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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [qTranslate X] Not showing languages for post/pagesNope, no changes. ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [qTranslate X] Not showing languages for post/pagesYeah, I imagined it, but just wanted to be sure. ??
So I go in Import/Export but, related to qTranslate, I have only these options:
Plugin qTranslate -> There is no need to migrate any setting, the database schema is compatible with this plugin.
and (these arein italian, I translate for you)
Ripristina qTranslate (I think is Restore qTranslate)
-> Seleziona questa casella e fai clic su Salva Modifiche per ripristinare tutte le impostazioni qTranslate. (check this box and click on save changes to restore all qtranslation setting)
-> Si, voglio ripristinare qTranslate (yes, I want to restore qTranslate)
-> Elimina anche le Traduzioni per Categorie/Tags/Links Categorie
Se qualcosa non funziona correttamente, si può sempre cercare di ripristinare tutte le impostazioni di qTranslate. Un Ripristino non eliminerà nessun argomento, ma rimuoverà tutte le impostazioni (comprese tutte le lingue aggiunte).
(delete all translations for categories/Tags/Links Categories
If somethings doesn’t work correctly, one can try to restore all the setting of qTranslate. A restore won’t delete any argument, but will belete all the settings, included the languages added)
-> Reset admin notices.
All previously dismissed admin notices related to this plugin will show up again on next refresh of admin pages.The option you’re talking about is the one I putted in bold?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [qTranslate X] Not showing languages for post/pagesBy saying
re-install your languages
what you mean precisely?
I have to write the contents again in the three languages?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [qTranslate X] Not showing languages for post/pagesSame as before. Nothing changed.
I’m wondering if the “converting the database” option would may help. I haven’t did it, because, as I read in your website:This is not mandatory, unless you observe broken layout at front pages, otherwise we strongly recommend to run such a conversion only if you are an experienced user.
In the front end everything – strangely – works fine.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [qTranslate X] Not showing languages for post/pagesSorry, it seems the link was wrong.
Try this oneForum: Plugins
In reply to: [qTranslate X] Not showing languages for post/pagesYes it is. I also changed ‘LSB Style -> CSS set’ into ‘Simple Tabs’ but nothing changes.
I tried few minutes ago to change the theme, but no luck.
The strange thing is that at the top-right there the language switcher in order to work in the favourite language in the administrator area, but nothing shows up about languages when one wants to edit post or pages.
<img src=””>This is what I get.Thanks for your help.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [qTranslate X] Not showing languages for post/pagesalready checked it. Everything is checked:
– post
– page
– attachment
– ngg_album
– ngg_gallery
– ngg_pictures
– displayed_gallery
– display_type
– gal_display_source
– lightbox_libraryForum: Plugins
In reply to: [qTranslate X] Not showing languages for post/pages@gunu,
even if the problem is in the administration?Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [qTranslate X] Not showing languages for post/pagesThanks for so fast reply.
Actually I followed that very usefull guide.
The theme used is ‘Newscast’, purchased on ThemeForest.
As regards the plugins I have taken a look at the list in your website, but I think I don’t use plugin not compatible with qtranslate-X. However the active plugins are:
– JW Player 6 Plugin for WordPress
– Lightbox Plus Colorbox
– Menubar
– NextGEN Gallery by Photocrati
– Ultimate Coming Soon PageAmong the the not active plugins I still have:
– mqTranslate
– qTranslate
– qTranslate slugThanks for your help.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Menubar] Problem with frontpage linkHi Andrea,
I’ve upgraded to qtranslatex and the menu now is fine.
Thanks for your time, anyway.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Menubar] Problem with frontpage linkCiao Andrea,
Thanks for the fast reply.I already planned to upgrade to qTranslate X, and i’ll do it tonight, but the problem with menu showed up before the mqTranslate was deprecated, owners of the website say.
I’ll let you know is something change with qTranslate.
Thanks, so far!
That’s why probably it stopped to work properly after the upgrade. ??
Thanks for your time.
Solved with this:
Thanks for your time.
Since the beginning I’ve been using that plugin, but I’ve never had problem.
Lately I’ve deactiveted all the plugins and turned to twent twelve, trying to solve this problem, but the lightbox effect never showed up.
How can I check for plugin conflict?
Thanks for your help.
I tried to do an example page and I’ve used these codes:
<img class=”ngg_displayed_gallery mceItem” src=”https://www.***.com/nextgen-attach_to_post/preview/id–2988″ alt=”” />[ngg_images gallery_ids=”55″ display_type=”photocrati-nextgen_basic_thumbnails” gallery_width=”600″ gallery_height=”400″]
With the first one, from the gallery, the images open inside the website; with the second the images open in another window. But if I check “Yes” in the “effect imagebrowser”, then the second too open the images inside the website.
You can see it here.
The thing is that in this page it’s used the first kind of code (between the ones I’ve posted above), but the images open in another window. The code used in this page is this:
<img class=”ngg_displayed_gallery mceItem” src=”https://www.****.com/nextgen-attach_to_post/preview/id–2964″ alt=”” />
As you can see the lightbox effect works for the single images that are in page, not for the ones of the gallery in the same page.As I can understand this is the code generated by the button in the editor, while the other (the second I’ve posted above) I took it from your website “tutorial”.
I didn’t changed anything since time, I just updated the plugin, but this problem didn’t show up at that time.