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Did you set the labels in: Events > Settings > Formatting > Search Form?
Also have a look at scope.php in: events-manager > templates > search.
I felt that the “scope_seperator” should have <label> tags around it for styling, but it does not, so I created a custom template file to fix that.
If there is a built in option to put search in the sidebar within Events Manager I haven’t been able to find it.
I created a custom Events Search Widget. I’m using it in functions.php, but it could also go into a custom plugin.
It is useful to create custom templates for events-search.php, scope.php, and other search templates so they look better in the sidebar.
The comments,post author, etc are from your theme’s templates, not Event Manager.
Events are amazingly easy to customize go to: Settings > Events.
There you will see default event list and single event formatting options. You can customize the html any way you like and include any event related placeholders.
Here’s an example of my single event:
<div class="my-event-status">#_ATT{Event Status}</div> <!-- this is a custom attribute with drop-down select options --> <div class="my-custom-image">#_EVENTIMAGE{300,300}</div> <h3> #_EVENTDATES</h3> <h3><i>#_EVENTTIMES</i></h3> <h3>#_ATT{Cost}</h3> <!-- another custom attribute --> {has_location} <!-- a conditional check: IF the event has_location --> Where: #_LOCATIONLINK {/has_location} <br style="clear:both" /> <p> #_EVENTNOTES </p> {has_bookings} <h3>Bookings</h3> #_BOOKINGFORM {/has_bookings} <h5>Categories</h5> #_CATEGORIES
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP FullCalendar] Increase font size for monthHere is some css that will change the calendar month headers:
#wpfc-calendar th.ui-widget-header { font-size: 1.5em !important; }
The problem is that since much of the style is on the element itself, and positioning is absolute, changing the font size breaks the layout.
So my question is: How to change font sizes and font family without breaking the layout?
It is an OS/browser issue.
I was on WIN XP PRO – All browsers have the issue.
Firefox ESR – 24.2.0
Chrome – 32.0.1700.76 m
Also tried – Opera 18On Ipad/Safari the issue is not happening.
On Mac/Safari the issue is not happening.
On Mac/Firefox the issue is not happening.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP FullCalendar] Different defaultview for each calendar instanceHi, can you explain this a bit more?
I am trying to achieve the same thing, but via a filter or hook if possible.
I would like to leave the default set to ‘month’, and create another page that shows the ‘week’ view.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP FullCalendar] Colours not used on all eventsAgreed, I would like full CSS control of the colors.
I figured out a way to work around it for now. It’s definitely not optimal, but it works.
I created an additional category for each color that I want to use. I set the color and started the title with a number to ensure that it will always be first alphabetically.
0ColorsCategories 1red 2blue 3green
Then assign those categories to events.
Then I used this snippit in functions.php to exclude the new categories from the ‘All Event Categories’ dropdown list.
// if we need to exclude things from the dropdown category menu on the calendar page function em_wpfullcalendar_category_label($taxonomy_args,$taxonomy){ if ( $taxonomy->name == 'event-categories'){ $taxonomy_args['exclude'] = '90,55,109,24,114'; // categories to exclude } return $taxonomy_args; } add_filter('wpmfc_calendar_taxonomy_args','em_wpfullcalendar_category_label',1,2);
There are a few other places to exclude the color categories as well. `[fullcalendar category=”-190,-55,-109,-24,-114″]
[events_list category=”-90,-55,-109,-24,-114″]`Here is some help to do this: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/different-defaultview-for-each-calendar-instance?replies=5
I have tried activation/deactivating.
I set up three test sites to see if I could duplicate the issue.
One site is the original site with lots of data/events.
The second is on the same server as the first, but with a clean WordPress install in a sub-folder, clean Events Manager install and only the default plugin.
The third is also a totally clean install, but on a different server to make sure it wasn’t server issues.
I’m assuming that you are not having this issue when saving? For me it only happens in Event Manager Settings.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP FullCalendar] How to ONLY show excerpts or limit popup textForum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP FullCalendar] How to show a specific month on the calendar?check your year
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP FullCalendar] Multiple Category Color Hierarchy?I just found the same question here.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP FullCalendar] Colours not used on all eventsI just posted a similar question here.
I agree that your suggestions would help, either by adding a class for the category, or defining a color only when the value is set.
So far I haven’t figured out a way to precisely set colors when multiple categories are used.
Even when only one category is used, it appears that the parent category overrides the child, which seems backwards to what I want.
parent-cat (RED) child-cat (BLUE) 2parent-cat (black) 2child-cat (white)
If the an event has both ‘parent-cat’ and ‘child-cat’ assigned its color will be RED.
However if it has parent-cat, child-cat and 2child-cat assigned it will be white.
EDIT: my second line of logic seems to be off. The color assignment is not consistent when a second child category is used. Maybe it is alphabetical or in order of category creation?
EDIT: It appears as though the hierarchy of category colors is determined by the alphabetical name of the category.
boats (black) big (white) small (blue) yachts (green) yachts-small (pink)
If ‘big’ is assigned the color will always be white, no matter the other categories assigned.The only way to make the category ‘pink’ color to show up is if ‘yachts-small’ is the only category assigned.
I have php memory_limit set to 900M
WP memory_limit is set to 728M
There are about 1,100 events on my development site.
On the new install of Events Manager where I was testing it, there are 0 events.
Both sites exhibit the same problem.