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Hello, and thank you for your time. I’ve also been encountering the following… “Error: Step Aborted: Too many attempts!”
I have the Maximum number of retries for job steps at 3 and Maximum script execution time at 30 seconds. Do I need to raise this? Are there other settings I should examine? I followed the videos on the webpage for guidance on running the backup jobs, but I still am having these issues. I know several images have file names that are too long and generate warnings, but don’t know if this is the problem. Thank you very much for your support.
Wow, indeed! Thank you both for the huge amount of effort that went into answering my questions. I very much appreciate your time. I will work on this and get back to you with the results or any questions.
Thanks, dtynan, for checking it with your server. I’m glad to hear it worked.
Jason, we use Google Apps for some things like our email and some tools. I don’t know if we use it to manage the domain. I know we use hostgator and dynadot if that is helpful. Perhaps you can tell me how to check this.
Also, can you please explain what the change to SPF (TXT) does? I apologize, but I am not familiar with this and want to make sure there wouldn’t be any unintended consequences from making this change.
Thank you both for the help and time looking into this. The website is:, and the link with the problem download is: where users can download an engineering program called GEBT. The host is hostgator, if that is helpful. To answer dtynan’s other question, I am certain that I receive both emails when I use the site admin email. When others use it, I only receive the email notifying me that the form has been submitted. Thanks, again, for you time.