Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Registrations for WooCommerce] Hide Past Dates?Hi @chenryahts,
Just passing to tell you that feature will be in the next release (making some tests first). Thanks for @shirkit, who added this feature!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Registrations for WooCommerce] Dates appearing as today’s dateHi @redsundesign,
You can tell me how exactly you are inserting that Date Range, or post some screenshots of the problem? At the moment I can’t reproduce the error.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contact Form 7] Prevent fields from clearing on submitI’m also fighting with this :/
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Registrations for WooCommerce] Quantity field not showing for registrationsHi @wpfangirl,
Have you tried to see if quantity is working if you change the active theme?
It’s working for me in Twenty Seventeen and Storefront.About the start and end times, at the moment they’re not displayed by default, by default the plugin let the variable.php add to cart template to be used.
Although you can create a custom template to registrations add to cart, here’s a Gist of one example that makes the select of variations in a table instead of a select, but you can adapt them to fit your needs:
I hope it helps!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Registrations for WooCommerce] Adding custom checkout fieldsHi @ejwerk,
Sorry but at the moment I can’t promisse anything, but I expect to do this in two or three weeks. If you find a good solution adding a hook into the plugin, please, make a PR in GitHub.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Registrations for WooCommerce] Adding custom checkout fieldsYou can find the code in
.There’s various methods in that class to add properly the fields, their validations and display in order meta. In this entry at WooCommerce documentation you can find all the steps to add custom checkout fields, you can follow their examples and so remove the actions defined in that plugin class and create your own fields in your theme/plugin:
I hope it helps.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Registrations for WooCommerce] Adding custom checkout fieldsHi @ejwerk,
I’m sorry, at the moment the method that creates the checkout fields is inflexible, without hooks for customization, what is really bad. I added this enhancement issue to GitHub and expects to make it as soon as possible.
For now, what I think you could do is give a look at WC_Registrations_Checkout class, remove the default actions that creates the fields, copy and make changes on it in your plugin or theme functions.php.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Registrations for WooCommerce] Participation listHi @dombucheli,
Thanks for the feedback. At the moment there’s no automatic way to generate a list of participants of events, sorry, you will need to track the orders, see who’s paid and make it by hand (what I know, is a mess).
That would be a great addition to this plugin, maybe in the next releases I can find time to implement this.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Registrations for WooCommerce] Date Not Showing in Woocommerce OrderYou can retrieve the start time and end time using:
get_post_meta( $variation_id , '_event_start_time', true ); get_post_meta( $variation_id , '_event_end_time', true );
Or you can use registration_schedule() function (defined in class-wc-product-registrations.php), that receive a variation ID as parameter:
$product->registration_schedule( $available_variations[ $count ]['variation_id'] );
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Registrations for WooCommerce] Erro ao ativar@kasterweb, descobrimos o erro ent?o!
No plugin foi utilizada uma sintaxe de defini??o de arrays mais recente, suportada desde o PHP 5.3, que é a
$array = [];
Recomendo que busque uma hospedagem que tenha suporte a uma vers?o atualizada do PHP, adequada aos requisitos do WordPress, que desde 2015 recomendava o uso do PHP 5.4+, ano passado come?ou a recomendar o PHP 5.6+, e este ano já está recomendando a vers?o PHP 7 (, com isso espero que o plugin funcione normalmente.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Registrations for WooCommerce] Erro ao ativarOlá @kasterweb,
Estranho, n?o consigo reproduzir o erro. Erro 500 é erro do servidor, mas sei que as vezes ocorre por erros como ausência de
no PHP, porém imagino que n?o seja o caso já que n?o consigo reproduzí-lo.Você já olhou o arquivo de .log do WordPress e do seu servidor? Há algum erro registrado que possa nos ajudar a esclarecer esse problema?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Registrations for WooCommerce] Erro ao ativarOlá @kasterweb,
N?o consegui reproduzir o erro em minhas instala??es. O seu servidor possui os requisitos recomendados pelo WordPress? (PHP 5.6 ou superior, MySQL 5.6 ou superior, Apache ou Nginx?)
O erro ocorre apenas no front-end do site, após a instala??o do plugin?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Registrations for WooCommerce] Limit number of productsHi @mstudioil, these features go further from the purpose of this plugin. I think you can search for plugins to accomplish your bussiness model, and see if they work’s well with registrations for woocommerce.
(I’m sorry but now I can’t remember a plugin to achieve this features)
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Registrations for WooCommerce] Notice that enrollee name/email not listedFixed in version 1.0.6!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Registrations for WooCommerce] Date Not Showing in Woocommerce OrderSorry @chenryahts, I need to see if it’s possible to filter attribute values in other places than Additional Information tab, at the moment WooCommerce don’t have filter to other places like order details (admin and front-end), so I need to think in other solution or make a pull request (and be accepeted) for new filters in WooCommerce.