Forum Replies Created
Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: Disable Referrer SecuritySuddenly occured yesterday, roughly in the afternoon, for no reason obvious to me.
About two days ago, I had the issue when deleting a post, but going back into Firefox’s options and enabling sending referrers fixed it. (I mentioned I disable it from time to time). Now, nothing I do will fix it.
macmanx: Thank you for your remarkable generosity, patience, and help. I hope you didn’t strain yourself when you spit that URL at me and then told me to shove off. …Not to sound ungrateful or anything.
Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: Disable Referrer SecurityDid I not just say I tried all of that? (Sure, by describing all the specific items, I suppose, but not by saying specifically that I’ve tracked down that page that is posted in every sending referrers post in this forum, so I guess I will say it specifically.)
Yes, yes I most certainly did.
(I will also specify that I have Kerio Personal Firewall, 4.1.2 and the option to disable referrals is under “Web” then “Privacy” and the option is called “Deny servers to trace web-browsing” and that I have the option UNchecked, but to further prevent problems, I actually have the master switch, “Enable web filtering” UNchecked as well, to disable all webfiltering. To even be more sure Kerio wasn’t the problem, I have even disabled the firewall completely, which didn’t work, and then even closed the firewall completely, which didn’t work either.)
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Enabling Sending Referrers.I second this, it should be an option we can turn off if we like by being leet and modifying a config file ourselves. Both of my browsers are set to send referrers and regardless of what I do it flipflops on deciding to work or not work. Very, very lame. ;( I can’t even switch themes to test out my new design.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: nobreakspace / validation issuesLooks to me like, and I’ve had this problem with my index, the latest build of 1.5 (maybe all of them?), the built in editor is rendering & … ; characters and then causing problems. If you go through and edit all the special characters back to the & … ; and then save it, the problems will disappear. But, if you go back in again and edit the file without re-replacing the characters, it will break again.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: DB Backup/Restore Script and WP1.5I have this same problem… Just to ‘me too me too’ this post.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Minor Emergency (thumb-in-post related)The problem was apparently with my webserver. I emailed my host and they’re like “Well everything seems to not be broken now, but we had some server issues last night I think, maybe, or something, maybe that was it.”
I think that was it. Very werid.
ala: I had similar problems to this when I first installed thumb-in-post, you have to make sure all your files, your uploads and your config, are publically accessable. I tried to block my thumb-in-post config by being opened by webbrowsers and that broke it. Check your permissions.Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Minor Emergency (thumb-in-post related)Looks like when I disable the thumb-in-post plugin, everything works fine. I upgraded to the very latest version and re-did the config and uploaded it, still no dice.
For the record, the errors I was getting on the main blog page were:
Warning: file( failed to open stream: Connection refused in /homepages/21/d88181703/htdocs/floated/wp-content/plugins/thumb-in-post9.php on line 15
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /homepages/21/d88181703/htdocs/floated/wp-content/plugins/thumb-in-post9.php on line 18
And when trying to access the WP Administration panel
Warning: file( failed to open stream: Connection refused in /homepages/21/d88181703/htdocs/floated/wp-content/plugins/thumb-in-post9.php on line 15
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /homepages/21/d88181703/htdocs/floated/wp-content/plugins/thumb-in-post9.php on line 18
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /homepages/21/d88181703/htdocs/floated/wp-content/plugins/thumb-in-post9.php:15) in /homepages/21/d88181703/htdocs/floated/wp-admin/index.php on line 13Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Minor Emergency (thumb-in-post related)This error is happening as well when I try to add spamwords via kitten’s spaminator, I can access the block URLs though the emails and see the prompts, but when I accept changes, it gives me errors about unable to open stream as something is already opening, or something like that. Rgh. Time to email my host I guess.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: New Anti-Spam toolAh, OK, I see, thanks.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: New Anti-Spam toolI wish there was some sort of vebosity so I could tell that it’s working, or a menu of some kind, has I just got flooded with spam and a lot of it go through the auto spam words auto block even though I just installed Spaminator. How does it work? How can I even know it’s working?
Nice, but it’s a bit chunky to have to go into the template every time to add in ISBN numbers. I’m not sure what the plugin architecture for WordPress allows for, but why not some sort of interface to add/remove ISBN numbers? Probably would need MySQL access unless you wrote it to plain text, of course…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: StatTraq ?It’s supposed to contain stats for individual entries but if you use the .htaccess accessing hacks, so you can get to posts via… then it doesn’t work. He’s currently working on a version in which that will work.
Pie charts are for sissies who can’t visualize ??Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: comments_template in 1.2.1?Figured this out, a lot of stuff has been changed between 1.2 and 1.2.1. Could have used a little advance warning about that, hehe, tons of stuff is broken.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Two Qs (Index display and Floats)That worked! Thanks Beel. You’re the best.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Thumb-in-Post v0.9Got it! Sweet.