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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Administrator email notification upon new posting by an Author (WP2)Sorry…probably not using the correct terminology there. I use IntraVnews to collect my feeds within Outlook i.e. published posts, commnents once approved etc. However, I get my admin emails whenever anyone submits comments awaiting approval, new subscriptions etc. These are handled seperately within outlook when using intravnews.
What i want is for email notifcation directly to me from the wordpress system when the authors make a post due to me not having constant access to the feed coming into outlook (as I do not always have my personal computer with me and use a webmail system). My regular email account in outlook doesn’t see the post notifications only IntraVnews does, even though it is within the outlook program and the webmail does not see the feed posts. It’s catch 22.
Stillno responses on this. Hopefully, a feature in an upgrade.
2nd question. I trust the authors and so i get them to publish. However, I always proof check everything once I get the ‘notification’ via IntraVnews. All of the authors only have access to their own posts and no others unlike myself at administrator level.
One issue is that there will be some new authors soon who will be posting that I don’t neccessarily trust as much. I think I will be getting them to post a draft only, for me to publish when I’ve checked it. I’m not thrilled by this as it adds to my work load to a degree, but it is neccessary in my case….instructions from above.
Hope this helps.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: How to automatically add RSS link beside categories?Have used the feed tag to get it to display the RSS feed link to the right of the category. however, when I try subscribing to it in my feed reader it comes up saying”This is an invalid feed”. It then tries to resolve it by finding the correct feed. It comes up with the main feed of the WordPress site I have created and says that i have already subscribed to it.
Any ideas? Some people will only want to subscribe to certain categories and not he whole site.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Approving Contributor Posts?Me too please! I place a query on Authors postings and my wish for the Administrator to get an automatic email in the same way that I do for comment postings-
To be specific the user levels I have assigned are Authors not contributors due to the need for a high level of access to the management of blog.
Anyone know of such a plugin or solution to this?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: User Level Help in WordPress 2.0Hi There,
Check out this link. There is a link towards the top for version 2 user leveldescriptions.
I would copy them here myself but there seems to be a database error on th epage and it won’t display at the moment. Frustrating as I need to seeit myself at present.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Feeds and CategoriesThink I may have missed something. I would like to have a RSS feed off each category in the event that people only want to receive podcasts from the one category instead of the whole site. I went to this page and looked up the following:
Display Categories With RSS Feed Links
Displays Category links sorted by name, without showing the number of posts per Category, and displays links to the RSS feed for each Category.<?php wp_list_cats(‘sort_column=name&optioncount=0&feed=RSS’); ?>
I inserted this into the sidebar template and it now displays a list of the categories (without the number of posts) but with a RSS link unique to the category e.g.
https://websitedomain/podcasts?feed=rss2&cat=4 and
https://websitedomain/podcasts?feed=rss2&cat=3However, when I subscribe to any of the category feed I get all posts from all categories, not just the category I selected.
Did I have to update other files for this to work?? Any ideas appreciated! Cheers!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Upload images in WP2 problemI go the same initial message at the start of the thread however after CHMOD the WP-Content folder to 777 I now get the following message “The uploaded file could not be moved to ” That’s all! I am not sure how to change the ownershipover to the webuser as mentioned by Ktula “What you can do is change the ownership of the “uploads” directory so that it is owned by the web server process. My apache web server processes are owned by the “web” user so i just changed the ownership to the “uploads” directory to be “web”. “
Any otherideas???