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  • Thread Starter AlexanderCnb


    This worked perfectly, thanks a lot!

    If I may ask one more thing. Once the crossword is solved the message pop-ups asking you if you want to submit your result. Is it possible to hide the crossword puzzle itself when it comes up?

    Thread Starter AlexanderCnb


    Thank you, I will try this!

    Thread Starter AlexanderCnb


    UPDATE: Change the if statement to the code below so you can still freely edit in the back-end without being redirected.

    	if (!is_admin() && (striposa($pageLink, $types, 0)) && (!striposa($page, $clearance, 0))){
    		wp_redirect( $redirect );

    Should you want administrators to be able to visit single badge pages they haven’t earned yet in the front-end, change the if statement to:

    	if (!is_admin() && !current_user_can('administrator') && (striposa($pageLink, $types, 0)) && (!striposa($page, $clearance, 0))){
    		wp_redirect( $redirect );
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by AlexanderCnb.
    Thread Starter AlexanderCnb


    Thank you, but I can’t manage to get it working. Maybe I’m doing something wrong.

    In general.js I changed the below with your code

    if( type == 1){ thumbs_rating_class = ".thumbs-rating-up"; }
    else{ thumbs_rating_class = ".thumbs-rating-down";  }
    jQuery(new_container +  thumbs_rating_class ).addClass('thumbs-rating-voted');

    If I delete that section and don’t replace it, the class still gets added. When looking in thumbs-rating.php on line 94-95 it has this code:

    $link_up = '<span class="thumbs-rating-up'. ( (isset($thumbs_rating_up_count) && intval($thumbs_rating_up_count) > 0 ) ? ' thumbs-rating-voted' : '' ) .'" onclick="thumbs_rating_vote(' . $post_ID . ', 1);" data-text="' . __('Vote Up','thumbs-rating') . ' +">' . $thumbs_rating_up_count . '</span>';
    		$link_down = '<span class="thumbs-rating-down'. ( (isset($thumbs_rating_down_count) && intval($thumbs_rating_down_count) > 0 ) ? ' thumbs-rating-voted' : '' ) .'" onclick="thumbs_rating_vote(' . $post_ID . ', 2);" data-text="' . __('Vote Down','thumbs-rating') . ' -">' . $thumbs_rating_down_count . '</span>';

    Would adjusting something here help? When I change the text of the class thumbs-rating-voted, it also shows a different class in the browser after voting. While if I delete the addClass part in general.js it the class is still being added to the type that was voted on. Of course, I don’t understand javascript, so I might just be doing something wrong.

    Hope it’s not a problem for to rely on you for this.

    Seems I totally forgot to thank you Michael! So thanks ??

    One last update (even though I should probably not dig up older/resolved threads, sorry).
    If you’re adding badges under the avatar I’m assuming you’re scaling them down in size, like 30×30 or smaller so they don’t take up all space there or aren’t too distracting.
    Change the following in Michael Beckwith’s code if you want to have a link on the badges, so that when people can’t make them out because they’re small, they’ll be brought right to the badge info:

    // Output our achievement image and title
    $output .= '<div class="badgeos-badge-wrap">';
    $output .= '<a href="' . get_permalink( $achievement_id ) . '">';
    $output .= badgeos_get_achievement_post_thumbnail( $achievement_id );
    $output .= '</a>';
    $output .= '</div>';

    If you’re using badgeOs in tandem with MyCred Ranks you’ll probably want to lower the priority on the code that inserts the badges, so that they appear under the rank. Like this:

    add_action ( 'bbp_theme_after_reply_author_details', 'insert_badges_after_author', 20, 3);
    function insert_badges_after_author() {
        echo do_shortcode('[custom_badgeos_user_achievements]');

    Thanks Michael, BadgeOs does exactly what I want with functionality alternatives don’t have!

    Alright, this is what I got so far, using Michael Beckwith’s code in the previous post. Only thing I removed were these lines:

    $output .= '<span class="badgeos-title-wrap">' . get_the_title( $achievement_id ) . '</span>';

    Just because I preferred not to have the title shown under the forum avatar as well.

    If you then add the following code to your child theme’s functions.php, it should work:

    add_action ( 'bbp_theme_after_reply_author_details', 'insert_badges_after_author' );
    function insert_badges_after_author() {
        echo do_shortcode('[custom_badgeos_user_achievements]');

    Michael Beckwith also provided 3 parameters which are very useful for determining what to show under the forum avatar. They can be found in one of the posts here:
    In short they are: user-id, type and limit.

    Hope this can help for people who are amateuristic as me ??

    @ngrhd Did you manage to find a solution? Myself I’m not rly sure how to do this. What I’ve tried always gave me a 500 error since I don’t rly understand php.

    Would it be possible to execute this shortcode below the reply/topic author in bbPress?

    Thread Starter AlexanderCnb


    Thank you for that, it works brilliantly!

    It gave some styling issues when I used it in a widget, namely it appeared outside the div. I changed ‘echo’ to ‘return’, following your suggestion in this support thread:

    Using that thread I also adapted the code so it would show both the avatar and the username in the list. (With Buddypress installed) Here’s the function, but you’ll also need some css to resize the avatar etc.

    function badgeos_get_achievement_earners_list( $achievement_id = 0 ) {
    	// Grab our users
    	$earners = badgeos_get_achievement_earners( $achievement_id );
    	$output = '';
    	// Only generate output if we have earners
    	if ( ! empty( $earners ) )  {
    		// Loop through each user and build our output
    		//$output .= '<h4>' . apply_filters( 'badgeos_earners_heading', __( 'People who have earned this:', 'badgeos' ) ) . '</h4>';
    		$output .= '<ul class="badgeos-achievement-earners-list-custom achievement-' . $achievement_id . '-earners-list">';
    		foreach ( $earners as $user ) {
    			$user_content = '<li><a href="' . bp_core_get_user_domain( $user->ID ) . '">' . get_avatar( $user->ID ) . '</a>??<a href="' . bp_core_get_user_domain( $user->ID ) . '">' . bp_core_get_user_displayname( $user->ID ) . '</a></li>';
    			$output .= apply_filters( 'badgeos_get_achievement_earners_list_user', $user_content, $user->ID );
    		$output .= '</ul>';
    	// Return our concatenated output
    	return apply_filters( 'badgeos_get_achievement_earners_list', $output, $achievement_id, $earners );

    I did this for the function itself, I realised that’s probably a bad idea since it will break again when updating badgeos. But just sharing it with anyone that is as novice at coding as me.

    Thanks a lot Michael for your help!

    Thread Starter AlexanderCnb


    Alright, thank you! I’ve got another question, would it be okay to ask that here or should I put up a new topic?

    Would it be difficult to make a shortcode for the function ‘badgeos_get_achievement_earners_list’? Using the same example as I used in the previous post, this would then be used to show a list of users that have earned the ‘Expert’ badge. I’ve taken a look at the function, but I don’t know how to begin and convert it to a shortcode.

    Thread Starter AlexanderCnb


    That worked perfectly! Thank you so much! If I may bother you one last time.

    Could I add something in there to make it say ‘ago’? For example it would now say ‘4 hours’, and I was wondering if the transform could make it say ‘4 hours ago’.

    Thread Starter AlexanderCnb


    Thank you for the fast response!

    I found this function to convert the time in a post, using a wordpress native function. Could this be modified so it would work for the time field in the table?

    function time_ago( $type = 'post' ) {
        $d = 'comment' == $type ? 'get_comment_time' : 'get_post_time';
        return human_time_diff($d('U'), current_time('timestamp')) . " " . __('ago');

    As a non-coder I don’t really have an overview of how much time it would take to get this working. If this is too time consuming to figure out for you, I understand!

    While your suggestions here have helped me to get the collapsing in my theme to work, I can’t figure out how to get the heading icons styled. I’ve tried your solution here, as well as those on your plugin website, with some adaptations.
    I’m using WooThemes Canvas with a Widget Area.
    Any help on how I could get those heading icons to show would be greatly appreciated! Thank you.

    Thread Starter AlexanderCnb


    Since I haven’t got the background or skills to analyse the code, I’ll try to replace User Profiles Made Easy with BuddyPress. Hopefully I won’t mess up too many things.
    Thanks for the quick reply, greatly appreciated!

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