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  • Plugin Author Oleg Goltsev


    Thanks for the additional info Roman, it will definitely help.

    Plugin Author Oleg Goltsev


    Hi romchik777,

    Thank you for your report.

    Yes, there are dozens of thousands WordPress plugins out there and some of them doesn’t work well together.

    But I’ll definitely check the issue (that won’t be soon though, too busy at the moment). If the problem is generic in nature and may prevent work of the plugin with most of the other plugins, then I’ll try to fix it. But if the issue is specific to Bootstrap Shortcodes plugin or reside in it, then I won’t try to fix the problem.

    Please describe what exactly doesn’t work, what kind of incompatibility is in place?

    Plugin Author Oleg Goltsev


    Thank you very much, for such great feedback and nice words.
    Molte grazie.

    Plugin Author Oleg Goltsev



    1. There is no option to disable hover effect. But you can write your own CSS to do it.

    2. In both documentation and plugin page you can see FAQ. There is a question – “How to display team members in a certain order?” Please check it out.

    Plugin Author Oleg Goltsev


    Hello Jan,
    Thank you for this explanation, you’re 100% right, I didn’t thought about this from such perspective. So I agree, and will never ask for login information again. Thanks again.

    Jacqueline, unfortunately I wasn’t able to help you with this, because on my end I couldn’t get the same problem. But when I will be able to update the plugin (very busy with work now) I will test things more.

    Plugin Author Oleg Goltsev


    Hi Jacqueline,

    Thanks for additional info and for creating the post here on support forum.

    I downloaded free version of “One Press”, installed and activated the plugin, as you can see in the screenshot below the Customizer works fine on my end, maybe you use not free / paid version of this theme? If so, please send it to my email address (for testing purposes).

    Screenshot –

    Plugin Author Oleg Goltsev


    BTW, in case you don’t know, don’t change plugin’s CSS directly, or all your changes will be deleted on plugin’s update. You could add your CSS to WP Customizer, into its “Additional CSS” section (for example).

    Plugin Author Oleg Goltsev



    Well, here is the CSS selector, it is easy to find it so I wonder how you could miss it ??

    .amoteam-member-info {
        bottom: 3.8%;

    But it won’t help you much because both member element (<li>, .amoteam-tiles__item) and its parent (<ul>, .amoteam-tiles) have overflow: hidden setting. You need to disable it too.

    But if you do that and move the Name and Position below member thumbnail it won’t look good. What I would recommend is to hide person Position/Subtitle in member thumbnail with CSS. But leave it in the panel.
    Selector for position – .amoteam-member-subtitle

    Or you could make the color of name and position semi-transparent.
    Also you could enlarge the member thumbnails.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by Oleg Goltsev.
    Plugin Author Oleg Goltsev


    Hi tomtwdesigns,

    There is way to align list centrally (center horizontally) but no the way you mean. For example if there would be only 2-3 items in the whole list (so they wouldn’t take full width of container), then you could specify align=”center” in the shortcode and they will be centered horizontally.

    So in your case you can do this:

    1. Separate members by 2 shortcodes, using either categories attribute for the shortcode or id attribute and Team Member shortcode . First shortcode will have all the members except those 2 at the bottom. The second shortcode will output just those 2 members.

    2. Then you can set align=”center” for the second shortcode, which have only 2 members.
    Thus you’ll achieve what you want.

    Plugin Author Oleg Goltsev


    Hi Matthew, first of all thank you for all those great words about the plugin.

    1. But yes, you’re right (about stretching purpose of the plugin). And also I doubt that many people use the plugin the same way like you, that’s a very specific use and plugin needs to be as general-use as possible to fit most people. What I could suggest you, is to hire a developer who could customize the plugin for you. That’s what usually people do when they require such specific functionality.

    2. Meanwhile the plugin lacks very basic things in its functionality (which many other team plugins have), things that most users require, and these are the things on which I’ll focus my efforts in the next year or so.

    Best Regards,

    Plugin Author Oleg Goltsev


    Hi shanjie, you’re welcome.

    As you can see there are no such options in the plugin. So obviously, such changes would require custom HTML/PHP and CSS work, customizing of existing code and creating a new one.

    Of course I can’t help you with that. I don teach CSS, PHP or custom WordPress development in this forum, and I don’t create custom design/code for certain users.
    I just support the plugin.

    Plugin Author Oleg Goltsev


    Hi nadbuchanan, thanks!

    Hi wavicle. Yes, many people require this feature, it’s #1 on my list of possible features / updates. I hope I’ll be able to update the plugin in September, currently busy with work. Thanks for suggestion.

    Plugin Author Oleg Goltsev



    1. If you refer to plugin’s documentation you will see that minimum width of member thumbnail/tile is 200px (due to design limitations, for example we have text with person name and subtitle inside thumbnail)

    2. Let’s assume that your theme’s/site’s content container takes full browser window width, but with 20px pudding (CSS term) from both left and ride sides.

    3. Let’s take for example iPhone 6 (normal one, not Plus version). Its CSS resolution (not physical, but in CSS pixels) is 357×667 in portrait mode.
    Since minimum width of member thumbnail/tile is 200px we can’t put even 2 member side by side.

    4. Now let’s rotate the iPhone to landscape mode of view. Now its CSS resolution is 667×357.
    667 – 20px – 20px (left and right padding inside your site container) = 627px.
    Next, if we assign 200px value to member thumbnail min-width parameter in shortcode and 30px value to space between them parameter, we will be able to fit 2 members in row inside the site container.
    627px – 200px – 200px – 30px

    So basically whether you can or can’t fit a few members in a row, depends on container in which put them (and its CSS paddings / margins), and on thumbnail min width setting and on space between them setting.

    Again, please refer to documentation .

    Here is the screenshot from plugin demo, I use Chrome’s mobile “simulation” and iPhone 6 dimensions, landscape mode, and there are 2 members in one row –
    (Their min width parameter in demo is 250px.)

    Plugin Author Oleg Goltsev


    Hi Davidjos,

    Thank you, for the nice words.

    The issue has nothing to do with iPad or Safari browser, I was able to get the same effect on my desktop PC/laptop (when I shrink browser window), here is the screenshot –

    Most probably the plugin grid system (produced by Wookmark.js) doesn’t get along with this Fusion plugin (which creates column layout) or your theme.

    When I’ll have time for plugin update, I further investigate the issue, maybe if I’ll be able to find something that could be helpful for all the plugin users.

    Plugin Author Oleg Goltsev


    Hi ferguior,

    Thank you.

    1. I didn’t quite get what you mean. If you mean white background, then it’s not under the image but under all the content in the panel/pop-up.
    2. As with any such customization, you need to write your own custom CSS to hide things.

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