I had a similar issue and managed to fix it. Here is what happened:
1. We needed to migrate our site so took an dump of the DB.
2. We did a find and replace on the MySQL dump file to replace the site URL.
3. When the site was imported into the new WP instance all of the image hover galleries were empty. Each gallery was show in wp-admin, but no images were listed.
I spent some time looking at the wp_postmeta table ich_cpt rows. The meta_value rows store all of the image data. This data contains many fields. Each data item in the row contains a size value. When I updated the URL in the MySQL dump file I did not update the size of the URL field. This was the issue. Once I corrected the sizes the image hover wp_admin page was fixed and all the images returned. I just wrote an update statement to update the rows in my new DB.
Before URL update
After URL update
Notice that the size is now 46. If you dont update the size the plugin will break.
Hope this helps you solve your issue.