Thank you for listening,
I had everything working than the booking form didn’t show anymore a normal page upon submit, just this yellow message.
Of course I was adding here and there settings, templates first of all some text in Italian containing local characters. I do have UTF-8 in my WordPress and in Safari. When the problem appeared I removed the local character, then all the message but this one appears from the translation files (and it’s also misspelled: La tua richiesta di prenotazione \u00e8 stata registrata a sitema.- they meant “dal sistema”).
I have Ultimate Member plugin installed and inside it on a profile form I call the shortcode [eme_add_booking_form id=4]. The problem appears outside of UM plugin as well.
At the moment I don’t have ftp access to this server (the old IT guy is reluctant to cooperate)
I’ll be back with more details.