Jmek, I have the exact same need as you. I want the order-by dropdown to be placed next to the title, on the right side. Seems illogical to do it any other way.
For the time being, you may want to use Javascript. I added this to
my_theme_wrapper_end (the link explains what that function does):
echo '<script style="javascript">';
echo 'document.getElementsByClassName("page-title")[0].appendChild (document.getElementsByClassName("woocommerce_ordering")[0])';
echo '</script>';
I also modified the css style of the thing:
.woocommerce_ordering {float: right; margin:0; margin-top:6px}
Don’t forget, you will need that css code to run after the woocommerce css so as to over-ride the margins on woocommerce_ordering — it originally has a margin-bottom of 2em.