I am brand new to WP and have little experience with CSS or PHP. I am trying to link the images on my website using the response from WPYoda, but I am still struggling to get it to work.
I am not sure if this can just be entered into Edit CSS, or do you have to make the changes in featured-box.php?
I am also confused on where you put the link you want it to redirect. I have tried it multiple times and just can’t get it to work.
My site is active and I have the pages already created that I want to redirect from the featured image, so if anyone could help I would be forever thankful.
Here is what I am trying to accomplish:
Image 1: Redirect to https://www.benwitt.com/mortgagecenter/conventional-5-down-wo-mi/
Image 2 & 3: Redirect to
Thank you!