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  • Thread Starter allfadr


    No, turning this setting on or off doesn’t help.

    Thread Starter allfadr


    Where I see that the files are served not from the CDN:
    1) In the playlist itself, when I hover over individual tracks and their respective links are shown to me at the bottom of the browser. Also – when I right-click individual tracks and choose to “copy link address” and then paste it somewhere to see the URL.
    2) In the source code of the page when I inspect it. The individual links to playlist item files, and the link of the currently playing file (in the <mediaelementwrapper><audio>), – they all lead to my site’s “Uploads” folder, not to the CDN.

    The W3TC debug comment is here:

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by allfadr.
    Thread Starter allfadr


    Where I see that the files are not served from the CDN:
    1) In the playlist, when I hover over the individual tracks and see their links at the bottom of the browser. Also – when I right-click individual tracks and choose to “Copy link address” and then insert this address somewhere to see it. The address leads to my “Uploads” folder, not the CDN.
    2) In the HTML source of the page when I inspect it. The addresses of the playlist items, as well as the address of the currently playing track (in the <mediaelementwrapper><audio>) all lead to my site’s “Uploads” folder, not the CDN.

    The W3TC debug source comment (I’ve masked the site address with NNNNNN.NNN):

    Performance optimized by W3 Total Cache. Learn more:
    Object Caching 123/127 objects using disk
    Page Caching using disk: enhanced (User is logged in) 
    Content Delivery Network via S3-compatible:
    Replaced URLs for CDN:
    https://NNNNNN.NNN/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/favicon.png =>
    https://NNNNNN.NNN/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/szapka.jpg =>
    https://NNNNNN.NNN/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/znak.png =>
    https://NNNNNN.NNN/wp-content/uploads/mlftest/01.-Vereschaki-Village-A-broad-lake-lies-over-our-gates.mp3 =>
    https://NNNNNN.NNN/wp-content/uploads/mlftest/test1/02.-Young-girls-wer-making-merry-in-the-street.mp3 =>
    https://NNNNNN.NNN/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/03.-Vereschaki-Village-In-our-street.mp3 =>
    https://NNNNNN.NNN/wp-content/uploads/mlftest/04.-Vereschaki-Village-Oh-little-swallow.mp3 =>
    https://NNNNNN.NNN/wp-content/uploads/mlftest/test1/05.-Vereschaki-Village-a-By-Kiev-b-In-the-fiels.mp3 =>
    https://NNNNNN.NNN/wp-content/uploads/mlftest/Vereshchaki-2/35.-Yalovka-Village-The-sun-is-shinning-over-the-woods.mp3 =>
    https://NNNNNN.NNN/wp-content/uploads/mlftest/Vereshchaki-2/36.-Yalovka-Village-a-On-the-planks-at-the-river-bank-b-People-were-saying-that-we-will-be-co.mp3 =>
    https://NNNNNN.NNN/wp-content/uploads/mlftest/Vereshchaki-2/37.-Mishkova-Village-Glory-to-God.mp3 =>
    https://NNNNNN.NNN/wp-content/uploads/mlftest/Vereshchaki-2/38.-Mishkova-Village-Thy-Nativity.mp3 =>
    https://NNNNNN.NNN/wp-content/uploads/mlftest/Vereshchaki-2/39.-Mishkova-Village-It-is-truly-meet-and-right.mp3 =>
    https://NNNNNN.NNN/wp-content/uploads/mlftest/Vereshchaki-2/20.-Vereschaki-Village-Why-did-you-a-snowball-cherry-bush-shed-your-leaves.mp3 =>
    https://NNNNNN.NNN/wp-content/uploads/mlftest/Vereshchaki-2/21.-Vereschaki-Village-My-mother-will-not-reprove-me-for-a-Russian-lad..mp3 =>
    https://NNNNNN.NNN/wp-content/uploads/mlftest/Vereshchaki-2/22.-Yalovka-Village-A-wedding-dance-hopak.mp3 =>
    https://NNNNNN.NNN/wp-content/uploads/mlftest/Vereshchaki-2/23.-Yalovka-Village-Goodbye-and-do-not-forget-my-sufferings.mp3 =>
    https://NNNNNN.NNN/wp-content/uploads/mlftest/Vereshchaki-2/24.-Yalovka-Village-A-Serbian-girl.mp3 =>
    https://NNNNNN.NNN/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/Zhurovicz_0216_II05-Ой-там-за-горам?-с?неют-мора.mp3 =>Ой-там-за-горам?-с?неют-мора.mp3
    https://NNNNNN.NNN/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/Zhurovicz_0216_II04-Люб?ла-хлопца-з-трыццатого-року.mp3 =>Люб?ла-хлопца-з-трыццатого-року.mp3
    https://NNNNNN.NNN/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/Zhurovicz_0216_II06-Ой-да-?шл?-хлопцы-з-ярмолку.mp3 =>Ой-да-?шл?-хлопцы-з-ярмолку.mp3
    https://NNNNNN.NNN/wp-content/uploads/mlftest/Vereshchaki-2/25.-Yalovka-Village-A-young-lady.mp3 =>
    https://NNNNNN.NNN/wp-content/uploads/mlftest/Vereshchaki-2/26.-Yalovka-Village-Lezovinka.mp3 =>
    Minified using disk
    Database Caching using disk (Request-wide User is logged in)
    Served from: NNNNNN.NNN @ 2019-11-25 10:27:58 by W3 Total Cache
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by allfadr.
    Thread Starter allfadr


    Oh, sorry, it does work. I had no idea the token was saved in cookies for an hour.

    Still, the abovementioned error message while saving the setting is there.

    Thread Starter allfadr


    As for the distinct Infinite Scroll mode introduced in the 3.0 update, there’s still a bug which appears if we click on an image before the page loads.
    The first click in this situation does nothing. If the user manages to makes a second click before the script is fully loaded, it still does nothing. The next click will open a normal image pop-up. And when we close this pop-up, we get a buggy screen: the image frozen on the screen and all links (or javascript) not working.

    But I admit that it is quite improbable that many users will run into this bug.

    Thread Starter allfadr


    The “strong” (“/strong”) html tag should be removed from the code above, of course. I was trying to make those lines bold.

    Thread Starter allfadr


    Thanks for the substantial plugin update, Mr. Kawamori. (I mean the 3.0/3.01 update.)
    Now when we use the plugin with Infinite Scroll disabled, there can be a situation when the plugin hasn’t yet fully loaded BUT a user has already clicked on an image. This calls the default WordPress behaviour (such as opening the image in a new tab).
    What do You think about adding one command in the “jquery.boxersandswipers.photoswipe.js” and all similar files so that the default behaviour be suppressed?

    I changed the contents of the aforementioned file like this:

    	if ( photoswipe_settings.infinitescroll ) {
    		jQuery(".boxersandswipers").live('click', function(e){
    	} else {
    		<strong>jQuery(".boxersandswipers").live('click', function(e){
    			e.preventDefault() });</strong>

    [moderator note: Please put code in backticks or use the code button on the editor to mark code blocks.]

    This disables the default WordPress behaviour. If we click on an image before the whole photoswipe script is loaded, nothing happens, and after it’s loaded, there are no bugs.
    Notice that the “click” function (or whatever it is called) does not include the call to Photoswipe. They are on the same hierarchichal level of calling.
    I’m not familiar with Javascript, so this might actually be a stupid suggestion; but at least it works for me.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by allfadr.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by allfadr.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by Steven Stern (sterndata).
    Thread Starter allfadr


    Have You tried what the Russian developer proposed in that topic?
    I’m not a developer so I don’t quite understand what he proposes but i do speak Russian (natively) so I can give You a good translation.

    Can we create an option in the plugin that would configure it for either infinite scroll or “normal” pages?
    Can we modify the code in a way that the plugin is stable both with infinite scroll and “normal” pages? I guess it might be a simple thing to do.
    What can I do, how can I help make this happen?

    Извиняюсь, я недопонимаю:
    можно ли сделать так, чтобы плагин работал стабильно и при бесконечной прокрутке (на которую ориентируется автор), и при обычной? Т.е. изменить весь плагин так, чтобы он угодил всем?

    Thread Starter allfadr


    I’ve identified the problem more exactly.
    If i click on a photoswiped image while the page hasn’t yet fully loaded (or been cached by the browser), the image doesn’t open.
    When I click on the image for the second time (when the page has already loaded), it properly appears in a popup photoswipe window.
    BUT when i close the pop-up, there’s abnormal behaviour: the pop-up itself closes, but the image remains on the screen, and the links that were behind the pop-up do not work. Things get back to norm only if i refresh the page or click on a working link (if there is one above or beyond the former popup-up window).
    You can try yourself:
    Click on the photo with the stone monument and green grass before the page loads fully. The photoswipe won’t work. Click the second time, and the Photoswipe will pop-up. Then close the pop-up and see for yourself.

    What is happening here is probably the plugin loading twice (???):
    the first time i click the image, it loads but “not fully”, or something;
    the second time i click the image, it loads fully and works.

    Thread Starter allfadr


    I’ve changed line 1644 – it was still insecure.
    Then I also changed lines 53-58 – now it is secure!

    Thread Starter allfadr


    The plugin’s settings page in the admin dashboard still is marked as “insecure content”. It has http links. So probably a similar change must be done to the php that deals with the admin page.

    Thread Starter allfadr


    I’ve deleted the cache, but to no effect. The animation still slightly stumbles in its beginning. The stumble is more evident or less evident with each time I click an image, but it’s there. Both on Firefox and Chrome; from different computers.
    Maybe it doesn’t create discomfort for you, so you don’t notice it.
    It’s as if something is loaded/buffered when the animation begins.

    If I change animation tie to zero, the stumble disappears, the image pops up instantly.

    Thread Starter allfadr


    I’ve changed things as you propose. Seems to be working now. The problem has disappeared. Thanks.

    Yes, my admin page is SSL, too.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by allfadr.
    Thread Starter allfadr


    It works.
    What i didn’t do at first was putting files to folders with BULK ACTION. Setting the folder in the properties of an individual file didn’t work.

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