Forum Replies Created

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  • I had a look, but it doesn’t seem to be that simple to fix it. One thing is the calls to “load_plugin_textdomain”. Those should happen in an init hook which is easy to change. But then, there are calls to __(), which also should not happen before the init call. Start by looking at the player_sizes include file. This sets up variables which are then called as globals. Not so easy to refactor, at least without better knowledge of this plugin’s code base.

    Thread Starter Ammaletu


    I enabled the debug mode, both the generic one and the plugin’s, and ran the scan. There were no errors logged and the plugin debug log looks ok.

    I think I found the cause, though: I actually forgot to mention that I have a WP multisite install. Looking at “WFCM_Monitor::check_changes_complete”, I can see that the plugin looks at different options, but never goes into the “! empty( $freshest_files )” part of the function. I looked at the database in the “wp_sitemeta” table, which is where “site options” are stored, and can’t see an enry by the plugin. Can it be that the plugin queries the sitemeta table, but actually never writes to it? A couple of lines down I see a call to “update_option”, which probably should be a “update_site_option”?!

    Thread Starter Ammaletu



    the reappearing changes are both core and plugin files. I think the easiest case are the deleted files. I removed a plugin, Website File Changes Monitor told me about it, and I told the plugin that I did this on purpose (by clicking “Mark as read”). So what should clicking this button actually do in the database?

    Looking at my database, “Mark as read” seems to always delete the rows from “wp_wfcm_file_events” table. This seems a bit strange, because how would the plugin then know that this message should not be shown again? And why is there an “event_read_status” column if the entry is deleted anyway?

    Skimming through the code, I’m a bit unclear about how this is supposed to work. For example, where is the result of the scan saved? There needs to be a record of the current state of all files to be able to compare against with the next scan. Otherwise, the plugin should not know about files I removed days ago anymore.

    Thread Starter Ammaletu



    thanks for the reply and the added filter possibility! I ended up deactivating the emoji support manually for now, but it’s nice to know that I could still use your plugin if disabling the emojis would change in future WordPress versions. Also, my smilies all have “noses”, so that’s probably why I don’t have any encoding problems so far. ??




    Hi Frank,

    same problem here. Glad I test all updates locally. Seeing as this breaks the whole site in a Multisite installation, I’d say it warrants a Bugfix release. ??

    Greetings from Bonn,

    Plugin Contributor Ammaletu


    Thanks for using the plugin. I know that there’s a lot of text on the option page. Making that easier to read and understand is on my to-do list.

    The first checkbox basically lets your server ask Gravatar, if there is a gravatar for a given mail address. If there isn’t, the plugin directly shows the default avatar icon. Visitors of the website don’t see the MD5 hash of the email address, but Gravatar does. I do trust Gravatar to not misuse these data, and there really is no other way at the moment to check if someone has a Gravatar or not.

    That being said, if a comment author or user has selected to not show a Gravatar, the plugin should not check for it. That would be rather pointless. That could mean something has changed with the WordPress internals and I need to fix this. I really hope to have some time for this plugin soon, to update it and check the functionality.

    Otherwise it could mean that you have a default avatar selected that is hosted by In that case the image is of course loaded from their servers. That’s especially true if you have a generated image as default avatar, e.g. Monster ID, Wavatar, Identicon. They look nice, but has to have the hash of the mail address to generate them. So if you don’t want calls to for users who opted out, make sure that you select as standard avatar either “no icon” or one of the three icons which I added beneath the default choices.

    Please let me know if that answers your questions. I will look into this (whether it’s a bug or not), but it might still take me a couple of weeks to finish a new release.

    Thread Starter Ammaletu


    Ok, so I had a look at the wayback machine. I originally subscribed to this feed, as linked on the plugin page: I’m not quite sure to which link I changed later. Otto is right, the feed on the plugin page has been the current URL since May 2012. Sorry, I should have kept that info before posting here. Maybe I did use the new tag feed link, and the recent support requests just aren’t tagged with the plugin name.

    Anyway, no need to discuss this any further, I think. It’s probably my fault for not paying enough attention to the news from May 2012. I’m sure I read the blog post that Otto linked above and checked the new support page out, but didn’t update my feed reader right there and then. Thanks for clearing this up. ??

    Thread Starter Ammaletu


    I’m sorry that I can’t tell for sure what the old URLs have been. I replaced them in my feed reader, and my memory for such details is not the best. Mika might be right, though, I think “extend” was part of the previous URL. The title of the feed is still “WordPress ? Support ? Tag: avatar-privacy – Recent Posts”, so what I originally put into my feed reader was a tag on the forum.

    In both cases where I replaced the old URL with a newer one, I simply took the link that Firefox loads when clicking on the feed/RSS button on the plugin support page. So I would think that the feed link did indeed change (or was originally redirected to something else). @otto: I don’t mean the feed for a single thread, but for all support threads for a plugin. Just saying, because it sounds a bit as if you misunderstood me.

    As for forwarding: I use Netvibes as feed reader. I don’t know for sure if Netvibes handles forwarding for feed URLs. Maybe it doesn’t, or maybe it does and I have been working with a forward until someone removed it after a couple of months?!

    Thanks Mika for the other URL. That works nicely. I also have already suscribed to

    Plugin Contributor Ammaletu


    First, apologies for answering so late. I largely rely on the RSS feed of the forum to know when someone posted a feature request, and changed the link to this feed AGAIN! ??

    Your idea certainly is very interesting. Personally, I have never used BuddyPress, so it didn’t even occur to me to add compatibility for it. It makes sense that BuddyPress users should be able to configure this on their profile page just like normal WP users, if this page indeed is a different page from a normal WP setup. I would need to setup a local installation of BuddyPress and have a look around.

    As for displaying the default avatar based on e.g. gender: Also a nice idea, but a bit more specialised. I’m not sure that this really belongs under the headline of “avatar privacy”. But still a nice idea, and I have added it to my todo list.

    Unfortunately, my job and family don’t really leave time for work on the plugin at the moment. I hope I do manage a simple update soon, to at least test it with the current WP release and bump the version number, but I can’t promise that I will be able to get to the BuddyPress part.

    If I do, do you have a local installation to check the plugin before I publish an update?

    Plugin Contributor Ammaletu


    First, apologies for answering so late. I largely rely on the RSS feed of the forum to know when someone posted a feature request, and changed the link to this feed AGAIN! ??

    As for your problem: It’s hard to tell without further information. “not showing” can mean a lot of things. Are you getting a 404 error for the image? Are other gravatar images displayed normally? Is the default avatar displayed when you change to one of the default “default avatar” images? It might also help to know your PHP and WordPress versions.

    If this problem still exists for you, can you point me at a URL where I can see the missing image? If you don’t want to post the URL here, drop me a line via

    Plugin Contributor Ammaletu


    Hi Mike,

    sorry for not answering sooner. I only just now noticed that changed the link to the RSS feed for the support topics. ??

    Regarding your proposal: Yes, that would be an interesting option. I am a bit cautious though to go down that road, as it seems quite a bit of work to get it right (saving the images on the server, implementing all kinds of cache and quota strategies) and right now I’m struggling to even find the time to bump the “compatible up to” info of the plugin. ??

    I’ll certainly keep this in mind, but I can’t make any promises.

    Greetings from Germany,

    The quotes are saved in the database, in a table called wp_quotescollection. You can edit and manage them via the WP backend. There’s a top-level menu entry called “quotes”.

    Thread Starter Ammaletu


    So, it turns out I fell for a beginner’s mistake. I updated the ‘stable tag’ entry in the readme.txt in trunk correctly, but forgot to change the ‘Version’ header field in the main PHP file of the plugin. So read the main PHP file in the tag director and found the version 0.1 there. Thinking, this tag directory contained a version 0.1 of the plugin, the button text was not changed and nobody got an update notification, even though the download was otherwise correct.

    Thanks to Otto for a super-fast answer on my question! He did a nice write-up of this and other possible mistakes:

    The Plugins directory and readme.txt files

    If you want to see the user photo where the WP backend and your theme display the gravatar, you need to check the “Override Avatar with User Photo” option on the plugin’s settings page. Then you should see the user photo where gravatars used to be for the registered blog users. I just tried it and found the plugin to work with 3.3.2. It generates a lot of notices though and doesn’t play well with themes like Twenty Eleven.

    Plugin Contributor Ammaletu


    get_headers() is a PHP function that returns information about remote content. The plugin uses it to check if a gravatar image exists (the first of the plugin’s settings). I built a check into the plugin because it might be disabled on some systems, and it seems it actually is disabled on yours. The check is triggered by saving the settings.

    Of course, if you want to use the new default avatars or the opt-in feature, you don’t need the get_headers function. The check should not be done then. I’ll correct this in the upcoming version of the plugin (working on it, but probably won’t be released before WP 3.4 finally is otu).

    For now, unless you intend to check the first checkbox (“Don’t publish encrypted E-Mail addresses for non-members of”), you can simply disable the check. Open avatar-privacy-options.php and remove or better comment-out lines 47 to 57 (the first part of the validate_settings function, up to the second comment).

    Thanks for using the plugin and for taking the time to contact me. ??

    Besides, the settings should save fine even if the error message is displayed. It at least works that way at my local test blog.

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