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  • Thread Starter amasuriel


    I have enough to move forward, so yeah I’m okay.


    Thread Starter amasuriel


    Removing the filter does not fix it; and yes I’m working locally on a vanilla xampp install.

    I’ll just change it to serviceProv instead of province. Thanks again.

    Thread Starter amasuriel


    You know what, I don’t even care why at this point. If I can get it to work by entering /?wtf=Ontario instead of /?province=Ontario I’m totally cool with that.

    You have been super helpful; if you are ever in the GTA (Toronto, Ontario) feel free to email me at
    without the hashmarks and I’ll buy you a beer (or 6).

    Thread Starter amasuriel


    Wow, okay; how is this for bizarre.

    https://blogurl/advertisers/?province=testone&test2=test2 = 404 error
    https://blogurl/advertisers/?test1=testone&test2=test2 = works fine

    Is province a wordpress keyword or something?

    Thread Starter amasuriel


    wow duplicate post’a’thon. Sorry

    Thread Starter amasuriel


    I understand what you mean. I’m not sure what is causing /advertisers/?province=example to 404…I had assumed that was standard wordpress behavior…like I said, I’m new on the platform ??

    So if there is something funky with the redirects causing it to 404 when it shouldn’t maybe I can take another approach.

    I discovered reading around today that I can make a normal php page “wordpress aware” by adding <?php include(‘wp-blog-header.php’); ?>, so maybe I should just make a straight php page that just spits out the results I want and I can use AJAX to make the call and populate the results inside the /advertisers page.

    Will that work? There isn’t anything weird with Ajax requests or calling a php page directly with something like searchservices.php?province=British+Columbia this in WordPress is there?

    Thread Starter amasuriel


    Ah but if I send /advertisers/?province=example&city=example&serviceField=example I get a 404 error.

    Or we still need to do one more redirect to make that work?

    Edit: The URL style is trivial to change, so consider it done already.

    Thread Starter amasuriel


    Okay, so the part I’m still missing then is some additional redirection.

    If you can help me with that I would appreciate it; I hope you like beer because I owe you a lot of it ??

    /advertisers is both the form and the results; it has some inputs for criteria an a PHP include before the footer that will take the paramaters (once I manage to pass them) and build a results table after some DB queries.

    The search button on the form will just redirect to the /advertisers page again with the optional parameters added to the URL on the fly with some javascript.

    Thread Starter amasuriel



    So the permalink for this page is /advertisers.

    /advertisers needs to be passed parameters so it can build a table of results; which I understood was done doing rewrite rules and a format like /advertisers/param1/param2/param3

    but when I request /advertisers/param1/param2/param3 the final URL I see is /advertisers. This makes sense to me since the rewrite rules we are both using (you are still using the rewrite rules in the test right?) convert /advertisers/param1/param2/param3 to /advertisers&paramname=param1 etc internally…how can you be getting /advertisers/param1/param2/param3 as the final URL if the rewrite rules are enabled?

    Thanks again for all your help, I know this is taking a lot of your time.

    Thread Starter amasuriel


    Ah so maybe this is the issue then.

    If I request url/advertisers/a/b/c/
    in the end I get url/advertisers…which given that that permalink for the page is url/advertisers makes sense does it not?

    How does it know what the permalink is from url/advertisers/a/b/c/?

    Edit: my permalink structure is set to /%category%/%postname%.

    Thread Starter amasuriel


    Sorry I had a meeting.

    Yes you will still get the page, but will the below work for you where /a/ is added to query_vars as province?

    Template Name: test
    Description: blah
    global wp_query;
    echo wp_query->query_vars['province'];

    Also is the final URL you see when the page comes up after browsing to https://blogurl/advertisers/a/b/c = https://blogurl/advertisers/a/b/c or https://blogurl/advertisers?

    Thread Starter amasuriel


    Just that you can access the added query_vars (like province) from the template.

    Thread Starter amasuriel



    More importantly redirected to blogurl/advertisers without my parameters in query_vars.

    To reproduce just make whatever test /advertisers page you set up from before a Page and try to process the query_vars in the page template.

    If you attach a debugger and set a breakpoint in wp-blog-header.php you will see it gets processed twice; once the query_vars are set (after it does the rewrite from blogurl/advertisers/province/city/service), the second time they wont be.

    Edit: I mean it gets processed twice when you request blogurl/advertisers/province/city/service once

    Thread Starter amasuriel


    I’m 100% sure the template is the problem after my investigation this morning.

    The flow is:
    Called https://blogurl/advertisers/province/city/service
    I follow the code through index.php, which basically just includes wp-blog-header.php.

    wp-blog-header.php looks like:` $wp_did_header = true;

    require_once( dirname(__FILE__) . ‘/wp-load.php’ );
    require_once( ABSPATH . WPINC . ‘/template-loader.php’ );`

    The wp() function is what parses the rewrite rules. At the end of this call my query_vars are set correctly.

    Then as you can see it calls template-loader.php. This first this template-loader.php does is call do_action(‘template_redirect’)

    In the do_action(‘template_redirect’) is part of plugin.php. It does this:

    do {
    		foreach ( (array) current($wp_filter[$tag]) as $the_ )
    			if ( !is_null($the_['function']) )
    				call_user_func_array($the_['function'], array_slice($args, 0, (int) $the_['accepted_args']));
    	} while ( next($wp_filter[$tag]) !== false );

    And one of the filters that it calls redirect_canonical in canonicals.php, which as I mentioned finds the permalink URL for whatever its passed and redirects to it…which calls index.php again, only this time the URL is just https://blogurl/advertisers.

    I’m sure you will be able to reproduce if you try to use a Page with a template.

    Thread Starter amasuriel


    So the do_action(‘template_redirect’) eventually calls canonical.php, which attempt to figure out the permalink and redirects to it (losing all my parameters in the process; yay).

    I don’t really feel comfortable mucking about in the core wordpress page loading code; I feel like its likely I would inadvertently break something else if I did.

    Anyone have any idea how I can get around this? I assume it must be possible, as surely others have permalinked pages they pass values to.

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