Ok, I have solved it.
I have set the user in (etc/nginx/) nginx.conf and https://www.conf (under etc/php5/fpm) as “ftpuser”. It solved the problem.
To setup maxcdn.. follow these steps (mentioned in one of the threads)
1 – Enable MaxCDN within the W3 Total Cache plugin.
2 – Click the “I have MaxCDN’ button from within W3 Total Cache to generate your API keys. (API Consumer Key and Consumer Secret). Once those two keys are created, copy and paste them into the W3 Total Cache plugin.
3 – Find your ‘Alias’ … In MaxCDN, at the very top of the page, you will see icons for ‘Dashboard’, ‘Zones’, Report’, ‘Account’. Click on ACCOUNT. Here you will find your alias. Copy and paste that alias into the ‘alias’ field within your plugin.
3 – “Replace site’s hostname with:” … the first site should be the LONG URL provided by MaxCDN. Subsequent names can be the CNAME you generated.
4 – Make sure your IP is whitelisted.