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  • Not a problem, I’m happy for you ??

    Hi ch3d,

    Take a look here:


    <a href="<?php echo $current_user->user_login;?>">Click here</a>

    Instead of ‘->user_login’ you may use ‘->display_name’, depending on which one you’ve used to create site. Anyway, that link from above should give you everything you need to know.

    Good luck!


    It might be some kind of security issue, which is rather good for you. Despite that I think you should ask authors of those extensions for help as most likely the reason for the problem lays in extensions and not WordPress itself.



    Making a post sticky is only a matter of setting it sticky on post edit screen in your dashboard. IF your theme supports sticky posts: it should but in reality not all (especially free) themes do.

    Go to your dashboard and edit the post you wish to set as sticky. In the top right box above “Publish” button you’ll see line that says “Visibility: Public Edit”. Click edit and there’ll be a checkbox described as “Stick this post to the frontpage”. Check it, click “OK” below and then click “Update” button as shown here:

    If your theme supports sticky posts you should be done. If the theme doesn’t support sticky posts that’d be a whole new story ??



    Importing demo content in a standard way shouldn’t override the current content but simply add to it. Be careful however while deleting demo content because if doing it in any “automated” way you might as well delete the “real” content.

    Of course talking ’bout demo content importing I mean importing it with standard tools like WordPress Import and not by one of many “demo content plugins” as those may run by their own rules.



    Take a look here:

    Most time consuming assets a jQ/JS scripts and associated stylesheets. Most of them belong to installed plugins. IMHO it’s one of those things (or a combination of those factors):

    – some plugins are poorly written or interfere with each other (try disabling some and see what happens)
    – WP Super Cache misconfiguraion
    – your hosting is slow

    *EDIT* You also load a hell lot of jQuery libraries and style sheets. Maybe it would be good to combine and minimize them.

    Thread Starter Adam Czajczyk


    Found it.

    Just for future reference: the solution is:

    function my_change_shortcode($content) {
       preg_match_all('~\[my_shortcode.*\]~i', $content, $matches); //find all ocurrences of [my_shortcode] (even with attributes) within content
           all found shortcodes are in $matches array so here we may modifie them ass needed, like add make "[may_shortcode]<p id="msg">Hello World!</p>"
       end put it back into $content
      return $content

    after that normal shortcode handle goes and to change “<p id=’msg’>Hello World!</p> message the JS from inside the shortcode handler from my first post works just fine.

    Glad to help ??


    Probably it has something to do with Linux’es file permissions. Try setting it (only for the moment!) writable for everyone.

    At Linux console change to WP directory where the .htaccess is then

    chmod 0777 .htaccess

    Now try to set your permalink structure through WordPress and see again if .htaccess has been indeed upgraded. If yes, you’ve got your answer but you’ll also have to find such permissions combination that will let WP upgrade file and don’t let anyone/else write to it.

    Or – as the permalink structure is usually being set once and rarely changed – you may just give the file 0777, upgrade permalinks and then give the file 0444 which will prevent .htaccess from being written at all (it’s great for security, however may cause problems in future if some plugin will need to update it).


    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Медиа


    1. First, on top right of post edit screen you see “Screen options” (don’t know how it’s called in russian) – open it and look form “Featured images” (“Миниатюра…”) checkbox. If it’s unchecked, check it.

    2. If there’s no such option it means that your theme doesn’t support featured images. In such case open functions.php file of your theme and add this code (e.g. at the bottom):

    add_theme_support( 'post-thumbnails' );

    Save the file, refresh dashboard and in case it still doesn’t work go back to step 1.

    3. пишите на английском языке пожалуйста. Please use english on this forum.



    Did you check if the .htaccess is indeed upgraded (by manually displaying it like eg. cat .htaccess)? I’ve seen the case when WP said it was but it in fact wasn’t…



    If your theme is translation-ready search for .po and .mo files in theme folder (/wp-content/themes/your-theme-name). Those files let you translate all the messages displayed by theme (eg. “view all” or “read more”).

    Sometimes however designers put hardcoded text into the theme file (which is wrong by the way) and in such case there’s no way to translate them other than searching-and-replacing inside theme’s php files.

    More about translating WordPress (including themes and plugins) here:

    It it seems a little complicated to you check out the links at the bottom of this article.



    Not a good news but probably it IS issue with hosting. One of my host has a kind of security mechanisms that blocks particular IP (no access to website, mail or anything else) for an hour for example when someone trys to login to webmail and will fail 3 times. It is annoying but I’m not able to change it and now I just have to warn all my users to be extremly careful while using webmail.

    On the other hand it is good that the hosting team care for security of my data. I guess you may search your hosting admin panel for some settings – maybe you may switch it off. Anyway I’m pretty sure that it is some kind of security mechanism that thinks your Live editor is somekind of bot and blocks its IP.


    Great, glad to help!

    BTW could you please set thread as resolved? Thanks!



    Go to your text widgets, delete the AdSense code, then paste it again but this time before you save the widget remember to uncheck the “Automatically add paragraphs” box. Also before you paste and save the code check it for any “
    ” and other html tags other than those provided by AdSense itself.


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