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So. Jetpack updated today, and for the first time in 5 years, it now works again for me. I have finally removed the “share via google+” button from my pages.
My apologies, I don’t tend to check the email address attached to this very often, and I was away on a trip for the last couple weeks.
The site is https://comicpress.socksandpuppets.com/Hm.
Well… I went to try and find how to clear my cache, and before I changed anything it’s working again.
I’m so confused, but I got my publicize buttons working properly again, so I’m going to hope things stay okay.
Wellp, I don’t think I’m actually using a child theme right now, but the jetpack thing did help! I can get images into the page now.
How do I edit the styling on the cast page? For example, I’d like to be able to split the text block in the character description up into paragraphs, but if I put html into the character description, it’s all stripped out. I’d also like to be able to change the images to not have a random blue box around them. The page is generated by a shortcode, so I can’t write the page manually either.
I can put some code around the shortcode to display a html page as I like, but the bit that generates the list of characters and all the formatting in that section is entirely beyond my control at the moment.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [ComicPress] Multiple questions about Comicpress 4.2.1It turns out that the Comic Easel oages generation take their settings from the wordpress-reading options, rather than having options built into them… not that any of the documentation I’ve found explains this.
I’m now pretty much down to just wanting to remove the right sidebar, which requires a feature implementing in comicpress to allow it, I think, so I’m marking this as solved…
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [ComicPress] Multiple questions about Comicpress 4.2.1I’m doing that… a lot of the CSS properties are being re-written by a huge number of properties.
Still, I’ve solved several of these issues now. I’m still having some issues though, and I don’t think they’re CSS related.
1) I still haven’t found a way to remove the right sidebar. I think it’s pretty integral to the templates currently available to Comicpress, and it’s way beyond my abilities to rewrite the whole template to remove it without screwing the whole page up. Are there any plans to include a one-column layout in future updates?
2) How do I tell Comicpress/Comic Easel to display more than 10 entries per page in a set category? I’d rather have a full archive than have users have to click through pages and pages of “next 10 entries”
2a) The Comic Easel character feature is pretty cool, but similarly, it only displays 10 entries per page when I click on it. Is there any way to force it to show all the entries instead? Here’s an example of where that’s an issue: https://comicpress.socksandpuppets.com/character/david/
(These two might be the same answer?)These are the two things I most want to sort out at the moment.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [ComicPress] Multiple questions about Comicpress 4.2.1Thanks to the help of someone who actually knows what they’re doing, I’ve discovered that the page entries and the category entries in the comicpress template are governed by entirely different CSS code, and I’ve now managed to force the blog link in the navbar to behave correctly (although it’s quite hacky) – So I’ve now “fixed” 5a
My clever friend thinks that it’s not really possible to fix 5c, so I’m writing that one off.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [ComicPress] Multiple questions about Comicpress 4.2.1I have an extra question: Is it possible to set the width of the page (ideally the comic wrapper and the content wrapper below) to automatically widen when the comic is wider than the wrapper? Comicpress scales down the comic image automatically, which can leave some of my larger comics unreadable – and 980px is quite restrictive.
I don’t want to just make the page wider in general, because most of my comics are narrower than the limit…
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [ComicPress] Multiple questions about Comicpress 4.2.1Huzzah, I fixed (2) – the Comic Easel site has some guidelines for modifying shortcodes:
Okay, I changed some more stuff, so I’m going to replace this thread with a new one.
…I dislike that this site prevents you editing your posts after an hour has passed. When I finally solve something, I can’t just remove it. Well… I guess it’s handy for other people looking for answers to these.
I’ve solved (3) – it used to be the case that to make a custom avatars folder, you placed it in the theme directory under images. Now in explicably the new version requires you to have (theme directory)/images/avatars/(foldername) – so just adding another layer of nesting at the bottom fixed it.
If I fix another thing, I’ll mark this as resolved, and repost a simplified list.
I managed to find a “migrate your comic to comic-easel” page that helped me partially fix (2) – so now I have an archive. I’d like to be able to have that list split at year boundaries if possible though (I think it used to do that, and it makes looking through the archive a little nicer.)
I have managed to resolve (9) – the option appears to be in comics – config. (As a general note, I find having configuration settings in all of the comics, comicpress, appearance and settings menus a little confusing. It’s difficult to find anything!)
As a completely different note: I used to upload new comics by going to “comicpress -> Upload” in the wordpress dashboard, and uploading using that menu. It’s still there, but the options for the post content and the alt-text and so on have all been removed. How do I get them back? I could upload a comic, then go to the edit comic interface and then write all the other stuff in from that page, but that’s just really annoying to do every time…