Adam Czajczyk
Forum Replies Created
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Links redirecting wrongIn fact you probably DON’T have link in format Instead you have just – with ‘https://’ part missing. Check it again because such a behaviour is most often caused by missing protocol part of an URL (like “https://” or “https://”).
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How to have two widget areas with separate recent postsAgree with @leejosopho but you may also want to try this plugin:
It has a lot of cool features like sort order, limit posts to specific categories (which is as I understand what you need), thumbnail and excerpt display and more. I use it on many sites and it works like a charm.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Posts on Home Page doesn't show images/hyperlinks as previewHi Ruzalka!
Sorry for not getting back to you for such a long time, I just had some familly issues on the go, so I had to “switch-off” for a few days. Anyway, I gave some thougts to the problem and examined your site’s source once agains. I suggest you try this plugin:
Remember to go to plugin settings and turn on the extract image from post feature. What the plugin does is it search for image in many different ways including extracting the first image from post in case there’s no featured image set – and setting it as a post thumbnail.
Perhaps this will help. Please let me know.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Intelligent search?Yep, it works ?? That’s because your host doesn’t allow so called fopen_wrapper. Such a configuration prevents scripts from opening files by URL.
Later on I’ll update code on pastebin and plugin on dropbox so everyone would eventually be able to use properly working version ??
I’m glad I helped ??
/* UPDATE */
For everyone interested in this topic:Code on pastebin has been updated.
Here’s a proper plugin for download: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Intelligent search?that’s what I thought. Try adding this line:
$zipfile = str_ireplace(get_site_url().'/','',$zipfile);
right after
$zipfile = esc_attr( get_option('spyzip_file'));
and we’ll see what will happen ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Intelligent search?Grassmedia,
Would you please revert $csv = fgetcsv($zipfile) to $csv = file($zipfile)?
Then right below this line (before the loop) add:
echo "<pre>"; print_r ($csv); echo "</pre>";
Let me know, we’ll work it out step-by-step ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Intelligent search?Grassmedia,
I’ll get back to you later today and I hope we’ll find the problem ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Intelligent search?Andrew – sure! I hope everyone can benefit from our conversation.
Grassmedia – yes, it can be something with host. Although my code is rather simple in terms of php functions on purpose – just to be “universal” – there’s always a chance that there’s something in host config.
Anyway, give me a moment and I’ll think about it. I’m sure we’ll find the answer ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Intelligent search?Hi Grassmonkey!
IT’s a little strange, see it here: – it’s the same plugin from dropbox and your file (this time run in a real environment on WP. 4.1). There it clearly works.
It has to work, but as I said earlier it’s rather quick and dirty code meant to be a “skeleton” rather than the final product. Anyway I’ll go through the code once again and look for any glitches that may prevent it from working.
And could you perhaps let me look at the code modified by you?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Intelligent search?Hello again Grassmedia!
I’m sorry that I wasn’t able to get back to you sooner but due to some personal stuff I had to take care of other things. Anyway as I promised I’ve got you a little plugin for your proof-of-concept. It works quite well within my WP 4.0.1 testing site and with small amount of data.
I should warn you though, that I’m not quite sure how will it behave with thousands of lines of data inside csv file. I guess it should be ok but don’t be suprised if the search will be a little slower (although it shouldn’t).
Since the code itself is bigger than a few lines I’ve put it here for you (and anyone else who’d like to take a look):
A small note: this plugin is indeed a kind of, as you say, “proof of concept” with quite quick and dirty code. I wouldn’t use it on real (commercial) site as there’s no input data sanitization nor decent code optimization. In a word: it’s not a good coding. If you’d like to use it “for real” I think the code shoud be rewritten to match coding, security and efficiency standards. Also, the database from csv file should be imported into the WP mySQL database instead of simple file upload.
Despite that, the plugin does what you were expecting, so feel free to do with it whatever you want. There’s not much explanation inside the code but you should get the idea ??
Usage instruction is built-in and you’ll find it after installing plugin in “Settings” -> “ZIP Search” in your WP Dashboard.
Here’s another link for you, where you can download complete plugin, working and tested. Install it just like any other WP Plugin.
Good luck!
A.Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Posts on Home Page doesn't show images/hyperlinks as previewOk, and what will happen if you simply change the post format of “FLOWER TOP” to Gallery? Have you tried it? I know it’s a lot of “if” and questions but we can find the righ answer only by going step by step ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Posts on Home Page doesn't show images/hyperlinks as previewAll right, let’s take those two posts from homepage:
The first one doesn’t have an image on homepage but has in post and the second one has both. I can see that indeed in “FLOWER TOP” image is from outside of your blog, so the question is:
I guess in “WINTER GEOMETRIC SWEATSHIRT” the image is set as “Featured image” (otherwise known as thumbnail) and in “FLOWER TOP” it’s just added to the post content… am I right?
We’ll work it out ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Intelligent search?Ok ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Posts on Home Page doesn't show images/hyperlinks as previewHey Ruzalka,
What do you mean by “post preview on homepage” – you mean post excerpt? Could you paste an URL of your page?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Intelligent search?All right, so I’ll make a WordPress version for you, however I’m not sure if I’ll be able to do it for today – since my first posts some things came-up related to my daily job. If you’re all right with it I’ll make it for tomorrow afternoon.