Thanks for the quick response.
I guess my shortcodes are fine, I have a total of 4 shortcodes in my site. Two of them are in spanish and the other two are in english. For example, in my spanish home page I have this shortcode:
– [vikbooking roomid=”1″ view=”roomdetails” lang=”es-ES”]
While in my english home page I have this one:
– [vikbooking roomid=”1″ view=”roomdetails” lang=”en-UK”]
I am using the plugin Polylang to switch between languages. So I show one page or the other depending on the language selected.
I find weird that it only happens in the “oconfirm” view. It is also weird that after editing the spanish shortcode to lang=”*” and editing it back to lang=”es-ES”, now the shortcode is displayed in english always.