Alexis Pandaan
Forum Replies Created
Hi @fmfernandes ! Thanks for your suggestion. We’ll be adding support for color transparency in the Content Toggle block in an upcoming version of the plugin. We’ll let you know when it becomes available.
Hi @beckythames! The fix for this issue will be part of the next version. We hope to be able to release it sometime next week.
Hi @ukandrzej ! Thanks for letting us know. We were able to find the cause of the issue with our social share block and we’re now working on a fix. We’ll let you know when it becomes available.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Ultimate Blocks - WordPress Blocks Plugin] Blocks disappeared after updateHI @juma93! Thanks for providing details about your issue. We were able to recreate the error on our end, and we’re able to find the cause of the issue. We’re now working on a fix, which we’ll include in the next update. We’ll let you know when it becomes available.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Ultimate Blocks - WordPress Blocks Plugin] Website crashesHi @prullie! Does the problem still persist after deactivating all other plugins and switching to a default theme? If so, please take note of the error messages that come up and the blocks present in the pages that have the problem.
Hi @ostinatofreak! Thanks for letting us know. Several other users have reported issues with our content toggle block that are similar to yours. We’ve managed to recreate them on our end and found out what is causing them. We’ll include a fix for them in the next update. We’ll let you know when it becomes available.
In the meantime, you can work around this issue. Since only the first panel made within the content toggle block seems to be affected so far, you can insert a new panel on top of it and copy the contents of the malfunctioning panel to it. You can safely delete the old panel as soon as you can confirm that the intended replacement is working properly.
Hi @egarbugli! Thanks for letting us know. Upon further inspection, we noticed that some of the input fields of the number box block on your page are empty. The slightly-gray numbers you’re seeing at the top of the number boxes while in the editor are placeholders. For best results, we suggest adding the requested inputs in the number box. You may refer to this screenshot to determine whether the numbers you’re seeing in the editor are actual inputs or placeholders. In the meantime, we’re working on preventing the placeholders from showing up in this situation unless the user clears the starting inputs.
Please let us know how it goes.
Hi @katieasccc! Thanks for letting us know. Several other users have reported issues with our content toggle block that are similar to yours. We’ve managed to recreate them on our end and found out what is causing them (including the issue with the selected header tag, which nobody else seems to have encountered). We’ll include a fix for them in the next update. We’ll let you know when it becomes available.
In the meantime, you can work around this issue. Only the first panel made within the content toggle block seems to be affected so far, so inserting a second panel within the malfunctioning content toggle block then deleting the first panel should do the trick.
Hi @amitchahariit! The aggregateRating property is used in the Review schema when multiple reviews are present and an average weighted/unweighted value derived from the original reviews have to be displayed. It’s an optional property and our review block doesn’t need that, so we thought not setting a value for it would be safe. Google’s Rich Results Test and Schema Markup Validator used to give warnings for not including the aggregateRating field. However, our most recent tests for the generated schema code from the Review block don’t show those warnings anymore from our end.
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Ultimate Blocks - WordPress Blocks Plugin] quick response from support teamHi @amitchahariit! Have you checked if you have deleted the parent content toggle block itself? They sometimes remain even after all of its child content toggle panel blocks have been deleted. While we’re working on figuring out the cause of this issue, please check the editor’s List View if the Content Toggle block is still present and delete it from there if it somehow remains there even if there’s nothing visible in the main editor. Deleting it should get rid of the FAQ schema code that’s still present when it’s not supposed to be there.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Ultimate Blocks - WordPress Blocks Plugin] Block issueHi @amitchahariit! Upon further inspection, we noticed that some of the input fields of the number box block on your page are empty. The slightly-gray numbers you’re seeing at the top of the number boxes while in the editor are placeholders. For best results, we suggest adding the requested inputs in the number box. You may refer to this screenshot to determine whether the numbers you’re seeing in the editor are actual inputs or placeholders.
Please let us know how it goes.
Hi @mortenslarsen! Thanks for letting us know. We’re able to recreate all of your issues with the content toggle block on our end, and we’re now working on fixes for them. We’ll let you know when they become available.
Hi @beckythames, @jmpc, and @yogendrarai! Thanks for letting us know. We’re able to recreate the issue with the initial collapsed view of the content toggle block, and we’re now working on a fix. We’ll let you know when it becomes available.
@jmpc We had to switch to the new method of adding new content since the old method stopped working after the last few WordPress updates.
Hi @amitchahariit! Deleting all panels within a content toggle block doesn’t always mean that the content toggle block has been deleted. Please check the List View if the Content Toggle block is still present and delete it from there if it somehow remains there even if there’s nothing visible in the main editor.
Hi @greentreefrog! Thanks for letting us know. We’re able to recreate the problem on our end after switching to the Jace theme. The functions we use for loading the blocks’ CSS files require that at least one block is present on the page itself. Blocks in the footer often go undetected, causing the icons to be displayed without any background color in your case.
While we look for a workaround, you can add the following to your custom CSS as a start:
.wp-block-ub-social-share .social-share-icon{ background-color: #000088; }
Please let us know how it goes.