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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Enabling Sending Referrers.Also: I just upgraded from 2005-01-06 nightly to the 2005-01-10 nightly and the problem persists. Was hoping that would fix it some how.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Enabling Sending Referrers.Well, like I said, I removed StatTraq, so it’s gone now.
And no, I can’t recreate the problem on RustyIndy’s test site, it works just fine for me. I can play around with it some more.
I deleted all the plugins from the directory, is renaming them some how different? When I re-uploaded them, they were all set as activated in the configuration, which I assumed is how it should work.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Enabling Sending Referrers.the wptest works for me.
Removed all of my plugins from my WP install, still doesn’t work. ;( I was hoping stupidity on my part would be the problem, but no dice. Great way to clean up your plugin dir, I can just put back what I need… course now my site will be broken due to inactivated plugins not being able to be activated again.
Crap, that was a bad idea. ;(
Oh, phew, they were automatically reactivated, nice. Yay!
(And I left StatTraq removed, but FYI, I never had any problems with it really aside from a blank referral showing up in the logs a lot for some reason.)
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Enabling Sending Referrers.Oh, that’s weird, I figured this problem was 1.5 specific.
What company are you hosted by jose?
Can you do me another favor jose, and list what plugins you have Activated in your plugin list?
(Mine: Adhesive, dtw_get_links_list, Get Custom Field Values, Spam Karma, StatTraq, Textile 1, Witty Text, WP Gallery, WP Plugin Manager)
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Enabling Sending Referrers.A few days ago, the eighth, I believe. Like I said before, it was working, then it suddenly wasn’t. As far as I am aware of, no changes were made to the configuration of the server and no changes were made by me to the WP install between the instances of WP working properly and WP not working properly. I can always email my host and ask them if there were any changes made to my machine between the seventh and the eighth, just to check.
(I’m hosted by 1&1 and use their Premier Professional package, so the likelyhood that it is some strange glitch in their systems seems very unlikely to me, but who knows.)
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Enabling Sending Referrers.Does NuclearMoose even read the threads he’s posting that damn link in? If I see that link again I’m going to gouge my eyes out of my head.
NuclearMoose: I think we’ve determined at this point that it is not a firewall problem, but thanks for saying it over and over again.
(Do I sense some denial here? “Maybe if we just ignore it, it will go away.”) I will guarantee the devs that if they release 1.5 and this problem isn’t given more thought then “obviously an end user problem”, this is probably going to be a lot more wide spread and you guys are going to have a big headache on your hands when the masses get their hands on 1.5 and half of them come flooding into these forums telling you that, yes, they’ve checked their firewalls eight thousand times and they’re pretty sure it’s not that.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Enabling Sending Referrers.MySQL: 4.0.20
WP: 1.5-beta-1 2005-01-06
I was going in maybe install the 2005-01-10 nightly and see if that fixes it but I really doubt it will, though I may at this point anyway.
BTW: Unlike someone’s problem above that only activated upon installing a newer build, my problem occured out of thin air, for no obvious reason, no apparent cause attached. One minute it was working just fine, next minute it just suddenly decided to stop working and hasn’t worked sense. Strangest thing ever, makes no sense to me.
(Also, why in the hell have no stores in my area gotten The Minish Cap in yet? Damnit.)
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Enabling Sending Referrers.I’m not sure if that’s the most secure idea, so I’ll pass on that unless a developer contacts me specifically.
As it is, as I stated in another thread, I had a good friend of mine (of five years) who lives across the United States from me try, and he encountered the same problem. Also, I tried on multiple computers at my work (various vanilla installs of Win2k, Win98, WinXP with IE) and had the same problem each time.
Perhaps if I made a new user account for you, but I would assume that is possibly blocked by the security as well so I wont even bother, I think.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Enabling Sending Referrers.Jose mentioned he was having the same problem here:
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Sending Referrers: PROOFMay everyone refer to:
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Enabling Sending Referrers.Hopefully this’ll be enough proof for everyone then that this isn’t a silly end user problem:
As can be seen there, referrers can easily be seen by my server. Unfortunately, for me, WP still is giving me the same error. I will paste the error text here as “proof” that I am still actually getting the error, even though I could probably type it from memory at this point: “Sorry, you need to enable sending referrers, for this feature to work.”
Thank you RustIndy for providing me with a better way to test my theory that this is a problem with WordPress and *not* myself. If required, I will even take a screenshot with my info.php right next to my WP install giving me an error.
So much for it being a “server configuration error” or “a problem with your firewall” ad nauseum. (Would it be too much for me to have a smug smirk on my face at this point? *looks around the room* No? OK, then I will go ahead.)
Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: Disable Referrer SecurityDeleted my wp-admin folder completely and re-uploaded… No dice. I think this is where I give up. ;(
If a developer (or macmanx, if you want) wants to contact me via AIM and discuss the possibility of them testing out my install themselves to see if they have the problem (effectively ruling out the possibility of it being my machine), please do so. My SN on AIM is ‘Amiantos’ … MSN would be ‘[email protected]’.
Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: Disable Referrer SecurityI think he was trying to say that playing on that demo works… Same for me, the demo works, no errors. Must be something quirked in my install. I will go through and see if I can spot any WP files that have changed since I uploaded that probably shouldn’t have. If that comes up with nothing, maybe I’ll just del-&-reupload all of the WP files.
Edit: Nothing has apparently changed in all my core WP files. I will re-upload everything folder-by-folder and test it and see if I can at least isolate a possible cause. I figure this should rule out whether it’s a WP-code problem… then I’ll go through all my plugins, removing one by one and testing for each one to make sure it isn’t one of those.
Course, if it ends up that the problem still exists afterwards, I would assume that means something is terribly wrong with my machine somewhere.
I wish I could have someone else log in to my install and see if they have the same problem.
Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: Disable Referrer SecurityLemme try a variety of sites, I know some torrent sites check referrers to download, and I’ve got a few other sites that I know do too…
Yeah, those all work… What could be causing it from inside WP? Anything I can eyeball or test? As far as I remember I didn’t enable/disable any plugins between the time it worked to the time it didn’t, and no other modifications otherwise, either.
Edit: Also, went ahead and followed macmanx’s advice above (indeed something I hadn’t tried, also, it was a bit of a strain, stupid back injury), clearing cookies and the cache, and that didn’t work. (Which I’m really happy about, because I was afraid he was going to be right and I would have to grovel. Course, it means it still doesn’t work, so really, I’m sad.)
Edit Again: I went ahead and tried the clearing cookies and cache inside IE, as well, and that didn’t work either. ;(
Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: Disable Referrer SecurityNone of the above… The only thing that occured inbetween the working and then not working was that I had opened Photoshop and TopStyle and worked on the design. My machine had been logged in about five days at the time the problem began and no system wide changes (or, really, any changes at all) occured before it started happening.
It doesn’t make any sense, and without any sort of indicators of why the problem might have started there can’t be a fix for it, which is why I’m not really asking for help to solve the problem, I’m just hoping there will eventually be an option to turn off that form of security, even if it has to be extremely moron-proof and disabled by going into some sort of complicated config file and changing a small setting.