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  • Thread Starter ahoyroo


    Thanks @coderazor that is a very useful link. Is it likely to expire any time soon or is it a fairly permanent archive?

    Thread Starter ahoyroo


    This morning I un-installed all themes (except Twenty Ten) and re-installed everything from scratch. It looks like a lot of the class names have changed in the new version (and probably other elements such as div ids) and this is what seems to have caused my problem. For example, my child theme stylesheet had styles applied to .post-title and .post-content and these seem to have been changed to .entry-title and .entry-content in the latest version of Gridiculous (or possibly because I also updated WordPress to the latest version at the same time as well?)

    Anyway, I am now re-creating my custom header and footer and will be sure to back up the current version of the Theme before I update again, so that I can revert if necessary.

    Thread Starter ahoyroo


    I’ve been told that this is a javascript conflict issue (the plugins are ‘fighting with each other’ causing the Lightbox to stop working). Does anyone know a work-around please?

    Thread Starter ahoyroo


    @sakin thanks again for your assistance. I am getting there – but it looks as if I have to make a choice between positioning the text (as now, latest revision this afternoon 24th December) in an ideal place for screens at 1280×768 and larger, or putting it (as seems to be default with no Custom CSS) underneath the header image.
    I know I could just have my text as part of the large header image but I wanted to try to code it separately.

    Thread Starter ahoyroo


    @sakin: thanks for your reply – I don’t want to add a header image that is larger in terms of width than the recommended 300px wide because I want my layout to be ‘reponsive’ and shrink to fit screens on small handheld devices like Blackberrys.

    The main issue at the moment is on a normal size screen having the site-title and site-description on the same line as my logo rather than underneath.

    Thread Starter ahoyroo


    Thanks very much – this .htaccess solution does exactly what I wanted it to do. Very grateful for your time and assistance.

    Thread Starter ahoyroo


    Thank you @shyamkrm I have now done this.

    But – the site description and site title text now goes onto another line and I cannot seem to change it. I want the text to appear in the middle (next to the Custom Header image rather than underneath it).

    I’m sorry if this is basic CSS, but nothing I am trying seems to change anything.

    I’d also like to set a background image ‘behind’ the search box if possible, but I’ve tried setting this using my child theme Stylesheet and again none of the changes I am making seem to have any effect.

    Thread Starter ahoyroo


    I’ve now published the website without username and password at – I think the problem is that I cannot have an image in the header that is right aligned, only one that is left aligned? Having both seems to be the problem.

    @gn_themes I have just activated Shortcodes Ultimate and it is interfering with WP Lightbox 2
    Before activating Shortcodes Ultimate, WP Lightbox 2 was opening larger versions of my pictures in a lightbox. Now, they open in the same browser window, removing all other page content. (click on any picture below the rose arch to see this problem).
    If I de-activate Shortcodes Ultimate, problem goes away and Lightbox works again. I have tried all combinations of the Settings (switching Disable custom formatting on/off, switching Compatibility mode on/off) and this does not change anything.

    Hello @sakin thanks for the links above – the new functions.php and style.css files work a treat.

    I found the problem – a directory was in the wrong place (wp-includes\js\plupload is the correct path, but I had this folder in a folder called scriptaculous instead by mistake).

    Thanks for your reply – however I have deactivated (and removed completely) the only two plugins, All in One SEO Pack and Custom Permalinks, and it had no effect. I am looking into whether or not it is something to do with SW Flash, because the Themes Customisation / Preview screens don’t load either.
    I’ve checked in several different browsers and on three different computers, with a full speed cabled connection to the Internet – what’s weird is that the same screens work fine for my other WordPress installations, of which there are several. It is only this latest installation that doesn’t work.

    Been pulling my hair out with this one for over an hour.

    I have exactly the same issue with my latest WordPress installation (every other one to date works fine).

    Clicking on Media then Add New offers a button ‘Select Files’ (which does nothing when clicked on) and the following text:
    —start text—
    You are using the multi-file uploader. Problems? Try the browser uploader instead.
    Maximum upload file size: 2MB. After a file has been uploaded, you can add titles and descriptions.
    —end text—
    In the above, a text link is offered on ‘browser uploader’ but clicking on it does nothing. Except that is to append a hash # symbol to the url (wp-admin/media-new.php becomes wp-admin/media-new.php#) at the top of the screen.

    I’ve tried everything, uninstalled both plugins (All in One SEO Pack and Custom Permalinks), reverted to default Twenty Eleven theme, created a directory called uploads and ensured that its permissions are writeable.

    This is a website with no content yet! I’ve set up a home page but added nothing. It’s barely a couple of hours old and I downloaded the latest version WordPress 3.4.2 on Monday this week. There is no customisation.

    Why on this website and none of my others? I’ve tried to get the Media Uploader to work using Safari, Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer. Same thing – it just doesn’t work. If anyone can help me I would be very grateful indeed.

    Thread Starter ahoyroo


    Ok – have done. thanks.

    The blank comments.php file certainly helps to remove ‘Leave a Reply’ from the bottom of my non-blog pages (thanks for the tip).

    However, I still have an unwanted blog-related line of content on my non-blog static pages:
    ‘Posted on September 1, 2012 by [author name] — No Comments’

    I am currently using a theme called Responsive and this does not have any files called loop-page.php, loop-single.php, or loop.php – so I downloaded the entire directory (wp-content/themes/responsive) and searched the files for any instance of the phrase comments_template
    File list found:
    …I have commented out (removed) the line of code near the bottom of all of these files containing the phrase comments_template but still my line of unwanted content about the author of the post (which isn’t a post) remains.

    In the individual page’s Screen Options (top right hand corner of Back Office for the page) none of the boxes are checked. Solution: commenting out the entire div for ‘post-meta’ from single.php and from full-width-page.php and then uploading those two files. The specific lines in the latter of these two files were numbered 37-58 when viewed in Notepad++.

    Hope this might help someone else (it’s a closely related issue that I dealt with at the same time as sorting out how to remove ‘Leave a Reply’ box from my pages).

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