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  • Plugin Author Oleg Goltsev



    First of all, please read this question/answer in the plugin’s FAQ – “When I click on member thumbnail nothing happens, the info panel doesn’t appear”.

    So it seems some other plugin or custom code on your site uses MagnificPopup.js (in its own way), and in support of this I found these lines in the HTML code of the page:

    var td_magnific_popup_translation_tPrev="Previous (Left arrow key)";
    var td_magnific_popup_translation_tNext="Next (Right arrow key)";
    var td_magnific_popup_translation_tCounter="%curr% of %total%";
    var td_magnific_popup_translation_ajax_tError="The content from %url% could not be loaded.";
    var td_magnific_popup_translation_image_tError="The image #%curr% could not be loaded.";

    (These lines are not from my plugin).

    That’s why you have the problem, if it’s a plugin try to disable it.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by Oleg Goltsev.
    Plugin Author Oleg Goltsev


    You’re welcome.

    Plugin Author Oleg Goltsev


    Hi vbacigal,

    Unfortunately there is no such option in the plugin and it won’t be an easy change, if you decide to customize the plugin code, because unique ids(for links) for members and their panels generated right before html output and needed to open certain panel for certain member.

    But that’s an interesting idea of using the plugin, and maybe I’ll implement it some of the future updates.

    Plugin Author Oleg Goltsev


    Privet Natalia,

    Yes, there are settings for that.

    1. Please refer to the plugin documentation for shortcodes. There are 2 shortcode parameters, which determine the size of the member thumbnail: item-width and full-width.

    2. If full-width is ON (set to “yes”), then item-width works as minimum width.
    And of course the size of container determine the width of member thumbnails if full-width is ON.

    3. If you use [amo_member] shortcode to output a few members, then you need to place all members you want to output in one shortcode (in its ID parameter) for proper size/width calculation of the thumbnails.

    4. In this topic on the forum you can find more thorough info on how things are calculated in terms of width/size of member thumbnails and their container –

    5. Most probably, there will be no other (additional) settings for size/width, these ones are responsive and works fine with current design.

    Hi sslazio1900,

    To be honest I don’t remember what was your question and my answer to it, but you can refer to the answer above, which I gave to Natalia and the links inside the answer for more thorough understanding of how things works in the plugin.
    P.S. thank you for your kind words about the plugin ??

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by Oleg Goltsev.
    Plugin Author Oleg Goltsev


    Вот это да! Спасибо!!! Неожиданно и очень, очень приятно)

    Вообще, конечно всегда приятно когда твой труд ценят. В общем, если что, обращайтесь / обращайся.

    Plugin Author Oleg Goltsev


    Да всё бывает :), пожалуйста.

    А я новую страницу донатов завел неделю назад, там можно выбрать рубли (RUB) вместо USD. А на старой да, только доллары можно было донатить, и это было неправильно, потому как во многих странах свои ограничения, например жителю РФ (мне) житель РФ может послать только рубли ??

    Plugin Author Oleg Goltsev



    Тут опять плагин Polylang и его использование.

    Что отображались все участники надо выбрать все языки – Скриншот 1, а не какой-то один.

    Если участники были созданы до использования Polylang они не привязаны ни к какому языку (Скриншот-2), и конечно не будут нигде отображаться. Это надо или их всех пересохранять для русского например или / и английского, ведь теперь использование полиленг для них включено по умолчанию.

    Или надо удалить файл wpml-config.xml из папки плагина, это отключит автоматическое использование Polylang для них, а вручную это можно будет опять включить в настройках Polylang (как я отвечал в этой теме форума – Multilanguage support)

    Plugin Author Oleg Goltsev


    Thank you very much!

    Plugin Author Oleg Goltsev


    Hi mdhesi.
    Thanks for the suggestion.
    Just read your message so the addition won’t get into the current update, only into the next one.

    Plugin Author Oleg Goltsev


    Great to hear that!

    You’re welcome!

    Plugin Author Oleg Goltsev


    You’re welcome Svenntie. The update is ready.

    Plugin Author Oleg Goltsev


    Or you may wait several hours, and then download a new version of the plugin, 1.1.3.

    I decided to remove # from href attribute of member link, this both fixes your problem (usage of a “scroll to” script) and magnific pop-up conflict (in about 90% of cases).

    So thanks to you I was able to find a solution for this problem.

    Plugin Author Oleg Goltsev


    Hi, thanks for the question.

    1. The demo site was long ago updated to 4.9. It showed 4.8.3 because this was a cached page.

    2. The info panel works fine on WP 4.9 (you can check the demo site again).

    3. There is no other version of MagnificPopup.js file on this page. So it something else causes the problem.
    And I think I found it. If you scroll the page at the bottom and try to click on any member thumbnail the page will slowly scroll to it.
    You have scroll-to-anchor plugin on your site and it seems it uses links in member thumbnails, which placed there to open the panel as links for site scrolling. So try to deactivate the plugin (scroll-to-anchor) and I almost sure this will fix things.

    Plugin Author Oleg Goltsev


    You’re welcome Andrea.

    Plugin Author Oleg Goltsev


    День добрый, в общем в настройках полилэнг (смотрите скриншот надо поставить галочки) напротив Team Members и Categories.

    Добавил файл wpml-config.xml, так что в следующей версии плагина не придется этого делать, автоматически будет активирован перевод для категорий команд, и членов команд.

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