Actually… the correct answer is within your own plugin file titled “wr-pagebuilder.php”… the setting below is over-riding the server’s own error reporting which is causing the error. My question is why are you over-riding this for no real reason. Please remove the code as it’s not needed and screwing a lot of stuff up in the process. To fix the issue, just comment the below out. Just remember that until this is fixed by the plug-in authors that you’ll have to do this “fix” each time they update their code.
* Plugin Name: WR PageBuilder
* Plugin URI:
* Description: Awesome content builder for WordPress websites
* Version: 2.4.3
* Author: WooRockets Team <[email protected]>
* Author URI:
* License: GNU/GPL v2 or later
// Set custom error reporting level
error_reporting( E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE ); <<<<<<COMMENT THIS LINE OUT TO FIX!!!!