Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [AWS for WordPress] No player appears on iPhone IOS 12solved. operator error
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Google Doc Embedder] GDE 2.6 not displaying embedded PDF boxcrap.. 90 minutes trying to de-bug why Google failed again. I guess I wasn’t offering any ad-space in my blog for Google? ha. This points to the nature of ‘free’ for use software. You get nothing, actually, except for participating in Google’s billionaire party.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Admin Custom Login] It's not working :/Yep. I can vouch for that non-intercept.
I’d like to have 2 levels. One that simply allows subscribers to login to read the site. and another that points to admin pages. I don’t seen an option to point readers / subscribers to the site pages. They go to their own admin area.
and yes, intercept is not working. the site is open to the public which is very bad form.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Per page add to head] 1.2.1 – can't find server when saving settingsthat fixed it, i believe
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Magazine Basic] Magazine Basic and Flickr?me too. had to revert. no images. no word control. other fine controls are gone. fonts changed. love the idea, but prefer 2.7 so far.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Sociable] [Plugin: Sociable] Where is Pinterest?@ianjohn27, I see the Globals entries like this:
'' => Array( 'favicon' => 'ping.png', 'url' => '', 'spriteCoordinates' => Array(271,37), ),
trying to fit your code into class-Sociable_Globals.php
yes, its odd the author doesn’t add Pinterest, its huge!ok, fixed.
// $messages = fetch_rss( ‘’ . $username . ‘.rss’ );
$messages = fetch_rss( ‘’ . $username . ‘.rss’ ); looks like March, twitter has broken the ‘feed’
“A Twitter API 1.1 compliant wordpress plugin that provides an array of a users timeline from Twitter for use by theme developers.The new Twitter API requires you be oAuth’d before you can request a list of tweets, this means that all of the existing Twitter plugins that simply make an AJAX request for to the JSON API endpoint will break as of March 2013.”
more at the link above.. Nice … now how can we fist the shortcodes ultimate short code for tweets? ??
perhaps not compatible with the latest twitter API or authentication?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Problem Installing Pluginsdoes it help to know you aren’t alone.. so far nothing works to fix this.
Are you prompted with an FTP user name and password? I’m not and then it promptly fails. if there were a way to re-enter the WordPress plugin update process ftp password, i think my system would work again.
I can get Justin’s WP-FB-connect working on Buddy Press. Much rather use SFC, but there’s little I can do. Nothing works at all with SFC – not likes, not login, nada, same app integration point.
Wishing Otto would make SFC work with Buddy Press (and buddy press privacy) there’d be a contender for local social – a big deal in small communities.