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  • Plugin Author Alex


    Hi @lorenzocoffee – apologies for the delayed response!

    If you’re using the iframe method, there isn’t any way for us to control the content of the iframe and change the behavior of links or anything else on the page. The only way would be to have control of the page (or work with the people who own it) to include some kind of query string in the URL and have them update their links programmatically.

    Something like “” and on the target site, have a check to see if “framed” is a set query parameter and set the target to “_blank” programmatically

    Plugin Author Alex


    Ahh that’s immensely helpful, thank you!

    I believe I was able to locate and fix the issue. I pushed up version that should take care of it. If it doesn’t, feel free to send another error log and I’ll look further!

    Plugin Author Alex


    Hi @enna123,

    Are you able to get the full and actual error? It’s working on 5 or 6 sites that have it enabled that I pulled up off the top of my head. Also, the download method is hit or miss depending on the settings of both sites. Iframe is generally the preferred method these days due to cross browser/CORS type issues.

    If you can get me the full error, I’m happy to help try and diagnose this!

    Plugin Author Alex


    Hey @simplejimbo, sorry for the delay! Not sure why I didn’t get notified, I just happened to be looking around and saw this comment.

    Unfortunately it would’ve required some custom JS/CSS to do in version 1.8.4.x – BUT I just pushed out an update to 1.8.5x that includes a “Go Back Button Label” option in the Content Mask > Options settings page that you can use.

    Hope that helps, and again, apologies for the delay!

    Plugin Author Alex


    Hi @whitehandsint – tremendously sorry for the delay. Unfortunately using Content Mask, especially the iframe method, it’s not really possible to change the address bar without having control of the page you’re masking and adding target="_parent" to all of the links

    Plugin Author Alex


    Hi @ocaso,

    Sincerest apologies for the delay. I appreciate the kind words! That’s unfortunately a part of how iframes work, they don’t ever control the address bar. You add `target=”_parent” to all the links of the iframe if you’d like, but that can get a bit messy. Unfortunately it’s largely how browsers work – since it’s just some fancy tricks that make it *look* like the page is the iframed page

    Plugin Author Alex


    Hi @kwd, my apologies for the delay. Unfortunately I don’t think Content Mask will actually work too well for this. It’s more intended to get content from “page-a” to “page-b”, and only a couple at a time. To move mass URLs like that, you’d likely want to just use the .htaccess file to 301 redirect all the .php files to the new /nice-name/ structure

    Plugin Author Alex


    Hey @fyppmyriah,

    Can you show me a screenshot of the admin page? I just tried it here using the Download method with a 4 hour cache and it’s working:

    (Though I did discover a small issue with relative Canva URLs in that process and pushed a fix for that in!)

    Plugin Author Alex


    Hi @firebird631,

    I don’t have any experience with Elementor, but I installed the plugin on the demo site (I didn’t realize it would take over the entire site, lol. Gotta fix that now.)

    But, it did let me test it. While editing with Elementor, there’s no metabox of course. But I created a very simple page at

    That’s what it looks like when the Mask is turned off:

    Turning on the toggle gets the downloaded page to load just fine:

    So unfortunately I’m not entirely sure what’s going on, but with a fresh install of Elementor, the download method is working. I can’t confirm if maybe there’s some kind of extension conflict though (does Elementor have extensions?). Or perhaps with a certain widget in the page?

    Plugin Author Alex


    Thank you!

    It should be possible to add a few second delay before the iframe starts to load – but the issue with that could be since it’s a fullpage, it’d be a blank page for a time. With that said:

    If you want it to apply to all iframed pages, you can go to Content Mask > Scripts & Styles in the menu. (Just be sure to put the code in the iframe method boxes, not the download method ones!)

    If you want it to apply to just one, you can edit the page/post and add it to the header/footer scripts metabox below the editor.

    In the Header Scripts box, you can add some code to set the frame’s opacity to 0, and perhaps give it a nice transition:

    	#content-mask-frame {
    		opacity: 0;
    		transition: .5s all ease-out;

    Then in the Footer Scripts box, you can do a simple setTimeout function to show the content after your defined delay:

    	var contentMaskFrame = document.querySelector('#content-mask-frame');
    	var seconds = 3.5;
    	setTimeout(function(){ = 1;
    	}, 1000 * seconds );

    You can see an example of that working on this page here: where it is hidden but shows up in 3.5 seconds.

    Regarding the content_mask_iframe_footer hook, that’s just a standard action hook that you can execute PHP Code on. Mostly used to insert tracking codes or “overlayed content”, using WordPress’s add_action function. An example would look like, going into your theme’s functions.php file and adding:

    add_action( 'content_mask_iframe_footer', 'some_custom_function' );
    function some_custom_function(){
    	if( is_page( 'my-page' ) ){
    		echo 'Something to output here';

    That will output the text “Something to output here” at the bottom of every single content-mask iframe. Useful for tracking codes, javascript, adding buttons/overlays to the page, etc.

    Hope that helps!

    Plugin Author Alex


    Hi there @n381,

    Unfortunately I don’t have any experience with the Multiple Domain Mapping plugin, I’ve only ever dealt with true multisites.

    Unfortunately from what I can tell from your post, I’m not sure that Content Mask will work for what you’re looking for. Since it doesn’t manipulate the database in any way, any limitations that are present in the Domain Mapping plugin will be present on the Content Masked versions of those pages.

    For instance,

    User visits “site-3” and adds “product a” to card. Right now, that’s being added on “site-1”, not “site-3”, correct? Unfortunately by using content mask to change the URL that’s displayed for “site-3” (or “site-1”), it’s still going to have that same limitation.

    If you create a page for “site-xyz” that masks “site-3” onto it, even when a user visits “site-xyz” and adds a product, it’ll be added to the “site-1” cart, because it’s a limitation of that plugin.

    I’m not sure Content Mask would even be able to provide a solution. It sounds like it’d require some custom programming to extend the Multi-Domain Mapping plugin unfortunately.

    Plugin Author Alex


    Howdy @painlessseo!

    It depends on what methods your GDPR Plugin has available. Generally, Content Mask is intended to grab the entirety of content from “xyz website” and display it on your domain (such as with landing pages, that’s actually what I built it for!) The thing with that, is that it fetches the entire page, as-is, and doesn’t really bring much of anything from the main site with Content Mask installed.

    That said, there are a few things you can do, depending on how your GDPR plugin is set up. If there’s a way for you to get the JavaScript and CSS for the popup, you can put them in the Header or Footer scripts section (either in the individual page in the Content Mask metabox, or universally on the Content Mask > Scripts & Styles admin page).

    If there’s a PHP function, template tag, or shortcode, you can add it to the content_mask_iframe_header or content_mask_iframe_footer, but that’d require the download method to be changed to iframe (I’m not sure if that’ll play nice with your current landing page) as well as some PHP programming.

    There isn’t currently a great way to hook shortcodes or widgets or anything into the Download method. I had issues in the past with plugins messing with the Download method because when you grab standard WordPress functions that those things are usually tied to, they drop in other scripts and styles from other plugins and almost always break the page because of conflicting code.

    Sorry for the rambling, it’s a long way of saying the easiest is to see if you can get the Scripts and Styles from your GDPR plugin and put them in the Header & Footer scripts section of Content Mask. Something like:

    <script src="url/to/any/scripts/your/plugin/requires.js"></script>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="url/to/any/styles/style.css">
    <!-- or -->
        /* your stylesheets' content here */
        .my_gdpr_popup {
            display: block;
            /* etc */

    The last alternative I could think of would be to make a simple GDPR Popup like one of these: (not mine, credit to @vcoppolecchia) and put the HTML, JS, and CSS in the Header & Footer scripts section.

    Sorry I don’t have an easy one-and-done answer for you!

    Plugin Author Alex


    I’ve pushed an update out ( that prevents the save_meta function from doing anything on any post type that’s not considered “publicly viewable” – this should prevent the additional metadata from being saved when not necessary, thanks for pointing that out!

    Plugin Author Alex


    Thanks for the kind words!

    The Footer Scripts area is more so for adding scripts like chat widgets or other marketing scripts than adding links or other HTML. That said, you absolutely could add some elements there.

    Unfortunately, due to how Iframes (especially full-page iframes) work, you can’t really add anything to the bottom of the content of the iframe, it would be added underneath the iframe and act kind of as a “floating footer”. You can see in this example image here:

    It would also require some knowledge of HTML (or PHP) and CSS to get to that point. Unfortunately as it’s a free plugin and “adding elements” kind of goes beyond of the scope of the intention of it, there’s no real documentation for it.

    If you’re familiar with HTML and CSS, you can add some HTML to the Footer Scripts section:

    <nav id="small-text-links">
      <a href="">Page A</a>
      <a href="">Page B</a>

    And then in the Header Scripts you could add some CSS:

    nav#small-text-links {
        position: fixed;
        bottom: 0;
        left: 0;
        width: 100%;
        background: #b4b6b9;
        padding: 6px;
        text-align: center;
        z-index: 10000000;

    That would give you a result similar to this:

    If you’re familiar with PHP, there is a hook content_mask_iframe_footer that you can use as well.

    I hope that helps!

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [Content Mask] Dual button
    Plugin Author Alex


    Hey there Oaz!

    Unfortunately, I believe you’re correct. Content Mask will allow you to:

    ? Create a page “My Page”
    ? Embed the content from “some other page” onto “My Page”

    In that embedding process, it replaces all of the content on that page. Based on that, and what I can garner from your question, it sounds like Content Mask may not work with what you need.

    It doesn’t sound like what you’re trying to do would be too difficult either (and shouldn’t even necessarily require a plugin, perhaps just some custom code). If you contact me, I may be able to assist you

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