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  • Thread Starter alsomusic


    Thread Starter alsomusic


    Ok, thanks for the feedback!

    Come on…

    On the page that I showed you have 6 videos.

    The first two are right, linking to the correct video on Youtube.

    However, the following two Vides repeat the first two instead of linking to the correct links Youtube.

    The final two videos of the page are also linking to the first video.

    I do not know if it was clear.

    Thread Starter alsomusic


    I have a problem…

    See please:

    I put the video link to youtube normally, but when I click to watch another video appears, a previous video that is already page.

    How to solve?

    Thread Starter alsomusic


    Eu dei uma olhada na FAQ, mas tudo o que fiz n?o resolveu.

    Testei pela sandbox e o log retornou isso:

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    Thread Starter alsomusic



    Thread Starter alsomusic


    Hello, thanks for the information.

    One more question, there is a possibility of direct sellers straight to the Dashboard when performing login?

    That is, they do login tab WooCommerce My Account and then are directed to


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