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  • Thread Starter alexwrld


    Yes, testing was done on localhost and two developers concluded that it was timthumb that caused the trouble..We asked them to fix it; one failed and the other one succeeded…He said he was going to find an alternative..but he could not…Now the whole theme looks so messed up (except for individual posts)
    We have the backup of the theme but restoring is again bringing us to where we were..the website fails to load.

    Existing one is loading so fast (if you can check) but Mousumi’s hardwork is is no more attractive.

    Thread Starter alexwrld


    The WP developer replaced timthumb.php with some code and the website started loading fast. But the what worst happened that the theme’s layout is completely gone. If you visit the front page of the blog you’ll find uneven images and some categories aren’t showing images at all….I extended his work hour thinking he’d be able to find an alternative but he gave up…Now I have no idea how and where to move from here ??

    Thread Starter alexwrld


    Nothing worked so I hired a developer. He says that the problem was due to timthumb.php and deleted it from the directory. Now the website looks ugly..all the pics are gone..and he is yet to find the solution.

    Thread Starter alexwrld


    On the same note, can you have a look into the following .htaccess file and tell me if something’s wrong here. Since the website is almost dead by now, we have deleted W3Total cache and 8 other plugins:

    # USE FCGI
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    Thread Starter alexwrld


    We are working on #2. Meanwhile, you can take a look at (CPU Throttling Log)
    The support guy is saying that we need to fix our PHP and MySQL files.

    Thread Starter alexwrld


    Thanks very much ??

    Thread Starter alexwrld


    Working on timthumb but unable to locate php.ini memory_limit

    Thread Starter alexwrld


    I’m currently chatting with BlueHost support. Here is what he is suggesting: But I’m not getting any hold yet ??

    Aaron B.:Its the throttling on your account, anything about ~600 seconds is where problems start, and you are over 34,000 seconds.
    (1:12:28am)Aaron B.:Your account is currently being throttled. This generally means there are processes or queries being abusive to the server, and using up a good majority of the servers overall resources. We have information on throttled as well as steps to resolve it here: If you are unsure how to resolve this, or can’t figure it out, you can also send a ticket into the “CPU Exceede Errors” section here:

    Another new option that we offer is cloud flare in your cPanel. This is a free and paid service (paid is only necessary if you have an SSL on the domain you are activating it on). This service caches your content on a server that is closer to your intended customer. It also stops processes from starting as the content is already cached with them. In most cases this will drastically cut throttling, or stop it all together.
    (1:12:46am)Udhaw Kumar:A developer gave me the following answer:
    The real reason for that error will be logged within your sites error log. That error usually occurs due to problem with the servers configuration. PHP may also trigger the error if there is a problem in your script. Bluehost should provide a facility for viewing your logs.
    (1:13:35am)Aaron B.:If you log into cPanel, under “logs” there is an “error logs” section, the php section below is what you would want to look at.

    Thread Starter alexwrld


    Here it is, after loading for a minute, this is what pops up:

    500 Server Error
    A misconfiguration on the server caused a hiccup. Check the server logs, fix the problem, then try again.

    Thread Starter alexwrld


    Going to try all your suggestions….dinner time in Delhi (a bit late though)

    Thank you for your time!

    Thread Starter alexwrld


    Thanks for the suggestion cinghaman!

    You know just yesterday, the site was loading in about 7-8 seconds in Gtmetrics. It happened soon after Mousumi fixed w3 validator errors and warnings. It lasted for about 3 hours and then got back to the snail’s pace.

    Thread Starter alexwrld


    By the way, I posted the same thread on W3 Total cache but got no response. Can you guys tell me where to find more info on How to set up browser cache and Minify in the same plugin. Ours is active (except minify) but it doesn’t seem to be giving us any result.

    Thread Starter alexwrld


    It was developed by Mousumi as a student of web design…So it is her theme that she developed from scratch.

    The same very theme kept working fine for over a year. In the month of October, when one of her artciles was featured on BBC, we have over 10,000 people visiting us in 24 hours. I wonder why we did not have any problem then.
    Switching to another theme will be a huge task. The blog has over 800 posts.

    Thread Starter alexwrld



    I have taken BlueHost’s premium hosting account. I had a word with them and they seem to put the blame on us (the theme)

    Thread Starter alexwrld


    Hi Cinghaman!

    If the timthumb are the real pain, then what are the options do we have?

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