Rizki Alief Irfany
Forum Replies Created
Hi @jnr4u2
It works, thank you. What’s wrong with drip settings? Is it a bug?
Thank you @nrherron
Hi @nrherron,
Is there any setting on lesson B that has a time delay? There is no.
Do you have any quizzes on lesson A that requires an instructor to grade a quiz before moving on? Do not have.Lesson A : https://prntscr.com/subolz & https://prntscr.com/subovv
Lesson B : https://prntscr.com/subp7s, https://prntscr.com/subpfp & https://prntscr.com/subponHi @thomasplevy
Thank you very much for your answer. I have discussed with the plugin owner, and he understands what you mean. He will update the plugin and do some tests. Thank you very much for your help. I will switch to using smp wp mail for a while.
Hi @thomasplevy.
Mailketing is one of local provider. You can download and analyze the plugin here https://app.mailketing.id//wordpress//plugin//?action=download&slug=mailketing-smtp.
I asked for the owner’s permission and he agreed.
Hi @nrherron,
Some notifications that I tested :
– Course complete not sent to author
– Enrollment not sent to author but snet to additional recipient
– Gateway: manual – payment due not sent to student
– Purchase receipt not sent to student
– Student welcome not sent to studentEmail is not in spam too. All basic notifications are normal, only e-mails aren’t working.
My other plugins are using email sending and there are no problems :
– Caldera forms
– Subscribe to Comment ReloadedI have tested using the check email plugin Chris Taylor and there is no problem when sending a test email.
Before asking here, I read https://lifterlms.com/docs/a-guide-to-understanding-and-fixing-email-issues-in-lifterlms/ and I made sure there were no problems with my email, smtp, email server, or the others. Because the delivery is normal for other plugins.
My system report :
WordPress ------------------------------------------- Home Url: https://mahirwp.com Site Url: https://mahirwp.com Login Url: https://mahirwp.com/wp-login.php Version: 5.4.1 Debug Mode: No Debug Log: No Debug Display: Yes Locale: id_ID Multisite: No Page For Posts: Not Set Page On Front: Not Set Permalink Structure: /%postname%/ Show On Front: posts Wp Cron: Yes Settings ------------------------------------------- Version: 3.38.2 Db Version: 3.38.2 Course Catalog: Kelas Online (#24) [https://mahirwp.com/kelas/] Membership Catalog: Kelas Berlangganan (#25) [https://mahirwp.com/membership/] Student Dashboard: Dashboard Saya (#27) [https://mahirwp.com/dashboard/] Checkout Page: Daftar Kelas (#26) [https://mahirwp.com/daftar/] Course Catalog Per Page: 9 Course Catalog Sorting: date,DESC Membership Catalog Per Page: 9 Membership Catalog Sorting: date,DESC Site Membership: Not Set Courses Endpoint: kelas Edit Endpoint: akun Lost Password Endpoint: password Vouchers Endpoint: voucher Autogenerate Username: yes Password Strength Meter: yes Minimum Password Strength: medium Terms Required: no Terms Page: Not Set Checkout Names: required Checkout Address: hidden Checkout Phone: hidden Checkout Email Confirmation: no Open Registration: no Registration Names: required Registration Address: hidden Registration Phone: hidden Registration Voucher: hidden Registration Email Confirmation: no Account Names: required Account Address: hidden Account Phone: optional Account Email Confirmation: no Confirmation Endpoint: konfirmasi Force Ssl Checkout: no Country: ID Currency: IDR Currency Position: left Thousand Separator: , Decimal Separator: . Decimals: 0 Trim Zero Decimals: no Recurring Payments: yes Email From Address: [email protected] Email From Name: MahirWP Email Footer Text: Copyright 2020 ? MahirWP Email Header Image: 321 Cert Bg Width: 800 Cert Bg Height: 616 Cert Legacy Compat: no Gateways ------------------------------------------- Manual: Enabled Manual Logging: no Manual Order: 1 Server ------------------------------------------- Mysql Version: 5.5.5 Php Curl: Yes Php Default Timezone: UTC Php Fsockopen: Yes Php Max Input Vars: 5000 Php Max Upload Size: 10 GB Php Memory Limit: 1G Php Post Max Size: 10000M Php Soap: Yes Php Suhosin: No Php Time Limt: 6000 Php Version: 7.4.5 Software: nginx/1.14.2 Wp Memory Limit: 40M Browser ------------------------------------------- HTTP USER AGENT: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/81.0.4044.138 Safari/537.36 Theme ------------------------------------------- Name: GeneratePress Child Version: 0.1 Themeuri: https://generatepress.com Authoruri: https://tomusborne.com Template: generatepress Child Theme: Yes Llms Support: No Plugins ------------------------------------------- Autoptimize: 2.7.2 Caldera Forms: 1.8.11 CDN Enabler: 1.0.9 Duplicate Page: 4.2 Elementor: 2.9.9 GP Premium: 1.10.0 LandingKit Elementor: 0.5.0 LifterLMS: 3.38.2 Mailketing SMTP: 2.0.0 Wordfence Security: 7.4.7 WP-Optimize - Clean, Compress, Cache: 3.0.19 Yoast SEO: 14.2 Integrations ------------------------------------------- BbPress: No BuddyPress: No
- This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by tobifjellner (Tor-Bjorn “Tobi” Fjellner).
- This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by tobifjellner (Tor-Bjorn “Tobi” Fjellner). Reason: Marking system report as code block for nicer appearance