@netnothing @mohammedeisa This error occurs because Siteground for some strange reason does not allow the following file:
(I guess because of the point between main and installer)
The solution once the ‘dump-installer’ folder is unzipped, is:
- 1. Inside ‘installer.php’ rename any line of code that calls ‘main.installer’ to main_installer
- 2. Within dup-installer, rename the file main.installer.php to main_installer.php
- 3. inside dup-installer -> assets -> inc.js.php, rename any lines of code that call ‘main.installer’ to main_installer
- 4. Within dup-installer locate the dup-scan_xxxxxxx.json file and rename any lines called from main.installer to main_installer
- 5. Run again tudomini.com/installer.php
I hope the duplicator support takes it into account, regards.