Forum Replies Created
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Live preview and customizer not workingI resolved this by myself, I’ll write step-by-step how, since I see this is a common problem. It was a problem with a plugin.
-Disabling plugins using Dashboard didn’t help much, so on the server I renamed plugins in wp-content to plugins-old (or whatever). This disabled all plugins on the site, but preseved the settings. After that the customizer worked fine.
-I created new plugins directory in wp-content.
-I moved directories (plugins) from plugins-old to plugins one by one, and as I activated the plugin I moved, I checked does the customizer work.
The problematic plugin was wp-super-cache. As soon as I moved it out of plugins directory, customizer started working again.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [CWP-YouIT] Translate theme's built-in stringsAnd the winning plugin is… wp-super-cache.
As soon as I removed it from plugins folder, customizer started working normaly again.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [CWP-YouIT] Translate theme's built-in stringsIt’s due to a plugin. Now I have to find out which one.
When I disable plugins in the dashboard nothing happens, but when I renamed plugins directory in wp-content, customizer started working again. I did that to preserve my settings.
Now I’m going to make a new wp-content/plugins directory, and copy folders from the old one, one by one to see what’s the problematic plugin.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [CWP-YouIT] Translate theme's built-in stringsThanks, I’ll check that out!
About the customizer, I have the international version of the website in English, and it works fine there. The local version has bugs, but that’s something about WP, it’s not the theme. Both sites have the same theme. I saw many people have the same problem, with all kinds of settings and themes and plugins, so I guess I’ll start a new topic for that.
About the translation, I used Loco translate and translated all 300+ strings, and the two that are not translated are again somewhere in WP files, so unless you know an easy solution, I’m not going to tamper with that. I’m not a coder and besides, I have other things to finish.
Thanks again for all your help!
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [CWP-YouIT] Translate theme's built-in stringsJust to let you know that the thing with the cusomizer isn’t the problem with the theme. I can’t see the customizer for any theme. So it’s not a theme related problem, it’s something bigger inside of WP.
Thanks for your time and effort Hardeep!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Live preview and customizer not workingI have the same problem. Can’t customize any theme.
I need to correct a few thing on the site so I was considering downgrading WP then upgrading it when I finish.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [CWP-YouIT] Translate theme's built-in stringsI installed it via “themes” in the WordPress dashboard menu and I updated WP to new version recently.
The very first thing! There is going to be the international version of the site, as soon as we translate the articles. Widgets and the dashboard got translated right away.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [CWP-YouIT] Translate theme's built-in stringsPlease, have a look. It’s a bit messy for now, sorry about that.
The widget on the right changes latin and cyrillics script, and the site works great on both scipts, almost everything is translated. You may recognize “view all” and “search” in English on the category slugs on the home page and in the search widget on the right. Do you know how to translate those?
And the cusomizer stoped working for unknown reason. When I try to customize the theme WP tells me I’m cheating?
Btw thanks for the help man!
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [CWP-YouIT] Translate theme's built-in stringsI managed to translate it yesterday using Loco Translate, but I had to reinstall the theme. It worked like a charm. ??
Still i see a few strings that are not translated and they are not in the .pot file I translated (“Search” on the button and “View all” on the category sections on the home page). Do you know how to translte those two? So far, everithing else is okay.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [CWP-YouIT] Translate theme's built-in stringsI have a feeling I should translate the whole thing manually. What files besides .pot in the theme folder should I translate?
To be more clear, there is languages folder in wp-content, there is languages folder in Cwp-IT in themes in wp-content, maybe there is something else I haven’t found yet… What do I have to edit, how and is there something to add in wp-config?
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [CWP-YouIT] Translate theme's built-in stringsWidgets are translated and the menus and content, but text in the theme remains in English. For example “Search” or “Reply” on the buttons, or “read more” after the post preview on the home page and such things. I tried modifying the language file with Poedit, but nothing happened. Everything else is translated properly.