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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Twitter Auto Publish] Twitter ignoring twitter image tag@digbymaass What is the plugin that you are having success with? I would like to find a plugin that posts to Twitter and include the featured image.
- This reply was modified 5 years ago by ajcke.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Jetpack - WP Security, Backup, Speed, & Growth] cURL error 28We are seeing successful connections to pixel.wp.com, api.www.ads-software.com, and jetpack.com in the firewall. Nothing strange in the server logs.
Any other suggestions? You mentioned site speed and using Pingdom Tools. What should we tackle first that would be the most effective?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Jetpack - WP Security, Backup, Speed, & Growth] cURL error 28You are probably correct with the firewall being the culprit. Is there a recommended exception list or whitelist to get Jetpack to work?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Jetpack - WP Security, Backup, Speed, & Growth] cURL error 28It’s a multisite/network install. I disabled all the plugins yesterday and still received the same error message.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP2Social Auto Publish] Facebook inserts random image when none in postI have the same problem. For us the image posted is an image in a widget in the left sidebar. It’s too bad it doesn’t post or share the featured image. It used too. I had to remove images from any widgets in the left sidebar to get an image from the post to publish to FB. It appears to only grab the first image on the page unless it’s the featured image. The plugin appears to ignore the featured image.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP2Social Auto Publish] Post to multiple pagesDo you know of a pay for plugin that does support this feature?
@greencode, I did, but not with the Revisionary plugin. I purchased Oasis Workflow Pro. It’s well worth the $.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [weather press] Temp Unit resets to metricWould there be a way to hard code it to imperial? If so which file would need modified?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Submit for ReviewThanks nuggetsol. That is exactly what we need.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Submit for ReviewIt looks like the Pro version works for already published posts and pages. That’s good. Does it allow the contributor/revisor to modify the featured image for already published posts and pages? Is there a way to remove the “Publish” button and only enable the “Submit to Workflow” button for the contributor/revisor user?
What I want to do is turn high school students to post and update pages on our school website that has over 100 pages, but they cannot have direct publish access. If the Pro version of Oasis Workflow can do this. I’m sold.
We used to use the former version of Press Permit (Role Scoper, Revisionary) but it doesn’t allow us to turn our students loose on our school site like it used to.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Submit for ReviewIt looks like the contributor can modify other user pages and add new pages. Adding a new page/post a contributor can submit for review and add a featured image. That’s good. But when modifying an existing published page by another author the contributor has the option to update the page without submitting for review and the contributor does not have the option to update the featured image. When modifying another user’s published post a contributor can modify the featured image, but can update the post instead of submit for review.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Submit for ReviewI did try the Oasis Workflow plugin. It didn’t have the functionality I need for already published pages/posts. There didn’t seem to be a way to setup “Submit to Workflow” for other user’s already published pages/posts.
I’m trying out the Role Editor plugin right now. A contributor is able to edit other posts and set the featured image, but even if edit_pages and edit_other_pages is selected for the contributor this user still cannot ad a new page or modify existing pages. ?? If it could do that it would be perfect!
Is there a way to add additional capabilities such as remove_featured_image and set_featured_image?
There could be a work around. When I view the revisor role capabilities and select “Edit published” pages/posts the revisor can modify the featured image, but the revisor can now update the post instead of submit for revision. A “save as pending revision” checkbox displays beside the update button. Maybe there is a way to have that box auto checked and read only so the user has to submit for revision.
Is there a plugin I would need to purchase to get this functionality – allow a revisor role to replace or add a featured image to a page/post?