Workaround process:
0. Backup.
1. Debugging, with this result
“Notice: Undefined index
/myhome/wp4/wp-content/plugins/jonradio-multiple-themes/includes/select-theme.php on line 155″
2. Plugin removed from admin panel. WP stopped.
3. Checking for deleted stuff by admin panel: all removed.
4. Restarted my WP, downloaded and activated your plugin v4.12(as suggested) from:
: no filter found as aspected. Fine!
5. New configuration for my two themes, into section
: “For All Pages, All Posts and/or Site Home”, only.
6. Problem solved!! ??
7. Conclusion
: tonight, I supposed to have lost something about
my configuration & customization, but it’s all right.
So, my PERSONAL opinion is to use 4.12v that for me is stable.
My configuration, just to know:
OSX Maverick and last WP & PHP versions.
I would like to thank you anyway about your job, that I appreciate.
I am considering WP moderator opinion,
but I supposed that it was
the only way to advise people about this
troublesome problem.
Kind regards,