas vai funcionar)… depois vá ativando cada plugin até ver qual cria conflito.
No meu caso achei que ia resolver… o IP internacional tem que ser desbloqueado pela Kangu, mas depois apareceu outro problema:
o Plugin Pagseguro do Claudio Sanches conflitava… desativei e coloquei o Módulo PagSeguro do Ricardo Martins, que funcionou.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Pix para WooCommerce] Erro ao pagar com o QR CodeEm outro plugin similar, o desenvolvedor fala que o Itaú deve liberar o uso do QRCode para PIX externo… Vou simular desta forma que vc fez pra ver se vai. Obrigado pelas dicas!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Pix para WooCommerce] Erro ao pagar com o QR CodeTenho o mesmo problema. Nem QRCode nem com copia-e-cola vai… só manualmente. N?o vou abrir outro thread pra n?o poluir, pois creio que a resposta que voce receber sirva pra mim…
Odilonfaustino, mudei para checkout transparente e no celular passou a funcionar melhor, sem ir para outro site e sem dar problemas no Chrome.
Hi, I was happening using Chrome and Firefox.
After updating to version 3.11.5 it starts working fine now, both under Chrome and Firefox.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [MailPoet Newsletters (Previous)] Mailpoet′s Cron job URL does not existYes, it is there. With other websites works fine.
Advanced options, shows me the following cron URL, but it does not exists…
I′ve deleted entire Mailpoet and re-install… same problem.Any idea?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Can′t sell item with 1 item in stockHi Riaan, it is set to 30 minutes… but it seems that an old non-paid sale is holding it…
Is there any way to release all these unpaid sales?In Brazil we have a payment called BOLETO, that is like a payment order that can be done up to few days after the sale… But we are not considering this kind of payment.
Even if we do not receive a payment in the next 30 minutes, all products in the order should be released, but it seems not to be working or anything else is happening.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Can′t sell item with 1 item in stockNote: I found this problem, but now I have another problem: I think this product was hold by a “waiting for payment status” that was not made in time, but a month ago…
Is there any plugin that shows products on hold or where can I release all on-hold products?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [qTranslate X] Issues with WordPress 4.5Hi John,
It works. Probably any plugin conflicting with qtranslatex. After disabling all plugins and re-enabling, it works fine.
Because similar problems at other websites, I imagine that could be iThemes or Wordfence plugin.
It is working fine now. Thanks!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [qTranslate X] Issues with WordPress 4.5Hi John,
Yes, it could be due a plugin issue. I′ll try and post a reply again. PVT is private message/direct message to me, sorry.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [qTranslate X] Issues with WordPress 4.5Hi John,
Even after update the problem still remains.
If you want to check or need more information, please message me in PVT.
I′ll be glad to assist you.
Note: my problem is not on menu, but when updating any page… error messages are shown, but the update occurs.Regards
Você tem toda raz?o… o FAQ do plugin tem lá… o duro foi descobrir…
Eu tinha o iThemes instalado quando o site estava em outro servidor e eu o havia removido. Agora que descobri que o htacces ainda continha a lista do Hackrepair lá, ou seja, o iThemes n?o tinha excluído a lamban?a dele de lá.
Coloquei o .htacces original (quase crú) e agora foi corretamente.
Obrigado pela ajuda.
Obrigado pela ajuda Claudio,
Nos tutoriais realmente n?o diz para fazê-lo, mas eu já tentei colocando e n?o colocando. Já fiz praticamente todas as combina??es possíveis e 10 compras, uma com cada altera??o e nada…
A única mudan?a que tive significativa é quando coloco Checkout Transparente, que muda o status para Aguardando… em Lightbox ou padr?o nem status muda.
Já fiz 2 novas compras sem URLs no Pagseguro e deu na mesma.
Alguma dica?
Mas as respostas que informei do pagseguro est?o iguais às das suas lojas?
Creio que possa ser lá o problema. N?o encontrei log do lado do pagseguro…