Please see my coding, let me know if i have no clue what i am doing lol…
<p>First Name*
[text* your-name] </p>
<p>Last Name*
[text text-91] </p>
<p>Street Address*
[text text-734]</p>
[text text-892]
<p>Post code*
[text text-300]
<p>Your Email (required)
[email email-18] </p>
[tel tel-299]</p>
<p>Do you have a voucher?*
[radio radio-695 “Yes” “No”]</p>
<p>Picture Category</br>[checkbox checkbox-238 “Pregnancy” “Portrait” “Engagement” “Wedding”]</p>
<p>How many people would you like photographed?* (Please enter a value greater than or equal to 1.)
[number number-111]</p>
<p>Number Of Children* (Please enter a value greater than or equal to 0.)
[number number-496]</p>
<p>Which category best describes the occasion?
[radio radio-940 “Family update” “Newborn/Toddler” “Couple” “Engagement”]</p>
<p>Have you previously used our services?*
[radio radio-1 “Yes” “No”]</p>
[textarea your-message] </p>
<p>[submit “Submit”]</p>
What am i doing wrong?!?!