Alberto Medina
Forum Replies Created
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [AMP] New era of bloggingThank you for your review and feedback. Super happy to hear the plugin is helpful to you. We are here if you have any questions or need any support. Onwards!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [AMP] Not efficient at all and crammed with errors.Are you interested in getting our help to get AMP working on your site, or are you just interested in providing destructive feedback to our work?
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [AMP] horrívelOi @rleutz,
Seria muito melhor se você tentasse entender o que o plugin faz e por que pode ser que n?o funcione para o seu site. Desse jeito a nos poderíamos lhe ajudar. Se você deixa um review como esse, ninguém fica favorecido, e você no esta contribuindo para melhorar o produto e obter o que você precisa.
N?o sei se você entende a natureza de Open Source software, e o esfor?o que a gente faz para desenvolver nosso plugin e traze-lo para você e os outros usuarios de gra?a.
– Alberto
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [AMP] whis is this page?@blackdeth73 Sorry the problem was not determined and solved. If you would like to get AMP working for your site reach out in this forum with any questions you may have.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [AMP] whis is this page?@blackdeth73 In addition to the information requested by @milindmore22, pleasealso provide links which have the problem, if possible.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [AMP] Bounce rate unexpectedly increased after AMP projectHmm. What are the issues you are observing with the WordPress Zero Spam plugin?
IIRC, Askimet is AMP compatible.
@milindmore22 could you determine with @itzmostafiz what are the issues are here?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [AMP] Site jammed after downloading this pluginYes, Reader mode is one option. Check the docs here:
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [AMP] Bounce rate unexpectedly increased after AMP projectHere is the link to a support forum response with info about bounce rates:
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [AMP] Site jammed after downloading this pluginHi @droyed,
This plugin enables you to use AMP in your site. AMP imposes restrictions on the use of custom JS and also on the size of the CSS that your site can have on any given page. The errors you observed seem to indicate that your site is using a theme and/or plugins that are not AMP compatible, which means that they require custom JS to work.
You can use this plugin even if you have a theme/plugins that are not AMP compatible, but you need to configure it to be in “Reader Mode”. You can find more information about what this plugin does and how to configure it here:
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [AMP] Bounce rate unexpectedly increased after AMP projectHi @itzmostafiz,
I took a look at your site; it looks nice; great work.
I did a search that yielded pages on your site and everything seems to be good.
Depending on the scenarios of how your users are accessing your content, high bounce rates may or may not indicate that something is wrong.
From the Google Analytics docs indicate that:
“Bounce rate is single-page sessions divided by all sessions, or the percentage of all sessions on your site in which users viewed only a single page and triggered only a single request to the Analytics server.
Bounce rate is single-page sessions divided by all sessions, or the percentage of all sessions on your site in which users viewed only a single page and triggered only a single request to the Analytics server.
If the success of your site depends on users viewing more than one page, then, yes, a high bounce rate is bad. For example, if your home page is the gateway to the rest of your site (e.g., news articles, product pages, your checkout process) and a high percentage of users are viewing only your home page, then you don’t want a high bounce rate.
On the other hand, if you have a single-page site like a blog, or offer other types of content for which single-page sessions are expected, then a high bounce rate is perfectly normal.”
Looking at your blog, would it be the case that users search for something (e.g. razor shaves), they find the given page to your site in the results, read the article and then go? In other words, are you expecting users to land on a page and then stay on your site browsing other things?
Another question: when you compare the bounce rate before and after, did you notice as well as increase of traffic to your site? That is: higher traffic, higher bounce rate?
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [AMP] disasterThank you @yannis7; I really appreciate it.
You are 100% right; we believe that it is super important that non-developers are able to achieve all the important aspects that are required to succeed as web creators. Performance is one of those aspects and it is very challenging for everyone, but especially for non-developers to have a shot to achieve the levels of performance required. Our work on AMP is exactly related to this. We want to make high performance, via AMP and the AMP plugin, reachable by anyone regardless of technical expertise or resources available.
The reason why custom JS is not allowed by AMP is that it is one of the main reasons for poor performance on the web. The ecosystem has been moving steadily, albeit slowly, towards more AMP compatibility, but there is still a long way to go. This page lists some of the known themes and plugins that are AMP compatible:
In principle, it is possible to assemble a full site that is AMP compatible if you use a theme that is AMP compatible, and plugins that are also AMP compatible. This page lists sites that are using the plugin in this way:
To conclude, thanks for your feedback and for expressing the need that is so important for the web. We will continue our work on making more and more components AMP compatible and move towards making the experience frictionless for both developers and non-developers alike.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [AMP] Amp Implementation Errors despite theme support full transitional modeYou can either disable that plugin or configure it to ensure it does not add script tags.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [AMP] Amp Implementation Errors despite theme support full transitional modeGot it.
The error indicates there is a script tag included, which is not allowed. Specifically, it seems you are using the WP Fastest Cache plugin:
<script data-wpfc-render="false">var Wpfcll={s:[],osl:0,scroll:false,i:function(){;window.addEventListener('load',function(){window.addEventListener("DOMSubtreeModified",function(e){Wpfcll.osl=Wpfcll.s.length;;if(Wpfcll.s.length > Wpfcll.osl){;}},false);;});window.addEventListener('scroll',function(){Wpfcll.scroll=true;;});window.addEventListener('resize',function(){Wpfcll.scroll=true;;});window.addEventListener('click',function(){Wpfcll.scroll=true;;});},c:function(e,pageload){var w=document.documentElement.clientHeight || body.clientHeight;var n=0;if(pageload){n=0;}else{n=(w > 800) ? 800:200;n=Wpfcll.scroll ? 800:n;}var er=e.getBoundingClientRect();var t=0;var p=e.parentNode ? e.parentNode:false;if(typeof p.getBoundingClientRect=="undefined"){var pr=false;}else{var pr=p.getBoundingClientRect();}if(er.x==0 && er.y==0){for(var i=0;i < 10;i++){if(p){if(pr.x==0 && pr.y==0){if(p.parentNode){p=p.parentNode;}if(typeof p.getBoundingClientRect=="undefined"){pr=false;}else{pr=p.getBoundingClientRect();}}else{;break;}}};}else{;}if(w - t+n > 0){return true;}return false;},r:function(e,pageload){var s=this;var oc,ot;try{oc=e.getAttribute("data-wpfc-original-src");ot=e.getAttribute("data-wpfc-original-srcset");if(s.c(e,pageload)){if(oc || ot){if(e.tagName=="DIV" || e.tagName=="A"){"url("+oc+")";e.removeAttribute("data-wpfc-original-src");e.removeAttribute("data-wpfc-original-srcset");e.removeAttribute("onload");}else{if(oc){e.setAttribute('src',oc);}if(ot){e.setAttribute('srcset',ot);}if(e.getAttribute("alt") && e.getAttribute("alt")=="blank"){e.removeAttribute("alt");}e.removeAttribute("data-wpfc-original-src");e.removeAttribute("data-wpfc-original-srcset");e.removeAttribute("onload");if(e.tagName=="IFRAME"){e.onload=function(){if(typeof window.jQuery !="undefined"){if(jQuery.fn.fitVids){jQuery(e).parent().fitVids({customSelector:"iframe[src]"});}}var s=e.getAttribute("src").match(/templates\/youtube\.html\#(.+)/);var y="";if(s){try{var i=e.contentDocument || e.contentWindow;if(i.location.href=="about:blank"){e.setAttribute('src',y+s[1]);}}catch(err){e.setAttribute('src',y+s[1]);}}}}}}else{if(e.tagName=="NOSCRIPT"){if(jQuery(e).attr("data-type")=="wpfc"){e.removeAttribute("data-type");jQuery(e).after(jQuery(e).text());}}}}}catch(error){console.log(error);console.log("==>",e);}},ss:function(){var"img"));var"iframe"));var"div"));var"a"));var"noscript"));this.s=i.concat(f).concat(d).concat(a).concat(n);},ls:function(pageload){var s=this;[],function(e,index){s.r(e,pageload);});}};document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded',function(){wpfci();});function wpfci(){Wpfcll.i();}</script>
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [AMP] Amp Implementation Errors despite theme support full transitional modeSorry, I don’t see any error reporting in that screenshot.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [AMP] Amp Implementation Errors despite theme support full transitional modeWhat errors are you seeing? Where are you seeing them?
Checking this page: shows no errors.
Shows no errors. Note the
query parameter at the end of the URL. Please ensure you are validating the AMP pages of your site as opposed to the non-AMP version.