I’ve got somewhere with this.
2 files need to be changed.
- Open
- Go to
function wp_richedit_pre
- Replace it with:
function wp_richedit_pre($text) {
// Filtering a blank results in an annoying <br />\n
if ( empty($text) ) return apply_filters('richedit_pre', '');
$output = convert_chars($text);
$output = wpautop($output);
$output = shortcode_unautop($output);
$output = htmlspecialchars($output, ENT_NOQUOTES);
return apply_filters('richedit_pre', $output);
- Open
- Go to function
function tadv_htmledit
- Replace it with:
function tadv_htmledit($c) {
$tadv_options = get_option('tadv_options', array());
if ( isset($tadv_options['fix_autop']) && $tadv_options['fix_autop'] == 1 ) {
$c = str_replace( array('&', '<', '>'), array('&', '<', '>'), $c );
$c = wpautop($c);
$c = shortcode_unautop($c);
$c = htmlspecialchars($c, ENT_NOQUOTES);
return $c;
I hope that solves the problem for you!