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Thank you!!
Sorry but I can’t attach screenshots here. I have several post types (Notizie (news), events, services, offices etc…) also not created via your plugin but via code. In previous versions of your plugin they were displayed in the dropdown. An example of a post type that no longer appears in the dropdown is that of “Notizie”
{ "name": "notizia", "label": "Notizie", "labels": { "name": "Notizie", "singular_name": "Notizia", ... }, "description": "Descrizione....", "public": true, "hierarchical": false, "exclude_from_search": false, "publicly_queryable": true, "show_ui": true, "show_in_menu": true, "show_in_nav_menus": true, "show_in_admin_bar": true, "menu_position": 5, "menu_icon": "dashicons-media-interactive", "capability_type": "notizia", "map_meta_cap": true, "register_meta_box_cb": null, "taxonomies": [], "has_archive": false, "query_var": "notizia", "can_export": true, "delete_with_user": null, "template": [], "template_lock": false, "_builtin": false, "_edit_link": "post.php?post=%d", "cap": { "edit_post": "edit_notizia", "read_post": "read_notizia", ... }, "rewrite": { "slug": "novita", "with_front": false, "pages": true, "feeds": false, "ep_mask": 1 }, "show_in_rest": false, "rest_base": false, "rest_namespace": false, "rest_controller_class": false, "rest_controller": null, "revisions_rest_controller_class": false, "revisions_rest_controller": null, "autosave_rest_controller_class": false, "autosave_rest_controller": null, "late_route_registration": false }
Thanks in advance
Thanks for the reply.Unfortunately it doesn’t work. I tried searching for Post Type “News”, but it only shows “News Types” which is part of taxonomy
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