He’s talking about the way monochrome uses excerpts on the archive and category pages. He wants the category and archive pages to show full posts as typed with normal formatting, not stripped.
I fixed this on the category page by creating a category.php file for the theme. However, I cannot seem to fix this on the archive.php file and get the time and date formatting to stick.
I can get it to show the full post, but it all comes out in one big blob of text and the time/date disappears also. I’ve tried a number of changes and the best I can do is get the formatting to show up where it’s spaced our properly but still no date/time.
So, category pages fixed.
Still need to know how to get the archive.php / archive pages for monochrome to show full posts that are properly formatted (rather than excerpts) with date and time info included similar to the way categories are being handled now on my test page.
Any suggestions? Thanks for any help!