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  • Same for me – maybe we should try the manual upgrade – automatic upgrades do fail sometimes.

    Thread Starter alexinmilan


    Problems now solved – every thing works – I used the WordPress Automatic Upgrade plugin and all the problems vanished.

    Put the standard .htaccess files back in place if you don’t know how to tinker with these things.


    Thread Starter alexinmilan



    Sorry not to have replied sooner.

    First of all, I recently upgraded another site of mine to WP 2.5 and everything is working fine.

    I used the WordPress upgrade plugin (see the WP2.5 download pages) to carry out the upgrade, and everything went very well, and much more quickly than ftping backups here there and everywhere.

    If you are having problems with this media uploader, before messing with potentially complex .htaccess files – try using the upgrade plugin, and then see if your site works fully.

    Now, back to .htaccess stuff.

    Bascially, a .htaccess file is not much more than a simple text file. You can put whatever rules you want into one of these files, as long as you follow the specific syntax that these rules require.

    A slight word of warning. .htaccess files can really lock down your site – in fact, get them wrong, and they may lock up your site and some of its functions.

    If this happens, just rename the .htaccess file on your server to old.htaccess and read some more until you understand enough to try again.

    I might be wrong, but I don’t think that you can do serious damage to your site via the info in a .htaccess file, but you never know – backup regularly to be the same side.

    Google ‘.htaccess, tutorial’ and you should find something to help you.

    Actually, creating a .htaccess file is simple. You can use Notepad to do it.

    Put the .htaccess info you want into the file. Save it as test.htaccess, and it will be saved as test.htaccess.txt

    Then, once you have uploaded it to your server, just rename the file to ‘.htaccess’ – make sure the ‘.txt’ is removed. The rules you set will then be activated.


    Thread Starter alexinmilan


    Just been having a go at uploading and inserting images via IE7 – and it works perfectly!

    It’s almost as if WP 2.5.1 has some allergy to Firefox, or rather some setting or other within Firefox is causing 2.5.1 to fall over.

    Time for a visit to the Firefox help forums.


    Thread Starter alexinmilan


    mareksy, LewiePaine,

    What system are you using for getting files onto your hosting service’s servers?

    If you are using a system like FileZilla, as I do, you can left-click and select ‘Rename’ or do a slow double click on the filename and change .htaccessnew into .htaccess, which will then be seen by your sever system. It’s best to rename or delete and existing files called .htaccess before uploading a new one.

    To put the .htaccess file in the wp-admin folder, you just need to find the wp-admin folder – usually in the main html folder – click on the folder to open it and then upload or drag and drop the .htaccess file into the open folder.

    However, as I’ve said, I’m still having problems, even if at one point everything was working perfectly. I think clearing your site’s cookies can also help things. You can do this from your browser – in Firefox – Tools>Options>Privacy>Show cookies – then look for your site url and delete all the cookies you find.

    Good luck!


    Thread Starter alexinmilan



    Tried to use WP 2.5.1, but I’m back to square one – cannot create categories from posting screen, can upload images (after logging in again), but cannot insert images in posts.

    Time to wait for version 2.5.2 etc

    Sorry to have raised a false hope! But, when it does work, it’s very good, but the old system was just as good IMHO.

    Thread Starter alexinmilan



    That the .htaccess files should ‘disappear’ is normal – and they are still there.

    I don’t know what FTP system you use, I use FileZilla, and under the ‘View’ Menu, I just selected ‘Show hidden files’ – then I can see the formerly invisible .htaccess files.

    Hope that helps.


    Edgar – very sorry to hear that your whole site fell over!

    Did you make sure that folder permissions were set up correctly?

    I was having all sorts of problems with the uploading and insertion of images, but, for the moment it is working as intended.

    It sure is a weird problem….

    What I don’t understand is why some of us are having problems and others are not – this would appear to point towards our own server set up and .htaccess settings, rather than a bug in WordPress, possibly.


    I’ve managed to solve this, maybe my post will help:

    My Post

    Thread Starter alexinmilan


    OK – done it – the image uploader is now working and I can insert images into posts, and I can create categories again.

    Put this in .htaccess file in root:
    # BEGIN WordPress
    <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule . /index.php [L]
    # END WordPress

    <IfModule mod_security.c>
    <Files async-upload.php>
    SecFilterEngine Off
    SecFilterScanPOST Off

    …and this in the .htaccess under wp-admin:

    <IfModule mod_security.c>
    SecFilterEngine Off
    SecFilterScanPOST Off

    <IfModule mod_security.c>
    SecFilterInheritance Off

    I also followed the instructions in the sticky at the head of this forum a little more attentively (my bad) – and deleted the contents of the js_cache directory, as well as cleaning out my browser cache and restarting Firefox, and I’ve got two tabs on Firefox open.

    I have now re-activated plugins and no probs.

    Now I can start using WP 2.5, and will even think about upgrading other sites.

    Good stuff!

    Moral of the story: Read the sticky and get those .htaccess files right.

    Thread Starter alexinmilan


    No replies – not a surprise.

    What I don’t understand is why some are having no probs with the image upload/insertion process, whereas others, like me are.

    I’ve even seen people on the same hosting services both with and without problems.

    Time to wait and see.

    I’m having the same problem with inserting images into posts. Sometimes it works, other times the image selection screen just locks up.

    Have placed the link-template.php file into the includes directory, but nothing.

    I am very glad this is happening with a new site and not one of my existing ones – that would be annoying.

    As it is, I’m going to hold off from upgrading my other sites to 2.5 until it works as it should.

    Thread Starter alexinmilan


    I’ve tried to sort this out, and there is a missing div

    When comments are off, HMTL validation is showing that the
    <div id=”wrap”> in header.php is not closed.

    I’ve had a look at the comments.php file, but cannot understand where I should place a </div>, if it should go here.

    Can anyone help?

    At the moment I cannot close the comments without having the right hand side bar drop down, and the ‘Comments are closed text’ does not appear to be showing.

    Thanks in advance,


    Thread Starter alexinmilan


    Found this in the ArchivesByCategoryV2.0.php plugin – which is now inactive. I think this is the source of the problem:

    select ID, post_date, post_title, post_status, name
    from {$table_prefix}posts, {$table_prefix}terms, {$table_prefix}term_relationships, {$table_prefix}term_taxonomy
    where {$table_prefix}posts.ID = {$table_prefix}term_relationships.object_id
    and {$table_prefix}term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = {$table_prefix}term_taxonomy.term_taxonomy_id
    and {$table_prefix}term_taxonomy.term_id = {$table_prefix}terms.term_id
    and post_status = ‘publish’
    and taxonomy = ‘category’
    and post_date < NOW()
    order by name asc, post_title asc;

    Can someone confirm my interpretation? Thanks.


    Thread Starter alexinmilan


    moshu, whooami,

    Many thanks for the pointers re the divs not being closed. I shall check that out.


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