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Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [WooCommerce maib Moldova Agroindbank Payment Gateway] Great solutionThanks!
Basic setup mode works for most scenarios, however the Advanced mode is recommended for the knowledgeable user in complex scenarios.
The Advanced mode is the most secure option but requires advanced knowledge and access to the server. For the case described the most appropriate solution is to use the Basic setup mode.
PS: It helps to also have the log files to better diagnose the exact root cause.
v1.3.2 released with support for WooCommerce High-Performance Order Storage (HPOS).
@digitalonline you can test the BETA version of the plugin which adds support for HPOS
Hi @digitalonline – thanks for noticing, I’ll have a look.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce Victoriabank Payment Gateway] Verificarea tranzac?iei a e?uatDeobicei acest lucru se intampla cand nu sunt setate corect cheile in configuratia pluginului. In lipsa logurilor detaliate diagnosticul si identificarea cauzei sunt practic imposibile.
Удостоверьтесь что адрес с которого в итоге выполняет запрос плагин с сервера вашего хостинга зарегистрирован в банке.
Самый простой способ – выполните следующую команду в терминале виртуальной машины сервера:
* Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce Victoriabank Payment Gateway] Bon electronicVa rog sa cititi si celelalte discutii referitor la aceeasi problema:
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce Victoriabank Payment Gateway] Bon electronicPluginul adauga automat in emailul de confirmare comanda urmatoarele date:
- Approval/authorization code
- Card number last 4 digits
Recomandarea este inainte de toate sa faceti o comanda de test si sa verificati desinestatator acest lucru in emailul de confirmare generat de WooCommerce pe care trebuie sa-l primiti.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce maib Moldova Agroindbank Payment Gateway] Closing day errorFrom what I see in your screenshots – there is just a timeout results without any error logs. Possible causes would be WP server issues, hosting/network configuration not allowing outbound connections to MAIB gateway, bank payment gateway temporary issues.
Unfortunately, without specific logs we can only do guessing.
I am not sure it makes any sense to close previous days since it is always considered that current day is being closed. It might be helpful to clarify with the bank what happens in such situations and what you need to do.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce maib Moldova Agroindbank Payment Gateway] Closing day error@astectus please provide screenshots and error log details.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce maib Moldova Agroindbank Payment Gateway] Плагин для MICBМожете начать с кода этого плагина и адаптировать к протоколу MICB:
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce maib Moldova Agroindbank Payment Gateway] Closing day error@astectus there is a reference in the FAQ regarding this subject:
How can I manually run the Close day action?
On the WooCommerce > Status > Scheduled Actions page filter the actions list by Pending status and search for maib_close_day. Click the Run link next to the action title to execute the Close day action immediately.Navigate to /wp-admin/admin.php?page=wc-status&tab=action-scheduler&s=maib_close_day – review the log and details for each run.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce Victoriabank Payment Gateway] Ultemele 4 cifre de la card@livonu nu trebuie de configurat nimic aditional.
Verificati medatatele comenzii sa contina aceasta informatie si comparati cu emailul expediat.