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  • Thread Starter alexadark


    i am working on a genesis child theme btw

    Thread Starter alexadark


    I post an answer but it doesn’t appear
    but basically yes

    add_action( 'customize_preview_init', 'wst_customize_preview_js' );
     * Binds JS handlers to make Theme Customizer preview reload changes asynchronously.
    function wst_customize_preview_js() {
    	wp_enqueue_script( 'wst-customizer', get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/assets/js/theme-customizer.js', array( 'customize-preview' ), '1', true );

    and my customizer files come afte

    // Include Kirki custom controls.
    require_once( CHILD_THEME_DIR . '/lib/customizer/include-kirki.php' );
    // Include Kirki fallback.
    require_once( CHILD_THEME_DIR . '/lib/customizer/kirki-fallback.php' );
    //  WordPress Theme Customizer.
    require_once( CHILD_THEME_DIR . '/lib/customizer/customizer.php' );

    So the code with add_class etc… should work ?

    Thread Starter alexadark


    it is:

    `add_action( ‘customize_preview_init’, ‘wst_customize_preview_js’ );
    * Binds JS handlers to make Theme Customizer preview reload changes asynchronously.
    function wst_customize_preview_js() {
    wp_enqueue_script( ‘wst-customizer’, get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . ‘/assets/js/theme-customizer.js’, array( ‘customize-preview’ ), ‘1’, true );

    i have this in functions.php and my customizer files are called after this one:

    `// Include Kirki custom controls.
    require_once( CHILD_THEME_DIR . ‘/lib/customizer/include-kirki.php’ );

    // Include Kirki fallback.
    require_once( CHILD_THEME_DIR . ‘/lib/customizer/kirki-fallback.php’ );

    // WordPress Theme Customizer.
    require_once( CHILD_THEME_DIR . ‘/lib/customizer/customizer.php’ );`

    so it should work, i work on a genesis child themes
    so normally the code i have written should work ?

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by alexadark.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by alexadark.
    Thread Starter alexadark


    For the first point i have done it with js_vars and value_pattern , but this state doesn’t disappear if i change the toggle
    i have tried to write my own script

        wp.customize( 'center_header', function( value ) {
            value.bind( function( to ) {
                $( '.side-header' ).removeClass().addClass( to + ' centered' );
            } );

    But it doesn’t work and i don’t find information on how to accomplish that

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by alexadark.
    Thread Starter alexadark


    I still doesn’t work for me ??
    now i have it like that :
    and nothing happens

    Thread Starter alexadark


    Would it be possible to have a quick patch that i can have to my functions, as my client really want that.

    @akhanukov i think i am going to use ACF also, as if future wp updates break the plugin again, it will break the project i am working on which is very big, so i cannot take this risk.
    i tried the snippet for bidirectional relationship field, but the example show it between posts in the same CPT, it doesn’t seem to work this way between to different CPT

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [Polylang] Large website
    Thread Starter alexadark


    Thank you!

    Thread Starter alexadark


    Solved it, i wrote get_posts instead of Timber::get_posts in the context !!!
    to bad !
    I am new to timber

    Thread Starter alexadark


    Solved it, i wrote get_posts instead of Timber::get_posts !!!
    to bad !

    Thread Starter alexadark


    i am trying to do it for a custom post type named people,
    For normal posts it is working
    for CPT i can get the title and other things but not the thumbnail
    This is what i have to the context:

    $args                  = array(
    		'post_type'      => array( 'people' ),
    		'nopaging'       => true,
    		'posts_per_page' => '-1',
    	$people                = get_posts( $args );
    	$context['people']     = $people;

    I am quite new to timber

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by alexadark.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by alexadark.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by alexadark.
    Thread Starter alexadark


    @eevm i don’t understand what you mean…in my case container is just assigned to pages with
    ->show_on_post_type( ‘page’ )

    Thread Starter alexadark


    it’s very strange, i made a copy of the website update again on this on, and everything was ok.
    tried on the original site, same problem
    i have 3 types of custom fields
    options : no pb on this ones
    normal cf: no problem
    groups of custom fields : these are the ones affected, front end stills ok, but they all disappear from the backend, the add entry is there but i cannot register anything

    this is the code which register them :

    use Carbon_Fields\Container;
    use Carbon_Fields\Field;
    $classes           = Field::make( 'text', 'crb_class' );
    $id                = Field::make( 'text', 'crb_id' );
    $content           = Field::make( 'rich_text', 'crb_content' );
    $title             = Field::make( 'text', 'crb_title' );
    $link              = Field::make( 'text', 'crb_link' );
    $subtitle          = Field::make( 'text', 'crb_subtitle' );
    $image             = Field::make( 'image', 'crb_image' );
    $description       = Field::make( 'text', 'crb_slide_description', 'Description' );
    $name              = Field::make( 'text', 'crb_name' );
    $country           = Field::make( 'text', 'crb_country' );
    $select_bg         = Field::make( 'select', 'crb_select_bg', 'Select Background Color' )
                              ->add_options( array(
    	                          'white' => 'White',
    	                          'grey'  => 'Light Grey',
    	                          'beige' => 'Beige',
    	                          'pink'  => 'Light Pink',
    	                          'dark'  => 'Dark Grey'
                              ) );
    $select_filter     = Field::make( 'select', 'crb_select_filter', 'Select Alphabetical Filter' )
                              ->add_options( array(
    	                          'a_f' => 'A-F',
    	                          'g_m' => 'G-M',
    	                          'n_r' => 'N-R',
    	                          's_z' => 'S-Z',
                              ) );
    $select_col_number = Field::make( 'select', 'crb_select_col_number', 'Select Number of Columns' )
                              ->add_options( array(
    	                          '2' => '2 Columns',
    	                          '3' => '3 Columns',
    	                          '4' => '4 Colums',
                              ) );
    $select_text_style = Field::make( 'select', 'crb_select_text_style', 'Select Text Style' )
                              ->add_options( array(
    	                          'normal' => 'Normal',
    	                          'large'  => 'Large',
    	                          'small'  => 'Small',
                              ) );
    $select_source     = Field::make( 'select', 'crb_select_source', 'Select multimedia source' )
                              ->add_options( array(
    	                          'youtube' => 'Youtube',
    	                          'vimeo'   => 'Vimeo',
    	                          'mp3'     => 'Mp3',
    	                          'embed'   => 'Embed Link'
                              ) );
    Container::make( 'post_meta', 'layouts' )
             ->show_on_post_type( 'page' )
             ->add_fields( array(
    	         Field::make( 'complex', 'crb_block_layouts' )->set_layout( 'tabbed-vertical' )
    		          * BIG HEADING
    		          ->add_fields( 'big_heading', array(
    			         Field::make( 'text', 'crb_number' ),
    		         ) )
    		          * 4 COLUMNS LISTS
    		          ->add_fields( 'four_column_lists', array(
    			         Field::make( 'complex', 'crb_list' )->set_layout( 'tabbed-vertical' )
    			              ->add_fields( array(
    				              Field::make( 'complex', 'crb_list_item' )->set_layout( 'tabbed-horizontal' )
    				                   ->add_fields( array(
    					                   Field::make( 'text', 'crb_position' ),
    				                   ) )
    			              ) )
    		         ) )
    		          * SLIDER
    		          ->add_fields( 'slider', array(
    			         Field::make( 'complex', 'crb_slides' )->set_layout( 'tabbed-horizontal' )
    			              ->add_fields( array(
    				              Field::make( 'text', 'crb_artist_name' ),
    				              Field::make( 'text', 'crb_email' ),
    				              Field::make( 'text', 'crb_website' ),
    			              ) )
    		         ) )
    		          * FILTERABLE LIST
    		          ->add_fields( 'filterable_lists', array(
    			         Field::make( 'complex', 'crb_filterable_list_item' )
    			              ->add_fields( array(
    			              ) )
    		         ) )
    		          * TEXT EDITOR
    		          ->add_fields( 'text_editor', array(
    		         ) )
    		          * LEFT/RIGHT
    		          ->add_fields( 'left_right', array(
    			         Field::make( 'complex', 'crb_left_right_item' )->set_layout( 'tabbed-horizontal' )
    			              ->add_fields( array(
    				              Field::make( 'text', 'crb_type' ),
    			              ) )
    		         ) )
    		          * ACCORDION
    		          ->add_fields( 'accordion', array(
    			         Field::make( 'complex', 'crb_accordion_item' )->set_layout( 'tabbed-horizontal' )
    			              ->add_fields( array(
    			              ) )
    		         ) )
    		          * MULTIMEDIA MODAL BOXES
    		          ->add_fields( 'multimedia_modal_boxes', array(
    			         Field::make( 'complex', 'crb_multimedia_modal_box_item' )->set_layout( 'tabbed-horizontal' )
    			              ->add_fields( array(
    				              Field::make( 'text', 'crb_modal_title' ),
    				              Field::make( 'image', 'crb_modal_image' ),
    			              ) )
    		         ) )
    		          * GRANTS GRID
    		          ->add_fields( 'grants_grid', array(
    			         Field::make( 'relationship', 'crb_grants_to_display' )
    			              ->set_post_type( 'grants' )
    		         ) )
    		          * COUNTRIES POP UP
    		         ->add_fields( 'countries_pop_up', array(
    			         ->add_fields( array(
    		         ) )
             ) );
    Thread Starter alexadark


    The only thing i have done is what you indicate here :
    my fields are in a plugin
    For the moment i have rolled back to the previous version.
    That’s really annoying, i am using carbon fields in almost all my themes, but i don’t do maintenance for my clients.
    It means that i have to go back to all the sites to fix this, once i will have the solution
    For the moment i don;t have so much. but i really hope you will not do things like that in the future, it can really be very problematic

    So tell me what i can do to fix that and update without problems

    Thread Starter alexadark


    Oh it works now
    don’t know why it was not working in this particular site, when i tried

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