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  • Plugin Author Oleg Goltsev


    Also the icons are not as distinguishable when you added your custom icons, because when you add a custom icon, the plugin removes text-shadow CSS property from other icons (they are just iconic font), so the can be consistent with your image icons.

    Without “text-shadow” shadow, the icons stand out less.

    Plugin Author Oleg Goltsev


    Hi, thank you for the kind words.

    Well, unfortunately there is no such ability in the plugin. You see, the icon size and their maximum amount (12) are design dependent, that’s they they have such specific size.

    (In future versions I will test a possibility to let user change their size.)

    What you can do now. Since the icon size is controlled by CSS, you need someone who knows CSS to change the size.

    Plugin Author Oleg Goltsev


    You’re welcome

    Plugin Author Oleg Goltsev


    Hi, I would reply in Russian, but other people are reading or will read this too.

    Okay, there is no problem in Chrome. The team section doesn’t work/show up in 3 browsers I use: Chrome, FireFox, Edge.

    The problem is in some conflict which is easy to fix. In short the plugin uses Wookmark.js to create such grid of members and it seems on your site it doesn’t set “width” property for members’ container.

    so add this CSS (for example via WP customizer) –

    .amoteam-tiles {
        width: 100%;

    It should fix the problem, on my end it does.

    (In future version I’ll add this in the plugin code too.)

    Plugin Author Oleg Goltsev


    Thank you for the review!

    Plugin Author Oleg Goltsev


    Hi tobylola,

    1. As I already answered in another topic –

    …as you may see such links to member pages are hidden everywhere inside the plugin. Because it’s not official functionality of the plugin, but I decided to leave it there (for SEO purpose), because it works fine on most themes.

    2. I’ll decide what to do with this functionality by the next update, BUT you can do what you need now. Here is the instruction:
    Go to your theme directory (preferably if you use “child theme”), make a copy of page.php (page template file) and rename the copy to single-amo-team.php.

    Now the member pages will use this template – “single-amo-team.php” to output content. And since it’s a copy of page.php you’ll get the result you need.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by Oleg Goltsev.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by Oleg Goltsev.
    Plugin Author Oleg Goltsev


    Thanks for the clarification and the links.

    Well, I think it’s just a coincidence, that you got the bug after plugin installation. It’s seems like a server/hosting error, or dev site configuration.
    The plugin can’t do 404 error for such admin pages, and even if there would be some conflict between the plugin and your theme it wouldn’t disappear by itself.

    Anyway thanks for the question.

    Plugin Author Oleg Goltsev



    What pages are 404 ones? Please give a few links to such pages. Where do you get the bug?

    Plugin Author Oleg Goltsev



    1. As you can see in the screenshot the plugin uses full width of the content container <main id="main">. And you won’t be able to fit 4 members in this container (it’s width 825px, even if you set member width to 200px (min width) there are margins between members of 20px so the result will be bigger than the site container.)
    So your theme doesn’t use full width of the site even if the sidebar is off.

    Please read the documentation and forum questions, I already answered on very similar questions many times (on how many members one can fit in a certain site element/container).


    Is there any support for AMO team plugin anymore?

    – This is a free plugin, which I support and update in my spare time. Sometimes I even answered one time in 10 days, when I was very busy with work.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by Oleg Goltsev.
    Plugin Author Oleg Goltsev




    The photos used for the thumbnails and panel are great, however the photos used on the AMO-Team created pagesare squashed as it’s displaying a 750×350 photo from a square photo (which is the requirment for the other two displayed images.

    This page is displaying the image created by WordPress setting or your theme code, and it’s not square –×350.jpg
    As you can see it’s exactly 750×350.

    2. There is no requirement for photos to be square to use in the plugin. They just have to be bigger than 640×640, so the plugin could make a square image with such dimensions from it. For example the image could be 1024×700 and the plugin still be able to crop square image with 640×640 dimensions from it.

    3. This page in your message comes from single.php in your theme, which is used for blog posts. So what image size is used there is decided by your theme, not the plugin, it has nothing to do with this page. Yes, this page outputs content created by plugin, but the plugin has no control over it, or how it’s presented.
    More over as you may see such links to member pages are hidden everywhere inside the plugin. Because it’s not official functionality of the plugin, but I decided to leave it there (for SEO purpose), because it works fine on most themes.


    Do you have any thoughts on how to edit the code to get the image on the amo-team featured image to display better?

    – You need to edit single.php of your theme because as I said that’s the page template, which outputs the content on such pages. So you need to edit it. Or maybe this image size is set in your WP settings and the page just uses “large” WP image size.

    Plugin Author Oleg Goltsev


    I understand the the latter is not ideal solution. As I said I’ll think about the implementation of email icon/link functionality again, in one of the future updates. (To busy at the moment with work.)

    Plugin Author Oleg Goltsev


    Hi Alan, thanks the kind words!

    1. As I remember I didn’t added it to the social media icons for a few, certain reasons. For example user won’t be able to see or copy email, if he doesn’t have email program associated with such links. But I’ll think about it again when time comes to another update.

    “Or even add it as a button when you click more information.”

    2. You can already have such functionality. You can use link post type for members, it has link icon on hover instead of “i” icon, but you can change the link icon to some email icon in plugin options.

    And in the link parameter of member use email link, like that – mailto:[email protected] instead of normal site link.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by Oleg Goltsev.
    Plugin Author Oleg Goltsev



    On my end both pages works fine. And all the members’ pictures are visible.
    So it probably was some caching problem on your site or on your hosting, try to clear your browser cache too.
    And on the plugin demo site it works with the latest version of WP, so no problem with that.

    But there are two other problems (see the screenshot):
    1. You need to use square images for round style of thumbnails, or images big enough so the plugin could crop 640×640 pixel square from it.
    2. You set custom info icon and then deleted it either on server on in WP media library and when I hover over the members there is no info icon.

    Plugin Author Oleg Goltsev


    Hi, thank you.

    Your theme uses MagnificPopup too, as the plugin do. And the theme overrides plugin’s CSS related to MagnificPopup (which the plugin uses for the panel).

    Your theme overrides it in so many places that generic fix, which I could include in the plugin wouldn’t fit here (it won’t benefit other users). I mean the issues are specific to your theme.
    So you if you can’t fix the CSS yourself and still want to use the plugin you’ll need to hire a developer to fix the CSS overrides.

    Plugin Author Oleg Goltsev


    Hi Sahara, on my end everything works and shows. No problems. Checked both in Chrome and Firefox.

    So try to clear your browser cache or ask another person to test the page, maybe it has problems only in your browser.

    As a sidenote –
    The images on the page loaded a little slow to me, but your hosting server may be located far away from me, and member thumbnails won’t show until images for them are are loaded.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by Oleg Goltsev.
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