Hi, I’m also following Tyler Moore’s Instructions.
The problem I have with google fonts is that even though I use the css selector “.home-headline” i still cant control the headline. I’ve exactly followed his instructions though and idk where it all went wrong. For the subheading I used the css selector “.home-sub” and it worked perfectly fine so idk what I’m doing wrong.
Should i use another css selector??
Also since I can’t control the headline using theme typography i decided to control it using default typography but then not only does the home headline change but so does the title, every change I make to the home headline, also applies to site title and it’s really annoying.
Then I tried using the css selector “.entry-tile” and it changes the home headline without changing the site title but then when i try to change the spacing of the home title, the spacing of the site title also changes.
Idk why to do and I’m so frustrated atm.
Also i need to move the home headline upwards but it just doesn’t go up and down like it did in tyler moore’s video. Can anyone help with that??