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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce Victoriabank Payment Gateway] Последние 4 цифры номера картыПожалуйста, прочитайте внимательно руководство по установке и настройке
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce Victoriabank Payment Gateway] Последние 4 цифры номера карты- Проверьте метаданные заказа – есть ли там информация о карте
- Удостоверьтесь что вы отправили в банк Callback URL и банк его надлежащим образом настроил для вашего платежного терминала
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce Victoriabank Payment Gateway] 3 RRNЗдравствуйте! Процедура тестирования интеграции описана детально в документации банка а также на странице плагина в разделе Установка / Installation
This plugin is open source so you could try to adapt it:
For example, allow shipping books only in sets of 5 units. If the order contains 4 or 6 books items – a specific shipping method should be disabled with a message, until the users modifies the number of books in cart to fit the restriction.
Closing since no reply in ~1 week
Have you properly configured the MAIB payment gateway plugin? Please follow the Installation instructions
Also, if you open the plugin settings page you will be presented with diagnostics messages in case it detects missing/wrong configuration to help you with setting it up.
The message you mentioned is displayed by WooCommerce when no valid payment gateways are configured, as you can see in the source code:
See installation instructions here
@hwemember2 get the new plugin version 1.1 and configure the bank connection with the new improved and simplified setup interface.
There will be a new version of the plugin soon, which will allow for easier certificates configuration for beginners – directly uploading the PFX certificate received from the bank. Stay tuned!
@pelukho It is best to share your fix with the community by pasting the link here in the thread. Thanks!
For anyone reading this, what @yithemes is trying to say is that this behavior is standard in the FREE version and can be enhanced in the paid version
@msimpson this plugin is now being flagged by WordPress as “abandoned”:
This plugin hasn’t been tested with the latest 3 major releases of WordPress. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.
I find that it still works great and does not seem to have compatibility issues and as you mentioned that your are open to collaborate and solve any possible stability/security issues if they arise, so maybe it just needs a “supported version bump” at this stage to avoid being flagged by security scanners, etc.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce maib Moldova Agroindbank Payment Gateway] Does`n workThe new released version 1.0.1 has better diagnostics and handling of such cases.
@yithemes looking forward, thanks!