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  • Thread Starter aleister


    I just uploaded the new version – I did not change the version number since I already had one update today ??

    In addition to being able to add code before and after the form, you can now add code before and after the list (inside the form). Enjoy!

    Thread Starter aleister


    Yes, it adds the content before or after the form itself. I will add something in for you though – hang on a few ??

    The date shows up fine in IE7, just not IE6 (which is what most people mean by ‘not working in IE’ these days anyway *grin*). That whole section acts differently in every browser though.

    The first thing I see is that you are trying to float divs inside a P tag, which is never that great of an idea:

    <p class="meta">

    I would first turn meta into a div. Then instead of using a single div to float the date left, use one for the left data, and one for the right, clearing after them. Something like this:

    <div class="meta">
    <div style="width:49%; float: left;">
      (post date code)
    <div style="width: 49%; float: right;">
      (posted by, leave a comment, etc..)
    <div style="clear:both;"><!-- --></div>
    (categories and trackback links here)
    </div> <!-- end of meta -->

    As for the size of the first letter of the post, you are doing this:

    <font color="#996600"><em><font face="Comic"><font size="6">A</font></font></em></font>

    CSS would handle this much better. Example:

    <span style="color: #996600; font-style: italic; font-size: 180%;">A</span>ccording

    Of course you could move that to a custom class within your CSS file, and just apply it like this:

    <span class="first-letter">A</span>ccording

    That should help take care of the line height issues as well. If not, you could experiment with the line-height property of that class.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Plugin request

    You mean like a plugin that would allow you to show the contents of a specified page in your sidebar?

    The problem is that you are forcing it to use ‘www.’ but you are using the non-www links to point to your CSS, etc..

    Firefox and IE7 handle this fine, but IE6 complains ??

    Make sure any links in your theme’s header.php file use the ‘www’, and also make sure in your WordPress options, you are using the ‘www’ form in both the ‘wordpress address’ and ‘blog address’ options.

    CSS bugs can be quite tricky – unless I see the entire page, I would not have much to go on. It is most likely not a problem with that block of code itself, but some conflict with it and the rest of the site.

    If you would like to post a link to that page I can take a look.

    The problem is this section of html:

    <span style="font-size: 11pt; color: black; font-family: Verdana" />
    <span style="color: black"><font face="Times New Roman" size="3">
    <span style="color: black" /></font></span><font face="Times New Roman" size="3"><span style="color: black">?</span></font>
    <font face="Times New Roman" size="3"><span style="color: black" /><span style="color: black"><em /></span>
    <span style="color: black" />
    <span style="color: black">?</p>
    <p /></span></p>
    <p /></font>

    And more specifically, this:

    <em />

    That should be changed to this:


    That whole section of code is a mess really – lots of starting and ending spans and font declarations for no reason. It really needs to be cleaned up a bit. Perhaps you edited the post in another program and pasted the html output to WordPress? That could explain all the extra tags.

    You can install another copy of WordPress in a subdirectory on that site, and just link to that directory from the main site.

    Looking at the page source, it looks like you have an ’em’ tag that is not being closed, causing the rest of the site to be in italics. It looks like it is in the second to latest post.

    Depending on how the divs are structured, adding a ‘display: inline;’ to a floated div can prevent certain bugs from occurring.

    Also, when using floats I find that using divs instead of spans can often work better.

    No problem – glad to hear it ??

    Thread Starter aleister


    Version 1.1 has been released ??

    An options page has been added:

    Form Type – You can choose to have the plugin generate a ‘jump menu’, or a traditional list with a submit button

    Button Text – If using a traditional list, this is the button text

    Sorting Method – You can choose to sort by post date (ascending or descending), or post title

    Post Limit – This allows you to define a limit for the number of posts in the list (0 for no limit)

    Add Before – Code added here will be displayed before the generated form

    Add After – Code added here will be displayed after the generated form

    Could an extra character accidentally have been added?

    What do you have on line 36 in that file?

    Great work! ??

    Forum: Themes and Templates
    In reply to: Get page depth

    Here is some code you can use:

    global $wp_query;
    $object = $wp_query->get_queried_object();
    $parent_id  = $object->post_parent;
    $depth = 0;
    while ($parent_id > 0) {
    	$page = get_page($parent_id);
    	$parent_id = $page->post_parent;
    echo $depth;

    If you add that in the loop in your page.php file, it will display the depth of the page. You could use the $depth value in a conditional statement instead of course.

    Main pages will show a depth of 0, sub pages 1, 2, etc..

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